Since the squeeze sizing will increase along with stack depth, we generally want to avoid calling 77 in this spot. If the sizing remained the same but the stack increased to say 60bb, I would be calling.
when you say you like the big or size when you were short covered, how about bigger than that, like x2.7 or x3 (you were with 14k from 25k startint stack)?
Yeah I think bigger makes sense too, it just depends on how many different open sizes do you want to have in your strategy. I am looking to add an additional chapter to my PKO course about RFI and 3bet sizings soon.
3:00 Top Middle, you called 3bet with AQo and went for checkraise on AT3r, saying that your bluff range includes 44. I didn't really understand why we could have 44 that goes for checkraise until I saw the turn river, does that mean you can see the next cards before your opponent? jk don't answer that
But seriously what you said on the turn was unexpected, with that SPR I thought it's just a standard jam but turns out it does matter to bet small and give opponent a choice to do something else with their KK QQ JJ or (KQJ) instead of snap folding.
Also these videos of a real grinding session are great, showing actions on multiple tables at the same time while explaining all small random spots that we encounter without pulling the Solver for every hand. It feels more realistic and shows how you actually play/improvise in real time.
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My favorite type of video!
Was also looking forward to seeing you bust a bunch of tables, do you really need to skip that part? :D
Haha the point isn't to skip the busting but I can't do a review of my whole session otherwise I will be still working on the same series in 2024 :D
Hi Alex. Enjoying this series!
13:15 table 1 77 what is the effective stack depth needed to make calling the squeeze ok?
Since the squeeze sizing will increase along with stack depth, we generally want to avoid calling 77 in this spot. If the sizing remained the same but the stack increased to say 60bb, I would be calling.
when you say you like the big or size when you were short covered, how about bigger than that, like x2.7 or x3 (you were with 14k from 25k startint stack)?
Hey, not sure exactly which spot you are referring to
I mean in general, but for example 99 43:44
Yeah I think bigger makes sense too, it just depends on how many different open sizes do you want to have in your strategy. I am looking to add an additional chapter to my PKO course about RFI and 3bet sizings soon.
3:00 Top Middle, you called 3bet with AQo and went for checkraise on AT3r, saying that your bluff range includes 44. I didn't really understand why we could have 44 that goes for checkraise until I saw the turn river, does that mean you can see the next cards before your opponent? jk don't answer that
But seriously what you said on the turn was unexpected, with that SPR I thought it's just a standard jam but turns out it does matter to bet small and give opponent a choice to do something else with their KK QQ JJ or (KQJ) instead of snap folding.
Also these videos of a real grinding session are great, showing actions on multiple tables at the same time while explaining all small random spots that we encounter without pulling the Solver for every hand. It feels more realistic and shows how you actually play/improvise in real time.
Thank you for your comment! Yes, of course being able to see the turn and river is a mandatory requirement for choosing your flop bluffs
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