your videos are always filled with tricky spots and creative lines, good job!
regarding the AQ94(nut flush) hand where you go for the x-r on the river...
your line makes sense and probably maximizes the value vs a big part of the field, but when we choose pot as our x-r-sizing it gets dicey picking any other bluffing hands than the As and the Ks. there arent a lot of naked Ace blockers in your co-call-3b-range right? and the Ks is not as effective as he could still have checked back the NFD (or have the blocker himself knowing that you are bluffing). assuming you have air/1pair on the turn and decide to bluff, with one of those two blockers, do you give up your bluffs on the river? if we are betting turn and checking the nut flush on the river, we either have to give up our bluffs a lot on the river or split our range which gets difficult to balance. just curious how you solve this since you seem very competent regarding balance. i guess As:(5,2,3) no flush or AxKs:(5,2,3) no flush makes sense as bluff turn (if we dont have a straight on the turn already) and then x-r bluff the river assuming his range is basically only flushes....but there are more combos of big flush blocker hands (1-pair or 2-pair on the river) than there are straights and flushes.
Totally agree that getting perfectly balanced gets annoyingly hard , in this particular spot when he decided to bet small I think we can throw a lot of our high spade blockers as a bluff (intuitively playing exploitative here seems a better idea if we think opp will not station us). I would not be worried to bluff with Ks just because he could have Ass , specially when his range is a lot wider than this.
Im on the phone right now , but my guess is that our range that bets turn , and check rivers doesnt contain ton of Ks,As !ss that are worse than str8/sets , thats why intuitively im thinkingthat we should bluff all our Broadway spade blockers and VB all oir Kss,Ass and thid should be close to 2:1 ratio value:bluff.
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your videos are always filled with tricky spots and creative lines, good job!
regarding the AQ94(nut flush) hand where you go for the x-r on the river...
your line makes sense and probably maximizes the value vs a big part of the field, but when we choose pot as our x-r-sizing it gets dicey picking any other bluffing hands than the As and the Ks. there arent a lot of naked Ace blockers in your co-call-3b-range right? and the Ks is not as effective as he could still have checked back the NFD (or have the blocker himself knowing that you are bluffing). assuming you have air/1pair on the turn and decide to bluff, with one of those two blockers, do you give up your bluffs on the river? if we are betting turn and checking the nut flush on the river, we either have to give up our bluffs a lot on the river or split our range which gets difficult to balance. just curious how you solve this since you seem very competent regarding balance. i guess As:(5,2,3) no flush or AxKs:(5,2,3) no flush makes sense as bluff turn (if we dont have a straight on the turn already) and then x-r bluff the river assuming his range is basically only flushes....but there are more combos of big flush blocker hands (1-pair or 2-pair on the river) than there are straights and flushes.
any thoughts would be appreciated. thanks!
First of all thanks for ur comment !
Totally agree that getting perfectly balanced gets annoyingly hard , in this particular spot when he decided to bet small I think we can throw a lot of our high spade blockers as a bluff (intuitively playing exploitative here seems a better idea if we think opp will not station us). I would not be worried to bluff with Ks just because he could have Ass , specially when his range is a lot wider than this.
Im on the phone right now , but my guess is that our range that bets turn , and check rivers doesnt contain ton of Ks,As !ss that are worse than str8/sets , thats why intuitively im thinkingthat we should bluff all our Broadway spade blockers and VB all oir Kss,Ass and thid should be close to 2:1 ratio value:bluff.
But need to run sims to confirm this.
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