Alex Theologis when you have any two spots, are you jamming any two cards all the time or do you also do some inducing with JJ+ and maybe balance that with crap? Have seen some pio solutions where its recommended to 3x with nuts and bottom and jam the rest.
When you jam any two for 30bb (like in the video) in any two spots... at which stacksize do you stop jamming any two, so you might change your sizing instead of jamming to an NAI sizing?
Would be very interested in the reply, very appreciated
Alex I am also interested in your approach to these spots. There was a lengthy discussion on this topic in one of Luc Greenwood's videos ( with the result being everyone going home with their opinion...
The spot in the video could have easily been solved with a PIO sim, but for spots outside of BvB what is your take on jamming ATC where we are allowed to, vs splitting our range. Once we split, we are usually not able to open range anymore, so do you think the EV we gain from not getting in a lot of chips with crap by implementing RFI strategies overcompensates for us having to fold some %% of our range vs just jamming ATC?
I'm afraid there is no clear answer. It really depends on stack distribution, player type, tournament type (even though icm is the same, people play differently on big55 and on a scoop ft so we should adjust accordingly). I don't think we should look at it from a stack size standpoint but from an EV standpoint instead. The 72o jam was printing, but the k5o jam was very marginal even though the stacksizes were shallower in the k5 hand. There is also the fact that our opponents don't really know what we're doing so it's pretty tough for them to be able to exploit us.
Finally, regarding solving the bvb spot with PIO - Sure, that is obviously possible, but that takes many assumptions. 72o being a higher ev r/f than jam for example will depend on our opponent playing a certain way pre and post flop which he might or might not do and if we start tweaking things the evs will change, whereas jamming preflop only requires the assumption of his calling range, not if he calls 2nd pair vs turn 70% pot bet. And generally, the less assumptions we have to make in high $ev spots the better, because assumptions are just that - assumptions, which can very often be incorrect.
Sorry for anyone experiencing errors with this video. If your device is automatically playing the 1080p version of the video then you will have experienced issues. The 720 version was working properly which is why some people had issues while others did not. We've corrected the issue with the 1080p version and it should be working properly now. Please email me at if you're still having issues.
at 28.00 do you get to fold out better Ax?and should they fold better Ax? every Ax has some sort of backdoor on this flop. I know personally I'm not folding worse than A4 here HU. love you videos by the way, have watched them all and this is the first minor thing I've thought differently on
Hey Pwndidi, thanks for the great video. You are currently my favorite RIO coach for MTT content. Can you elaborate a little more on range checking sb vs bb when you had 6h6d on 824hhh at 17:25?
Alex Theologis - Well, I'm glad I came back and finished watching the rest of the video after the technical issues have been resolved; really great stuff! I agree with what hapagto mentioned in their comment above about you being their favorite RIO MTT coach. In fact, you are the only MTT coach that I watch consistently and am always excited when you release a new video.
As a cash-game player I don't feel right making any video requests from you, but my "tournament-player-friendly" request is for you to please release more videos where you talk about poker and poker hands in depth. You really shine in your analyses and there's a very simple reason why I will continue to watch every video that you produce despite you focusing on tournament play, and that very simple reason is this: your teaching/coaching improves my cash-game play. =)
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You (RIO video team) will have to re-upload. Starting from 4.30 the vid has glichtes.
Really great content as before Alex!
the video is having glitches. the video gets struck continously after 4min
I will notify the team asap, thank you and sorry :)
Alex Theologis when you have any two spots, are you jamming any two cards all the time or do you also do some inducing with JJ+ and maybe balance that with crap? Have seen some pio solutions where its recommended to 3x with nuts and bottom and jam the rest.
When you jam any two for 30bb (like in the video) in any two spots... at which stacksize do you stop jamming any two, so you might change your sizing instead of jamming to an NAI sizing?
Would be very interested in the reply, very appreciated
Alex I am also interested in your approach to these spots. There was a lengthy discussion on this topic in one of Luc Greenwood's videos ( with the result being everyone going home with their opinion...
The spot in the video could have easily been solved with a PIO sim, but for spots outside of BvB what is your take on jamming ATC where we are allowed to, vs splitting our range. Once we split, we are usually not able to open range anymore, so do you think the EV we gain from not getting in a lot of chips with crap by implementing RFI strategies overcompensates for us having to fold some %% of our range vs just jamming ATC?
I'm afraid there is no clear answer. It really depends on stack distribution, player type, tournament type (even though icm is the same, people play differently on big55 and on a scoop ft so we should adjust accordingly). I don't think we should look at it from a stack size standpoint but from an EV standpoint instead. The 72o jam was printing, but the k5o jam was very marginal even though the stacksizes were shallower in the k5 hand. There is also the fact that our opponents don't really know what we're doing so it's pretty tough for them to be able to exploit us.
Finally, regarding solving the bvb spot with PIO - Sure, that is obviously possible, but that takes many assumptions. 72o being a higher ev r/f than jam for example will depend on our opponent playing a certain way pre and post flop which he might or might not do and if we start tweaking things the evs will change, whereas jamming preflop only requires the assumption of his calling range, not if he calls 2nd pair vs turn 70% pot bet. And generally, the less assumptions we have to make in high $ev spots the better, because assumptions are just that - assumptions, which can very often be incorrect.
GeeTeeOh pranavbang OMGIsildurrrrman12
Sorry for anyone experiencing errors with this video. If your device is automatically playing the 1080p version of the video then you will have experienced issues. The 720 version was working properly which is why some people had issues while others did not. We've corrected the issue with the 1080p version and it should be working properly now. Please email me at if you're still having issues.
at 28.00 do you get to fold out better Ax?and should they fold better Ax? every Ax has some sort of backdoor on this flop. I know personally I'm not folding worse than A4 here HU. love you videos by the way, have watched them all and this is the first minor thing I've thought differently on
Thank you! I think against half pot a5-a9 might get to fold but I agree they very often might not, I spoke too fast :)
Hey Pwndidi, thanks for the great video. You are currently my favorite RIO coach for MTT content. Can you elaborate a little more on range checking sb vs bb when you had 6h6d on 824hhh at 17:25?
Alex Theologis - Well, I'm glad I came back and finished watching the rest of the video after the technical issues have been resolved; really great stuff! I agree with what hapagto mentioned in their comment above about you being their favorite RIO MTT coach. In fact, you are the only MTT coach that I watch consistently and am always excited when you release a new video.
As a cash-game player I don't feel right making any video requests from you, but my "tournament-player-friendly" request is for you to please release more videos where you talk about poker and poker hands in depth. You really shine in your analyses and there's a very simple reason why I will continue to watch every video that you produce despite you focusing on tournament play, and that very simple reason is this: your teaching/coaching improves my cash-game play. =)
Thanks again, Alex!
Great series Alex, thank you!
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