Thank you! I think it looks fine, JTo should be strong enough to gii vs the 1bb jam, people behind will have to fold many stronger hands and still doubling up watnlos isn't bad for bit2easy at all since he can then pressure people a lot with watnlos having 5bb
38:02, you show the range that bit2easy can jam and the range you can call which is KK/AA. What if we adjust the range so that Bit2Easy doesn't jam his premiums and he 3-bets them instead and then we can add some 3-bet bluffs. I assume this will really increase our call range? There would also be some future EV in calling/winning in that you're a slight chip leader and also can't be punished as much with bit2easy on your direct left moving forward.
What do you think of calling wider than KK/AA here given my thoughts above?
Your points certainly make sense, however I think bit2easy's range will in reality be fairly different than HRC's and won't be nearly as wide. By removing top and bottom we can squeeze in a call with QQ too but not any wider than that, the risk of busting isn't worth the reward.
9:45 : Can you elaborate more on why AK can't Raise/call? I would have think that despite ICM AKo is strong enough to induce and call all in but would have push AQo .
Hey, the answer is pretty much "because maths". For example, given a TT+ AQ+ sb jamming range, we can barely call QQ (even AKs losing). Against a bb jamming range of 77+, AJ+, suited broadways, t9s+ we can call JJ+ AKs etc.
Hey, Alex Theologis - Unsurprisingly (at this point), another excellent video, thank you!
You don't have to divulge any information that you don't wish to, but since you mentioned that the next video will likely be the last in this series what sorts of videos are you planning on releasing in the future? I only ask because there are coaches who seemingly produce every kind/type/style of video, and those who generally stick to the same format each video, and while I have developed a great amount of confidence in your abilities and will be tuning in regardless, I am still a little curious/excited about what to be expecting from you in the future. And if you prefer to simply leave it a mystery until then, no worries! Thanks, Alex!
great stuff!
one of the better videos iv'e seen lately for sure
loved that HRC stuff
I would have liked to see you go through river strategy on the 76647 board, both from OOP and IPs perspective
@9:45 - AKo open jam, at monker solver sims it doesn't seem to ever open jam that many BBs from that position at similar stacks distribuition, and it does raise/call AKo. Do you think that it's because of the amount of bluff jams that happen behind at equilibrium, and do you think that once it's nodelocked to bluffing less, it would then build an open jamming range to include AKo, instead of just raise/folding it ?
Yeah I think this has a lot to do with monker generally not jamming a lot and going for a more 3bet heavy strategy, whereas in reality people simply jam (I can see all 5 players having a jamming range, even bit2easy after watnlos opens). I ran an HRC sim and posted the answer above : For example, given a TT+ AQ+ sb jamming range, we can barely call QQ (even AKs losing). Against a bb jamming range of 77+, AJ+, suited broadways, t9s+ we can call JJ+ AKs
5-6min pio likes to bluff missed FD on the river as OOP and it is certainly highest EV play (Chip EV); Having spades actually better(well close to being same) here than having 2 napkins as it unblocks villain folding range(cause spades bluffing turn IP pretty often) and blocks calling K6ss and K2ss.
Alex, thank you for your content. I really enjoy your style of explanation. Could you explain why at 9:46 watnlos could not raise/call from LJ with the AKo 19bbb?
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Loved the vid and especially these "standard" comments
10'15 what do you think about the iso of Bit2easy which doesnt seem intuitive? By the way great video again Alex !
Thank you! I think it looks fine, JTo should be strong enough to gii vs the 1bb jam, people behind will have to fold many stronger hands and still doubling up watnlos isn't bad for bit2easy at all since he can then pressure people a lot with watnlos having 5bb
Fantastic video!
You make some really great content and I'm always looking out for your next video !
38:02, you show the range that bit2easy can jam and the range you can call which is KK/AA. What if we adjust the range so that Bit2Easy doesn't jam his premiums and he 3-bets them instead and then we can add some 3-bet bluffs. I assume this will really increase our call range? There would also be some future EV in calling/winning in that you're a slight chip leader and also can't be punished as much with bit2easy on your direct left moving forward.
What do you think of calling wider than KK/AA here given my thoughts above?
Thanks for the great content!
Your points certainly make sense, however I think bit2easy's range will in reality be fairly different than HRC's and won't be nearly as wide. By removing top and bottom we can squeeze in a call with QQ too but not any wider than that, the risk of busting isn't worth the reward.
9:45 : Can you elaborate more on why AK can't Raise/call? I would have think that despite ICM AKo is strong enough to induce and call all in but would have push AQo .
Thx for the vid.
Hey, the answer is pretty much "because maths". For example, given a TT+ AQ+ sb jamming range, we can barely call QQ (even AKs losing). Against a bb jamming range of 77+, AJ+, suited broadways, t9s+ we can call JJ+ AKs etc.
Hey, Alex Theologis - Unsurprisingly (at this point), another excellent video, thank you!
You don't have to divulge any information that you don't wish to, but since you mentioned that the next video will likely be the last in this series what sorts of videos are you planning on releasing in the future? I only ask because there are coaches who seemingly produce every kind/type/style of video, and those who generally stick to the same format each video, and while I have developed a great amount of confidence in your abilities and will be tuning in regardless, I am still a little curious/excited about what to be expecting from you in the future. And if you prefer to simply leave it a mystery until then, no worries! Thanks, Alex!
Thank you for your nice words. Truth is I am not really sure what the next topic will be yet, I'll work on it this week!
Great content, please stop making videos :D
Excellent video. All of the hrc sims were very helpful in showing just how much rngs change with icm.
great stuff!
one of the better videos iv'e seen lately for sure
loved that HRC stuff
I would have liked to see you go through river strategy on the 76647 board, both from OOP and IPs perspective
Hey Alex, thanks for the video!
@9:45 - AKo open jam, at monker solver sims it doesn't seem to ever open jam that many BBs from that position at similar stacks distribuition, and it does raise/call AKo. Do you think that it's because of the amount of bluff jams that happen behind at equilibrium, and do you think that once it's nodelocked to bluffing less, it would then build an open jamming range to include AKo, instead of just raise/folding it ?
Yeah I think this has a lot to do with monker generally not jamming a lot and going for a more 3bet heavy strategy, whereas in reality people simply jam (I can see all 5 players having a jamming range, even bit2easy after watnlos opens). I ran an HRC sim and posted the answer above : For example, given a TT+ AQ+ sb jamming range, we can barely call QQ (even AKs losing). Against a bb jamming range of 77+, AJ+, suited broadways, t9s+ we can call JJ+ AKs
5-6min pio likes to bluff missed FD on the river as OOP and it is certainly highest EV play (Chip EV); Having spades actually better(well close to being same) here than having 2 napkins as it unblocks villain folding range(cause spades bluffing turn IP pretty often) and blocks calling K6ss and K2ss.
Alex, thank you for your content. I really enjoy your style of explanation. Could you explain why at 9:46 watnlos could not raise/call from LJ with the AKo 19bbb?
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