Alex Theologis - I love when some common poker concept that I've been aware of for years is refreshed in a way that makes it make even more sense. This seems to happen in your videos, even though I'm not (yet!) a tournament player. For example, @12:32: "I'm doing bad against his bluffs and I'm doing bad against his value, therefore we just let our hand go." I mean, it's like poker "common sense," for sure, but at the same time it helped me understand some things just a little more clearly.
Thanks for the video, and I look forward to the next one!
At 9:10, Tonka 'shoves' half his stack with 88 UTG. Was curious if this is something solvers do? Or if people just started doing it because it makes sense to them.
It is very hard to simulate this in a solver because of all the variables and different options for each player, but it's mostly a win-win situation for the "jammer"
Spectacular content. Clear, concise explanations. You do not repeat yourself as many others do. You get your point across and deliver top quality content. You've become my favorite content producer and I really need to thank you for that.
Keep up the good work mate, Impressed both by the poker, teaching and presenting skills.
Thank you. I think x/jam will work pretty well yeah, I don't see anything wrong with it. As for 3bet/folding with that shallow stacks, yes, but the range has to be very carefully selected because the value range that would want to do that is extremely thin (QQ+ in some cases KK) so we can only bluff very little.
@3:00 - how does the possibility of him not jamming the best hands and raise/calling instead could hurt the EV of all these marginal hands ? if he opens JJ+ AQs, AKo, or something like this, than 66 becomes pretty bad jam ?
That would only affect the EV of 66 because calling ranges would widen up. If he induces certain combos, then his jamming range is overall weaker, so people's calling range will expand, so he should jam less. However I thought most of the calling ranges were pretty reasonable.
When Tonkaaaa makes 330k with 88, would you considering going 1bb or more smaller? Since the effect might be the same but you loose less when 2 other players go all in. Or do you think going smaller has some downsides to it?
At 10:45 you mention that this is a texture you should size up on, but is going small in this spot good as well? Since he has way less 3x and 4x in his defending range than normally, and he won't c/r as frequently against a small bet as he would in chipev spots.
One problem with going smaller is that you might end up not having the correct odds to call off when someone jams. It sounds weird, I know, but your RP is very high when calling off the remaining of your chips and you are up against a very strong range, so it's something to keep in mind.
As for the Q34 board, that is for sure a good point you bring up, but another reason for sizing up is how drawy this board is and how many continues the bb has (for example hands like T9ss or Kd9 become very attractive continues vs a small size given how wide Igor is opening)
at 29min, MB TREMENDO picks a 3x open with KJhh. I've done a bunch of exploit opening sizes on FTs a lot recently on softer tables, but I don't understand this one. Is there any merit to opening bigger in your opinion here? Or is it a bad/misclick?
I wouldn't have a non minraise open size no, I don't believe there is much merit to it. When I said std open in the video I meant in terms of hand selection not sizing, I should have clarified that yeah.
Hey Alex! At 6:15, WATnlos flats a 3bet OOP with 77. Do you think it's standard? I would have fold, since we either are flipping or are way behind in equity against the 3bet range. And given high icm pressure, there will be lots of tough spots for us playing OOP.
Hey, I think in this specific situation with so many shorter stacks folding 77 will be good, but generally, pocket pairs are one of the best hands to call 3bets with as they do reasonably well equity wise vs 3betting range, have high equity realization and strong implied odds in case of hitting a set.
@6:15 Would ever consider devoloping a leading range on these kind of board texture as we have a huge nutted advantage and even our TT-QQ are performing really well against his 3 betting range. It seems to me as a great spot as we might deny some equity when we have those over pairs and we are pretty defend as villain will almost never raises us as we have all the sets and he doesn't, also think mainly in these high risk premmium spots he will almost never c-bet his over pairs and will never fold if we lead let's say 1/3. I might think this would be a great spot to lead range. What would be your thoughts on it ? Thank you so much!
Hey, sorry for the slow response. In cEV this is very likely a spot where OOP gets leads, not that sure about ICM though but your points definitely make sense.
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Thanks for the video.
At 24:13 KJs seems like a good jam for chips. Would that be bad here because of ICM?
Yeah, I believe calling will be vastly superior to jamming. Bit2Easy would have to be extremely wide here for jamming to be a better option.
Alex Theologis - I love when some common poker concept that I've been aware of for years is refreshed in a way that makes it make even more sense. This seems to happen in your videos, even though I'm not (yet!) a tournament player. For example, @12:32: "I'm doing bad against his bluffs and I'm doing bad against his value, therefore we just let our hand go." I mean, it's like poker "common sense," for sure, but at the same time it helped me understand some things just a little more clearly.
Thanks for the video, and I look forward to the next one!
At 9:10, Tonka 'shoves' half his stack with 88 UTG. Was curious if this is something solvers do? Or if people just started doing it because it makes sense to them.
It is very hard to simulate this in a solver because of all the variables and different options for each player, but it's mostly a win-win situation for the "jammer"
Spectacular content. Clear, concise explanations. You do not repeat yourself as many others do. You get your point across and deliver top quality content. You've become my favorite content producer and I really need to thank you for that.
Keep up the good work mate, Impressed both by the poker, teaching and presenting skills.
Thank you, I really appreciate it, made my day :)
Excellent series.
At 10:50 after defending 62dd in bb can you ever cr jam this flop rather than cc?
Do you 3bet fold with eff stacks as low as 18-20bb?
Thank you. I think x/jam will work pretty well yeah, I don't see anything wrong with it. As for 3bet/folding with that shallow stacks, yes, but the range has to be very carefully selected because the value range that would want to do that is extremely thin (QQ+ in some cases KK) so we can only bluff very little.
Hey Alex, thanks for the video!
@3:00 - how does the possibility of him not jamming the best hands and raise/calling instead could hurt the EV of all these marginal hands ? if he opens JJ+ AQs, AKo, or something like this, than 66 becomes pretty bad jam ?
That would only affect the EV of 66 because calling ranges would widen up. If he induces certain combos, then his jamming range is overall weaker, so people's calling range will expand, so he should jam less. However I thought most of the calling ranges were pretty reasonable.
Great Content, keep the good work going!
When Tonkaaaa makes 330k with 88, would you considering going 1bb or more smaller? Since the effect might be the same but you loose less when 2 other players go all in. Or do you think going smaller has some downsides to it?
At 10:45 you mention that this is a texture you should size up on, but is going small in this spot good as well? Since he has way less 3x and 4x in his defending range than normally, and he won't c/r as frequently against a small bet as he would in chipev spots.
Thank you :)
One problem with going smaller is that you might end up not having the correct odds to call off when someone jams. It sounds weird, I know, but your RP is very high when calling off the remaining of your chips and you are up against a very strong range, so it's something to keep in mind.
As for the Q34 board, that is for sure a good point you bring up, but another reason for sizing up is how drawy this board is and how many continues the bb has (for example hands like T9ss or Kd9 become very attractive continues vs a small size given how wide Igor is opening)
I liked this video (and your previous ones) "quite a bit" ;-)
Thank you !
at 29min, MB TREMENDO picks a 3x open with KJhh. I've done a bunch of exploit opening sizes on FTs a lot recently on softer tables, but I don't understand this one. Is there any merit to opening bigger in your opinion here? Or is it a bad/misclick?
I wouldn't have a non minraise open size no, I don't believe there is much merit to it. When I said std open in the video I meant in terms of hand selection not sizing, I should have clarified that yeah.
Hey Alex! At 6:15, WATnlos flats a 3bet OOP with 77. Do you think it's standard? I would have fold, since we either are flipping or are way behind in equity against the 3bet range. And given high icm pressure, there will be lots of tough spots for us playing OOP.
Hey, I think in this specific situation with so many shorter stacks folding 77 will be good, but generally, pocket pairs are one of the best hands to call 3bets with as they do reasonably well equity wise vs 3betting range, have high equity realization and strong implied odds in case of hitting a set.
Hey Alex thank you for the video! Awesome content
@6:15 Would ever consider devoloping a leading range on these kind of board texture as we have a huge nutted advantage and even our TT-QQ are performing really well against his 3 betting range. It seems to me as a great spot as we might deny some equity when we have those over pairs and we are pretty defend as villain will almost never raises us as we have all the sets and he doesn't, also think mainly in these high risk premmium spots he will almost never c-bet his over pairs and will never fold if we lead let's say 1/3. I might think this would be a great spot to lead range. What would be your thoughts on it ? Thank you so much!
Hey, sorry for the slow response. In cEV this is very likely a spot where OOP gets leads, not that sure about ICM though but your points definitely make sense.
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