At 31:10 you consider 3bet jamming with 33bb from the blind with a suited ace. Can you ever have a more "standard" 3bet/fold size here?
At 34:40 you call a raise vs a 31bb stack with a suited 1 gapper. What is your stack size cutoff for calling raises with suited connectors? At that cutoff point is it basically a fold or do you add in 3 bets?
Thank you! Apologies for the slow responses on this vid, days have been very busy.
1) Yes, having a 3b/f and 3b/c sizing is a good approach but with a different type of handset. We generally want to be more polar with our non-ai 3bets and have very bad or very good hands (for example a8o, a9o etc)
2) I would say at around 17-20bbs it starts getting close and then I'd mostly fold yeah.
Is rake the primary factor in determining whether flatting hands like J9s on the BTN vs an open is + or - EV, or are other factors significantly important as well (stack size, tournament environment [can't sit around and wait for premium hands], less squeezing [although that is likely correlated with the rake], etc)?
Hey, thank you. Rake doesn't really factor in any decision in MTTs, the factors determining whether it is a +ev call or not would have to be stack distribution, equity realization, range construction and then of course stage of the tournament, icm involvement etc. But not rake, no.
Sorry I was unclear. I meant the fact that cash games are raked means that we don't get to make those flats on the button (at least at lower stakes), whereas in tournaments you are doing so, so they must be +EV. But your answer was perfectly helpful in spite of my inaccuracy in formulating the question. Thanks, Alex!
OMGIsildurrrrman12 If I recall you are cash game player.
Alex answered very well.
Just wanted to add a (pretty obvious) reason why mtt ranges are looser than cash game it is because of antes , it is one extra big blind in the pot.
First let me say that I'm loving the wordplay in your comments, haha. I do think villain should size up a little bit (raise to around 40% pot at least) but at the same time, I didn't mean to say it's his mistake for doing so, it's just how the equilibrium works on many boards. The BB gets to x/r a lot and IP gets to fold almost nothing (I would still have to fold some hands, like k7 without bdfd, low ax without bdfd etc)
Hey again a great video . on the 6 th min when we flat j9s from button and the sb goes for a larger probe bet , shouldn't he be continuing at a greater frequency with 70/80 percent river bet ? . or is it ok to give up and check back considering bubble is nearby. And if he does go for it what are the hands we could call off with in this exact scenario
I think this is an interesting spot for him, giving up with his combo looks good - he blocks flushdraws which he wants me to have, doesn't block any value at all and the river connects decently well with my range.
Hi Alex, love your content !
Just a little question, at 27:00, how would you construct your 3betting range (especially your bluffing range) against this 30BB stack, and what would be your non all-in sizing ?
Hey, thank you. I would be 3betting non-ai to around 7.5bb and for bluffs, mostly choosing hands with 1 high card and 1 low card but at a pretty low frequency.
Similar question to last video. When we are playing 3 way (vs 2x size, with ante) calling anything suited is solid(i've seen in sim you assigned for bb in simple 3 way)?. But 4 way we tend to fold more as it is harder to realize equity/facing tighter ranges?
19:20 . CO calling ATs vs 12bb LJ jam
at the first glance this call surprised me a lot.
Chip EV , LJ, Nash pushes 22% (22+,A2s+,A9o+,K8s+,KJo+,Q9s+,QJo,J8s+,T8s+,98s,87s)
ATs is winning a lot altough in reality I don't think LJ pushes that wide :
If a tighter LJ pushes : 17% (22+,A3s+,ATo+,K9s+,KJo+,QTs+,JTs,T9s)
ATs wins very small in chipEV
Considering that chipEV the ATs call could be just slightly profitable, that now you are in the money it is $EV so I'd assume it will tighten the ranges, and the fact that there are 2 stacks behind that can make you give up 12bb without playing your equity.
Can ATs be a fold or do you think it is too strong ?
Hi Alex, at 29:00, you are risking 30bb to win 4.38bb by jamming with A7o, and likely only getting called if you're crushed. Don't you think 3-bet, folding is a superior option to jamming in this spot? Thanks for the post, great stuff and learning a lot!
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Great video Alex!
At 31:10 you consider 3bet jamming with 33bb from the blind with a suited ace. Can you ever have a more "standard" 3bet/fold size here?
At 34:40 you call a raise vs a 31bb stack with a suited 1 gapper. What is your stack size cutoff for calling raises with suited connectors? At that cutoff point is it basically a fold or do you add in 3 bets?
Thank you! Apologies for the slow responses on this vid, days have been very busy.
1) Yes, having a 3b/f and 3b/c sizing is a good approach but with a different type of handset. We generally want to be more polar with our non-ai 3bets and have very bad or very good hands (for example a8o, a9o etc)
2) I would say at around 17-20bbs it starts getting close and then I'd mostly fold yeah.
Hey, Alex Theologis - Thanks for another great one!
Is rake the primary factor in determining whether flatting hands like J9s on the BTN vs an open is + or - EV, or are other factors significantly important as well (stack size, tournament environment [can't sit around and wait for premium hands], less squeezing [although that is likely correlated with the rake], etc)?
Thanks, Alex!
Hey, thank you. Rake doesn't really factor in any decision in MTTs, the factors determining whether it is a +ev call or not would have to be stack distribution, equity realization, range construction and then of course stage of the tournament, icm involvement etc. But not rake, no.
Sorry I was unclear. I meant the fact that cash games are raked means that we don't get to make those flats on the button (at least at lower stakes), whereas in tournaments you are doing so, so they must be +EV. But your answer was perfectly helpful in spite of my inaccuracy in formulating the question. Thanks, Alex!
OMGIsildurrrrman12 If I recall you are cash game player.
Alex answered very well.
Just wanted to add a (pretty obvious) reason why mtt ranges are looser than cash game it is because of antes , it is one extra big blind in the pot.
Excellent. Thanks, Cassoulet!
Oh, and just one minor suggestion/personal preference =)
Good point, will do it like this in the next one
Giving this video a like is my only option
At 30 min you get checkraised on TT9 and say that’s vs that size you can’t fold anything. What should villains size be on this board?
First let me say that I'm loving the wordplay in your comments, haha. I do think villain should size up a little bit (raise to around 40% pot at least) but at the same time, I didn't mean to say it's his mistake for doing so, it's just how the equilibrium works on many boards. The BB gets to x/r a lot and IP gets to fold almost nothing (I would still have to fold some hands, like k7 without bdfd, low ax without bdfd etc)
Hey again a great video . on the 6 th min when we flat j9s from button and the sb goes for a larger probe bet , shouldn't he be continuing at a greater frequency with 70/80 percent river bet ? . or is it ok to give up and check back considering bubble is nearby. And if he does go for it what are the hands we could call off with in this exact scenario
I think this is an interesting spot for him, giving up with his combo looks good - he blocks flushdraws which he wants me to have, doesn't block any value at all and the river connects decently well with my range.
Hi Alex, love your content !
Just a little question, at 27:00, how would you construct your 3betting range (especially your bluffing range) against this 30BB stack, and what would be your non all-in sizing ?
Hey, thank you. I would be 3betting non-ai to around 7.5bb and for bluffs, mostly choosing hands with 1 high card and 1 low card but at a pretty low frequency.
Similar question to last video. When we are playing 3 way (vs 2x size, with ante) calling anything suited is solid(i've seen in sim you assigned for bb in simple 3 way)?. But 4 way we tend to fold more as it is harder to realize equity/facing tighter ranges?
Hey man great vid again.
19:20 . CO calling ATs vs 12bb LJ jam
at the first glance this call surprised me a lot.
Chip EV , LJ, Nash pushes 22% (22+,A2s+,A9o+,K8s+,KJo+,Q9s+,QJo,J8s+,T8s+,98s,87s)
ATs is winning a lot altough in reality I don't think LJ pushes that wide :
If a tighter LJ pushes : 17% (22+,A3s+,ATo+,K9s+,KJo+,QTs+,JTs,T9s)
ATs wins very small in chipEV
Considering that chipEV the ATs call could be just slightly profitable, that now you are in the money it is $EV so I'd assume it will tighten the ranges, and the fact that there are 2 stacks behind that can make you give up 12bb without playing your equity.
Can ATs be a fold or do you think it is too strong ?
Sorry for the long question
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Hi Alex, at 29:00, you are risking 30bb to win 4.38bb by jamming with A7o, and likely only getting called if you're crushed. Don't you think 3-bet, folding is a superior option to jamming in this spot? Thanks for the post, great stuff and learning a lot!
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