10:15 table 5 qt, do you bet flop with ax with a single club or ax with a flush draw such that now you have quite a few pairs of aces? If so, do you prefer checking back turn to avoid a possible xr with the pair of aces?
Hey, in those 3way spots we are basically supposed to mix almost everything. So yes, I would be betting a bunch of Ax with a fd or a club but I don't think those get to bet turn with them a lot simply because our opponent won't be checkraising this flop with such a high SPR with 1pair hands, such as Q9 etc. He might have an overpair every now and then but still, Ax will usually be either way ahead or way behind in this spot.
welcome backkk didi!
min 11: A7s , how do you build your defending range there, I feel like few hands would continue, especially when we are not covering, prolly im guessing wrong :) Alex Theologis
Hey, thank you. In this spot we do actually cover (albeit slightly) and we want to be calling mainly pocket pairs but also a bunch of strong suited stuff. A5s/A9s+/KJs for example are hands we shouldn't really be folding.
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Glad to have you back making new videos!
10:15 table 5 qt, do you bet flop with ax with a single club or ax with a flush draw such that now you have quite a few pairs of aces? If so, do you prefer checking back turn to avoid a possible xr with the pair of aces?
Hey, in those 3way spots we are basically supposed to mix almost everything. So yes, I would be betting a bunch of Ax with a fd or a club but I don't think those get to bet turn with them a lot simply because our opponent won't be checkraising this flop with such a high SPR with 1pair hands, such as Q9 etc. He might have an overpair every now and then but still, Ax will usually be either way ahead or way behind in this spot.
welcome backkk didi!
min 11: A7s , how do you build your defending range there, I feel like few hands would continue, especially when we are not covering, prolly im guessing wrong :) Alex Theologis
Hey, thank you. In this spot we do actually cover (albeit slightly) and we want to be calling mainly pocket pairs but also a bunch of strong suited stuff. A5s/A9s+/KJs for example are hands we shouldn't really be folding.
Very good video!
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