i'm not very good or anything but i just don't think i would bluff in that spot because he always has an ace pair and its hard to have 7x because you didn't call out of the big blind. I mean maybe you could get a hand like KK to fold. I don't really see how that being a good hand to bluff because your blocking all of his Q pairs that you could get him to fold. So like i mean if I had to bluff i would probably start bluffing hands like pocket 44's or pocket 55's that have like almost no chance to win.
Right, a few things! While it is hard to have 7x, it is not impossible. Covering everyone I will have a bunch of suited 7x (67s-78s-97s-T7s-Q7s-J7s-K7s) which can add up to quite a few combos. So, since I have most of those combos (a small portion might x/r flop, sure) then I also need to have bluffs - especially against a HS regular. Yes, he very likely has an Ace, which is what we are trying to fold out. If he always calls it down (which would be a mistake) then our valuebets with 7x are printing. If he always folds a naked ace, then our bluffs are printing. I don't have a reason or a read to make any extreme adjustments such as to never bluff this spot.
Now, to your point about hand selection : Our opponent will pretty much never fire a second barrel with Qx, so blocking that isn't that relevant. Instead, what we care about is blocking the best hands that he has that he isn't folding. These hands would be AQ/QQ/7x. Our hand does a phenomenal job at blocking most of these hands. Due to the nature of the suits, we can't have a hand that blocks A7s as that is only one combo, A7dd and we wouldn't really bluff with an ace getting such a good price to call down, therefore this holding appears to be our #1 bluffing candidate. The low pocket pairs that you mentioned, first, block our opponents bluffs (he is very likely to be bluffing with 22-66) and then also block some of his thinner valuebets that we want to fold out (a2-a5s).
But what I truly think is that posting a comment like "that was a huge punt" is a tad disrespectful and doesn't really lead to any meaningful conversations or learning. I think your second post was very good though and created this interesting discussion.
Every video you make is a masterpiece. They are enjoyable and pleasant because of your voice and your easy-to-understand accent for non-English speakers, and your commitment to the quality of the information is absolute. Thank you.
Could you tell me how many tables you play at the same time? And how many tables at the same time do you think someone at ABI 300 should play?"
Thank you for your nice words, I'm really happy you enjoy my content. At the time of the video I would play a max of 18-20 tables but I have moved up since then and now only play up to 12.
I think being able to play many tables effectively is part of the skillset especially when it's not nosebleeds stakes so imo being able to play up to 15 sounds good. Of course different things work for different people, I have friends who have never gone above 12.
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at 9:19 that was a huge punt
Thank you for your constructive feedback What would you be bluffing in that spot?
blocking 2 pair / blocking 87 suited, unblocking ax suited, this might be the literal nut bluff combo lol
i'm not very good or anything but i just don't think i would bluff in that spot because he always has an ace pair and its hard to have 7x because you didn't call out of the big blind. I mean maybe you could get a hand like KK to fold. I don't really see how that being a good hand to bluff because your blocking all of his Q pairs that you could get him to fold. So like i mean if I had to bluff i would probably start bluffing hands like pocket 44's or pocket 55's that have like almost no chance to win.
Let me know what you think Alex
Right, a few things! While it is hard to have 7x, it is not impossible. Covering everyone I will have a bunch of suited 7x (67s-78s-97s-T7s-Q7s-J7s-K7s) which can add up to quite a few combos. So, since I have most of those combos (a small portion might x/r flop, sure) then I also need to have bluffs - especially against a HS regular. Yes, he very likely has an Ace, which is what we are trying to fold out. If he always calls it down (which would be a mistake) then our valuebets with 7x are printing. If he always folds a naked ace, then our bluffs are printing. I don't have a reason or a read to make any extreme adjustments such as to never bluff this spot.
Now, to your point about hand selection : Our opponent will pretty much never fire a second barrel with Qx, so blocking that isn't that relevant. Instead, what we care about is blocking the best hands that he has that he isn't folding. These hands would be AQ/QQ/7x. Our hand does a phenomenal job at blocking most of these hands. Due to the nature of the suits, we can't have a hand that blocks A7s as that is only one combo, A7dd and we wouldn't really bluff with an ace getting such a good price to call down, therefore this holding appears to be our #1 bluffing candidate. The low pocket pairs that you mentioned, first, block our opponents bluffs (he is very likely to be bluffing with 22-66) and then also block some of his thinner valuebets that we want to fold out (a2-a5s).
But what I truly think is that posting a comment like "that was a huge punt" is a tad disrespectful and doesn't really lead to any meaningful conversations or learning. I think your second post was very good though and created this interesting discussion.
Every video you make is a masterpiece. They are enjoyable and pleasant because of your voice and your easy-to-understand accent for non-English speakers, and your commitment to the quality of the information is absolute. Thank you.
Could you tell me how many tables you play at the same time? And how many tables at the same time do you think someone at ABI 300 should play?"
Thank you for your nice words, I'm really happy you enjoy my content. At the time of the video I would play a max of 18-20 tables but I have moved up since then and now only play up to 12.
I think being able to play many tables effectively is part of the skillset especially when it's not nosebleeds stakes so imo being able to play up to 15 sounds good. Of course different things work for different people, I have friends who have never gone above 12.
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