5:59 you mention more of a rng bet strat because bb rng is weak since they should be 3betting more vs a co open as opposed to a utg open. I don't think people really 3bet from the bb as much as they should. I think there rngs are a bit stronger and we may want to be a bit more careful with our cbet freq. What do you think about peoples 3bet tendencies from the bb vs lp open?
10:00 it looks like akLow prefers bigger sizes but aqL likes block. Why the difference?
12:45 the rule of betting 1 high and 1 low card. Is this simply because we can fold out better kx and qx?
My two cents on your questions as you await for Alex's response.
5:59 I agree with you about preflop not 3betting enough but I don't think that it's enough of a reason to adjust your strategy and deviate from the theory in most boards.
10:00 AKLow is more locked and doesn't need protection from anything, hence no use for the block. AQL likes block because it gets protection from a bunch of Kxo that can outdraw you if you have Q9s for example.
12:45 I believe Alex is talking about having a flush. KQss is way better as a slowplay than K5ss since you will get much more action if your opponent is holding a single spade combo that is the queen and not the five. Even if they already have a flush, in case another spade rolls off, you are still getting significant action from Q2ss let's say but not so much from 52ss.
I think Patates answered everything perfectly haha, I don't have a lot to add.
@5:59 : I still think AJs+, AQ+ people will still be 3betting/jamming etc so this shouldn't really affect our strategy on A high boards. I do agree they miss some of the bluffs though.
@10:00 : Basically what Patates says and also, you can see that on AKlow we actually get to check quite a bit so we use more of a polar betting strategy (more hands that don't need protection, locked board etc) whereas AQlow is basically a rangebet.
@12:45 Ineed I was referring to having a flush, we generally want to slowplay 2 high card flushes because they block a lot of what our opponent can have (hence we slowplay KQss but fastplay K5ss).
I appreciate the involvement and also big thanks to Patates for the contribution <3
Great video as were the previous ones, thx!
I have a question about the low boards, it seems that CO uses pot size bet even on textures on which BB can flop a straight more often than CO e.g. 654, 653, 764 (on T/J/Q high textures the bet size was capped at 50% on board like T76). Is it because CO cbets these textures in lower frequencies (stronger range?) and therefore gets to go bigger?
Thank you! Yes, your idea is correct and then also the big blind defends wider vs CO so has more random middle/bottom pairs/gutshots etc and the very strong hands are a very small portion of his range and the spr isn't big enough to make it a huge concern.
Loving this series man @JustaDidi. It's inspired me to go deep in GTO Wizard developing lots of reports on these boards, divy up small vs big cb frequencies etc. Would love to see a similar series for deeper stacked play in the future. Maybe 80-100bb? Either way, appreciate what you've done here
Thank you for this. You are a gifted teacher. Not simply analytical, but also articulate and able to focus on essential comments without wandering through tangential weeds.
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Another great breakdown Alex!
5:59 you mention more of a rng bet strat because bb rng is weak since they should be 3betting more vs a co open as opposed to a utg open. I don't think people really 3bet from the bb as much as they should. I think there rngs are a bit stronger and we may want to be a bit more careful with our cbet freq. What do you think about peoples 3bet tendencies from the bb vs lp open?
10:00 it looks like akLow prefers bigger sizes but aqL likes block. Why the difference?
12:45 the rule of betting 1 high and 1 low card. Is this simply because we can fold out better kx and qx?
My two cents on your questions as you await for Alex's response.
5:59 I agree with you about preflop not 3betting enough but I don't think that it's enough of a reason to adjust your strategy and deviate from the theory in most boards.
10:00 AKLow is more locked and doesn't need protection from anything, hence no use for the block. AQL likes block because it gets protection from a bunch of Kxo that can outdraw you if you have Q9s for example.
12:45 I believe Alex is talking about having a flush. KQss is way better as a slowplay than K5ss since you will get much more action if your opponent is holding a single spade combo that is the queen and not the five. Even if they already have a flush, in case another spade rolls off, you are still getting significant action from Q2ss let's say but not so much from 52ss.
I think Patates answered everything perfectly haha, I don't have a lot to add.
@5:59 : I still think AJs+, AQ+ people will still be 3betting/jamming etc so this shouldn't really affect our strategy on A high boards. I do agree they miss some of the bluffs though.
@10:00 : Basically what Patates says and also, you can see that on AKlow we actually get to check quite a bit so we use more of a polar betting strategy (more hands that don't need protection, locked board etc) whereas AQlow is basically a rangebet.
@12:45 Ineed I was referring to having a flush, we generally want to slowplay 2 high card flushes because they block a lot of what our opponent can have (hence we slowplay KQss but fastplay K5ss).
I appreciate the involvement and also big thanks to Patates for the contribution <3
Good video Alex!
I appreciated the faster pace on this one since you are basically comparing to previous installments.
Great video as were the previous ones, thx!
I have a question about the low boards, it seems that CO uses pot size bet even on textures on which BB can flop a straight more often than CO e.g. 654, 653, 764 (on T/J/Q high textures the bet size was capped at 50% on board like T76). Is it because CO cbets these textures in lower frequencies (stronger range?) and therefore gets to go bigger?
Thank you! Yes, your idea is correct and then also the big blind defends wider vs CO so has more random middle/bottom pairs/gutshots etc and the very strong hands are a very small portion of his range and the spr isn't big enough to make it a huge concern.
another very helpful video! i will certainly rewatch the whole series because there is a lot of information in there.
Loving this series man @JustaDidi. It's inspired me to go deep in GTO Wizard developing lots of reports on these boards, divy up small vs big cb frequencies etc. Would love to see a similar series for deeper stacked play in the future. Maybe 80-100bb? Either way, appreciate what you've done here
Thank you for your comment! I will definitely keep it in mind.
Thank you for this. You are a gifted teacher. Not simply analytical, but also articulate and able to focus on essential comments without wandering through tangential weeds.
Thank you so much, I appreciate your comment!
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