00:50 you mention calling kjo vs lp open is better than 3bet. Do you use offsuit broadways as 3bet bluffs vs earlier positions or if we are both in earlier positions?
18:40 should opponent favor a block size on the turn rather than jam or even a chk?
Usually in SRP vs BB on a flush completer we tend to see a 2nd barrel for a small size , but in this SRP OOP it is a polar strategy , do you know why? Maybe because the caller range is more condensed?
The main difference is that vs BB by using a smaller sizing we start targetting the bb's worst pairs without a fd, say their 3x on this specific board. When playing OOP though, the IP player doesn't really have that many bad non fd pairs and overall has a stronger range OTT, therefore we want to continue a bit more polar and for a bigger sizing. You can see that we still don't really bomb it, we go for 70%
at 22:30 you say that we just give up because we didn't pick up any equity and that our hand doesn't accomplish anything by betting
I would actually argue it's a pretty good barrel candidate, I think in this BVB scenarios, especially starting with a tighter range that has some very clear value bet's OTT, we should be finding some non-eq bluffs on this board
and J3hh that blocks non of the BDF flop continues, and has an overcard to 8x/Tx, and blocks both open-enders J9/QJ - is actually one of our very best non equity bluffs OTT IMO
Hey, thank you for your comment. I agree that occasionally betting our hand OTT in theory would be fine but I overall think in these bvb spots it is very common for people to overfold a lot on the flop, which makes their turn range significantly stronger and therefore we should mostly stick to betting with equity. For example, he is s upposed to continue flop with hands like 95o, 75o, T2o etc while also raising a bunch of his 8x or even hands like KJ, QJ and a bunch of his Ax. I think it's a fair assumption that most opponents would both overfold and under-raise. I agree it is one of our best non equity bluffs though.
Great content as always. The last hand; 77vKK, it'd be interesting to run the sim with a 3.5bb 3b option and see if we then start playing a 3b fold range.
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Great video Alex!
00:50 you mention calling kjo vs lp open is better than 3bet. Do you use offsuit broadways as 3bet bluffs vs earlier positions or if we are both in earlier positions?
18:40 should opponent favor a block size on the turn rather than jam or even a chk?
Hey, thank you. Yeah, we like to 3bet these KQo KJo more against earlier opens when we are on the BTN.
And regarding the K7 vs KT hand, yeah, either small or checking both fine as by jamming you simply waste a super strong hand.
Hello, thx for the video
Usually in SRP vs BB on a flush completer we tend to see a 2nd barrel for a small size , but in this SRP OOP it is a polar strategy , do you know why? Maybe because the caller range is more condensed?
Thank you again , great vid.
Hey, I'm happy you enjoyed the video but I'm not sure which hand you are talking about, could you clarify please?
Oups, 1:24 KQs on K382shss
The main difference is that vs BB by using a smaller sizing we start targetting the bb's worst pairs without a fd, say their 3x on this specific board. When playing OOP though, the IP player doesn't really have that many bad non fd pairs and overall has a stronger range OTT, therefore we want to continue a bit more polar and for a bigger sizing. You can see that we still don't really bomb it, we go for 70%
Nice vid Alex!
at 22:30 you say that we just give up because we didn't pick up any equity and that our hand doesn't accomplish anything by betting
I would actually argue it's a pretty good barrel candidate, I think in this BVB scenarios, especially starting with a tighter range that has some very clear value bet's OTT, we should be finding some non-eq bluffs on this board
and J3hh that blocks non of the BDF flop continues, and has an overcard to 8x/Tx, and blocks both open-enders J9/QJ - is actually one of our very best non equity bluffs OTT IMO
Hey, thank you for your comment. I agree that occasionally betting our hand OTT in theory would be fine but I overall think in these bvb spots it is very common for people to overfold a lot on the flop, which makes their turn range significantly stronger and therefore we should mostly stick to betting with equity. For example, he is s upposed to continue flop with hands like 95o, 75o, T2o etc while also raising a bunch of his 8x or even hands like KJ, QJ and a bunch of his Ax. I think it's a fair assumption that most opponents would both overfold and under-raise. I agree it is one of our best non equity bluffs though.
Great content as always. The last hand; 77vKK, it'd be interesting to run the sim with a 3.5bb 3b option and see if we then start playing a 3b fold range.
Thank you! Sure, let me see if I still have the payouts and the necessary information from this spot and get back to you
I'm afraid I no longer have the sims/information saved, sorry.
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