first hand in the 30r- dont see any point in betting that turn as villain should rarely fold better even with 2 barrels . the A is such an obvious bluffing card and all his mid pairs probably contain some kind of gutter or oesd to go along. so imo, better just check it down or value bet some improved rivers.
last hand 30r-(AT) - think its a mistake to not cbet that T22 board, he will peel with all pairs , lots of Ace highs and his suited broadways are going to give action only if they improve ott. besides that, its quite rare to check back/give up in those dry boards.
anyways , nice vid, and nice analysis on big stack play!
The first hand, I think that barreling twice is fine even if the A is an obvious bluffing card as we check back the flop and our check back range on that board contains a lot of Ax (including two pairs on the turn). I think our hand looks slightly more suspect if we cbet flop and double barreled the A. Its very hard for the villain to hero call a double barrel with his value turn check range in my opinion.
I completely agree with the AT hand. You analysis is spot on!
6:30 with KJ i think you're slightly overvaluing your hand here to be betting that big. He has most straights, 7x and sets/quads which outweighs his Kx hands that you beat + sometimes KQ. And lets not discount that he could also have hands like 88 and a 6 which can find a call on the river because people love to police BvB in mtts.
Thanks for your analysis John, looking back at the hand now I do agree that the river sizing is too big. something around 40%-50% pot would probably yield the most profit.
At around 15.40 on the right table, a 20bb stack opens from utg+1, 29bb stack in co shoves with 3x 18-30bb stacks still to act. What kind of hands would you do this with?
Taking into account the stacks behind, what would you do in the same spot if you were co with
The hand at 34:45, table on the right with 9Ts, do you not think that betting the turn really small is better, maybe around 1400, to protect what is likely the best hand? Surely he won't put in another chip unless he improves? You also get value from JT and flush draws if he is playing them passively.
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first hand in the 30r- dont see any point in betting that turn as villain should rarely fold better even with 2 barrels . the A is such an obvious bluffing card and all his mid pairs probably contain some kind of gutter or oesd to go along. so imo, better just check it down or value bet some improved rivers.
last hand 30r-(AT) - think its a mistake to not cbet that T22 board, he will peel with all pairs , lots of Ace highs and his suited broadways are going to give action only if they improve ott. besides that, its quite rare to check back/give up in those dry boards.
anyways , nice vid, and nice analysis on big stack play!
The first hand, I think that barreling twice is fine even if the A is an obvious bluffing card as we check back the flop and our check back range on that board contains a lot of Ax (including two pairs on the turn). I think our hand looks slightly more suspect if we cbet flop and double barreled the A. Its very hard for the villain to hero call a double barrel with his value turn check range in my opinion.
I completely agree with the AT hand. You analysis is spot on!
6:30 with KJ i think you're slightly overvaluing your hand here to be betting that big. He has most straights, 7x and sets/quads which outweighs his Kx hands that you beat + sometimes KQ. And lets not discount that he could also have hands like 88 and a 6 which can find a call on the river because people love to police BvB in mtts.
Thanks for your analysis John, looking back at the hand now I do agree that the river sizing is too big. something around 40%-50% pot would probably yield the most profit.
I agre with Andre Bilenky
About first had when you bet the turn. I dont think that is good. He is almost never calling with worse. Ill rather check that down too.
At around 15.40 on the right table, a 20bb stack opens from utg+1, 29bb stack in co shoves with 3x 18-30bb stacks still to act. What kind of hands would you do this with?
Taking into account the stacks behind, what would you do in the same spot if you were co with
The hand at 34:45, table on the right with 9Ts, do you not think that betting the turn really small is better, maybe around 1400, to protect what is likely the best hand? Surely he won't put in another chip unless he improves? You also get value from JT and flush draws if he is playing them passively.
Thanks for the observation. I completely agree with you that the turn should be a smallish bet to get value from some pp, and passively played draws.
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