Hi akira, nice video at min 24.15 u folded a6 to a button open, do u never 3 bet fold these type of hands from the sb as better aces would generally get it in pre so would be ahead his flatting range? what hands do u prefer to 3bet from a button open?thanks
I think that against a loose opener, this would definitely be a good spot to 3b from the SB. Against this specific villain, I think that folding and waiting for a better spot is the prudent play. We are going to be defended a decent frequency of the time with an effective stack of 30, so I would prefer to have hands that flop much better than A6o (strong broadways, suited connectors). Ace blockers would work much better vs awkward stack sizes between 20bb-25bb that are slightly too shallow to defend. I hope this helps.
First video I see and I like it! Cant wait to the 2nd part! 9handed is good open QJ from UTG or it depends on the stakes u re playing? As higer the stake, better option open QJ UTG I mean.
It really depends on your image at the table but for the most part we are opening as a UTG steal. We block a queen and a jack, which removes a decent amount of combos of legitimate hands that play back at us. This coupled with the respect we should get for out UTG stealing should make it a profitable open. As a rule of thumb, I would only open about 1/3 of your QJ from UTG to keep some steals in your range, but also keep your UTG open on the stronger side.
Hey trzcinek, sorry for the late reply. I have been in Macau for some live cash games and just got back home. The call with K7s is definitely not standard and as I mentioned in the video, I prefer a jam rather than a flat if I wish to continue as I am pretty much getting 2 to 1 on my money with a suited K. For the most part, a fold is probably the best play in normal fo's. In a KO where our open shoves will almost never get through, I prefer to take this spot. Shoving with this stack becomes more juicy as our suited hands get more connected. Something like 9Ts+ in normal fo's. Again, sorry for the late reply, I hope this is still useful.
Nice video. To follow trzcinek's post, also wonder how much you tighten up blind vs blind with >10bb if the Big Blind is a reg. And is there a difference if it's turbo vs non turbo?
Hey jcashcollect, sorry for my late reply. There is definitely a huge difference in shoving ranges for turbos and non turbos. I believe that every spot that is marginally + nash ev must be taken in tubos for the most part as you won't have time to wait for better spots. In normal speed/deep stack tournaments, this is not the case. A lot of times, passing up on a marginally +ev spot can allow you to take a much more profitable spot later on.
Shove wise, since most regs can call correctly in bvb shove spots, I remove the bottom of my jamming ranges (marginally +ev) when I have greater than 10bbs so that I can look for better spots in the future. All of the obvious +ev shoves such as any A, broadways, pairs, etc I will always make.
Shoving is okay as well. I believe that by holding two strong blockers, and raising with a <20bb stack, we get enough credit to fold out most worse hands. Therefore, when we get 3b we can safely assume we are behind the majority of the time. We arnt quite getting odds to call off or jam a 3b in with no FE. I believe that raise folding will yield a slightly higher profit than jamming.
You open 78s utg+1 (12bb deep) in The Breeze tourney, and then elect to fold your 58o from the CO a few mins later(14bb). The HJ bet, so obviously this is a fold now, but you said it was a fold before he acted. What separates these hands as good/bad spots to open?
The 78s is just an early position steal. With the position of the open, the 78s will get a lot more credit than the 58o in the CO. If we are opening as wide as 58o with 14bb in the CO, we can easily be exploited by wide resteals jams that risk so little to gain so much.
at 25 minute, buttom right table: good fold with 44. 20bb deep frm utg. what pairs u recomend to open in situation like this? 66+? 77+?
And another question: at loose-passive table, how u recommend to play pairs like 77,88 with 13-15bb deep? its better to just shove this middle pairs, if opponents around me looks like loose-passive callers, which 3 bets only nuts?
when you pick up k10 mp and get 3bet from sb...how do you feel about barreling turn and river and forcing 99 jj 1010 qq kk out? If this isnt the line what is the point of calling flop when an ace falls...dont you feel your behind his range other than maybe 77-99
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Hello Akira, Very good video, you explain very well and clear.
Waiting for part 2
Looking forward to part2, everything explained so well :)
Clutch Hero is a sweet user name. Look forward to more of your vids!
Hi akira, nice video at min 24.15 u folded a6 to a button open, do u never 3 bet fold these type of hands from the sb as better aces would generally get it in pre so would be ahead his flatting range? what hands do u prefer to 3bet from a button open?thanks
Hey Best27,
I think that against a loose opener, this would definitely be a good spot to 3b from the SB. Against this specific villain, I think that folding and waiting for a better spot is the prudent play. We are going to be defended a decent frequency of the time with an effective stack of 30, so I would prefer to have hands that flop much better than A6o (strong broadways, suited connectors). Ace blockers would work much better vs awkward stack sizes between 20bb-25bb that are slightly too shallow to defend. I hope this helps.
First video I see and I like it! Cant wait to the 2nd part! 9handed is good open QJ from UTG or it depends on the stakes u re playing? As higer the stake, better option open QJ UTG I mean.
Hey ImTooNit,
It really depends on your image at the table but for the most part we are opening as a UTG steal. We block a queen and a jack, which removes a decent amount of combos of legitimate hands that play back at us. This coupled with the respect we should get for out UTG stealing should make it a profitable open. As a rule of thumb, I would only open about 1/3 of your QJ from UTG to keep some steals in your range, but also keep your UTG open on the stronger side.
Hi I really like your video. Call with K7s with 8 big blinds at BB is a standard play? With what kinde of range u r going to do this?
Hey trzcinek, sorry for the late reply. I have been in Macau for some live cash games and just got back home. The call with K7s is definitely not standard and as I mentioned in the video, I prefer a jam rather than a flat if I wish to continue as I am pretty much getting 2 to 1 on my money with a suited K. For the most part, a fold is probably the best play in normal fo's. In a KO where our open shoves will almost never get through, I prefer to take this spot. Shoving with this stack becomes more juicy as our suited hands get more connected. Something like 9Ts+ in normal fo's. Again, sorry for the late reply, I hope this is still useful.
Nice video. To follow trzcinek's post, also wonder how much you tighten up blind vs blind with >10bb if the Big Blind is a reg. And is there a difference if it's turbo vs non turbo?
Hey jcashcollect, sorry for my late reply. There is definitely a huge difference in shoving ranges for turbos and non turbos. I believe that every spot that is marginally + nash ev must be taken in tubos for the most part as you won't have time to wait for better spots. In normal speed/deep stack tournaments, this is not the case. A lot of times, passing up on a marginally +ev spot can allow you to take a much more profitable spot later on.
Shove wise, since most regs can call correctly in bvb shove spots, I remove the bottom of my jamming ranges (marginally +ev) when I have greater than 10bbs so that I can look for better spots in the future. All of the obvious +ev shoves such as any A, broadways, pairs, etc I will always make.
Hey, min 12.30 - raise fold AJ with like 18BB. Why not just shove pre rather then r/f. Thanks !
Shoving is okay as well. I believe that by holding two strong blockers, and raising with a <20bb stack, we get enough credit to fold out most worse hands. Therefore, when we get 3b we can safely assume we are behind the majority of the time. We arnt quite getting odds to call off or jam a 3b in with no FE. I believe that raise folding will yield a slightly higher profit than jamming.
You open 78s utg+1 (12bb deep) in The Breeze tourney, and then elect to fold your 58o from the CO a few mins later(14bb). The HJ bet, so obviously this is a fold now, but you said it was a fold before he acted. What separates these hands as good/bad spots to open?
The 78s is just an early position steal. With the position of the open, the 78s will get a lot more credit than the 58o in the CO. If we are opening as wide as 58o with 14bb in the CO, we can easily be exploited by wide resteals jams that risk so little to gain so much.
Very nice video, as often!
at 25 minute, buttom right table: good fold with 44. 20bb deep frm utg. what pairs u recomend to open in situation like this? 66+? 77+?
And another question: at loose-passive table, how u recommend to play pairs like 77,88 with 13-15bb deep? its better to just shove this middle pairs, if opponents around me looks like loose-passive callers, which 3 bets only nuts?
hey Akira,
when you pick up k10 mp and get 3bet from sb...how do you feel about barreling turn and river and forcing 99 jj 1010 qq kk out? If this isnt the line what is the point of calling flop when an ace falls...dont you feel your behind his range other than maybe 77-99
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