at 10 mins, you are talking about villain folding on river and choose to bet, due to a combination of things you explain in the video.
how do you go about choosing your sizing? Is it based on villains stats compared to the pot. Or do you prefer to have a balanced sizing, one where you would bluff with 3/4 pot and bet for value with 3/4 pot too?
Against regs I am trying to use the same sizings with bluffs and vbets. Against weaker players, of course I would go for 100% exploitation and bet 26-30 with bluff and 34+ with vbets.
I dont think that you should use pot size bet in a spot where your opponent's range is not full capped e.g. he can have 66 or 96. Also by Betting 3/4 you are repping more hands e.g. 35 or A9 than by Betting full pot (basically FH). Therefore in this spot Betting 30-32 is probably best.
nie wiem czy mozna po polskiemu tutaj umieszczac koentarze , ale sprobuje...
analizy graczy na podstawie stats. bardzo ciekawe :) i chcialbym zapytac czy wyjasniasz gdzies wszystkie cyferki ze swojego HUDa?( w ktoryms z filmikow lub w komentarzach?), bo chialbym skopiowac
Hi Leszek, I have some questions about the last hand vs cleaner. I also thought he is going to turn AK (because I would have bet same size with that hand :( ).
1) what is your betsize (vs you) in his shoes with AA, KK, with AK and with a bluff?
2) If you were almost sure he had AK or sometimes A8. Would't it be a possibility to raise river? Or is the risk/reward ratio not good enough?
3) If he would have checked river. What betsize would you have choosen (vs him)?
1) With AK I would definitely bet around 60 because I would bet bluffs with the same sizing. KK in a similar way however I can increase sizing against some stations, because by holding KK you increase chances that he has A with a second pair and CS will basically never fold in such a spot so you can bet like 72-76.
With AA it depends on your opponents. You block most of SD value hands so against some players I dont mind check/calling. Against more stations I would just bet
2) That's a fantastic idea that I was considering during that hand. If you really have a feeling for your oponent - this is a great play. But you need to be careful because more tricky players will use that sizing with AA and snap call you. But I guess against a weaker player thats the way to go.
3) I would bet around 60 because this is sizing I would choose with bluff. 40 looks to valuebettish which makes it a pretty good sizing against a thinking oponent as a bluff.
Leszek Badurowicz I notice your skip flop cbet and fold turn stat. I am having trouble finding it, I can only find for IP. Is there a stat for TOT vs IP/OOP? What stat do you use?
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We need more alexkp for obvious reasons
What are those obvious reasons?
Thank you very much, Leszek. I find your videos very educational and extremely helpfull for plo100 player. Can't wait for a next one.
Good as always.
Just a small question about your HUD. Do you have the river bet tot, ip and oop ? I can't find it in hm2. Thanks
I have just river bet in general and then fold to river bet OOP and OOP.
Hi Leszek,
at 10 mins, you are talking about villain folding on river and choose to bet, due to a combination of things you explain in the video.
how do you go about choosing your sizing? Is it based on villains stats compared to the pot. Or do you prefer to have a balanced sizing, one where you would bluff with 3/4 pot and bet for value with 3/4 pot too?
Against regs I am trying to use the same sizings with bluffs and vbets. Against weaker players, of course I would go for 100% exploitation and bet 26-30 with bluff and 34+ with vbets.
I dont think that you should use pot size bet in a spot where your opponent's range is not full capped e.g. he can have 66 or 96. Also by Betting 3/4 you are repping more hands e.g. 35 or A9 than by Betting full pot (basically FH). Therefore in this spot Betting 30-32 is probably best.
nie wiem czy mozna po polskiemu tutaj umieszczac koentarze , ale sprobuje...
analizy graczy na podstawie stats. bardzo ciekawe :) i chcialbym zapytac czy wyjasniasz gdzies wszystkie cyferki ze swojego HUDa?( w ktoryms z filmikow lub w komentarzach?), bo chialbym skopiowac
Hey, this video was great. Would you be able to post a link where we can download your HUD? It looked quite good. Thanks.
hey, try this one ;-)
Thanks alot @Leszek Badurowicz :)
Thanks Leszek :)
Hi, I want to thank you for the awesome content.
Would you mind re-sharing your HUD config as the latest filedropper link doesn't work (at least for me there is no download available)?
Hi Leszek, I have some questions about the last hand vs cleaner. I also thought he is going to turn AK (because I would have bet same size with that hand :( ).
1) what is your betsize (vs you) in his shoes with AA, KK, with AK and with a bluff?
2) If you were almost sure he had AK or sometimes A8. Would't it be a possibility to raise river? Or is the risk/reward ratio not good enough?
3) If he would have checked river. What betsize would you have choosen (vs him)?
Hey Jokel,
1) With AK I would definitely bet around 60 because I would bet bluffs with the same sizing. KK in a similar way however I can increase sizing against some stations, because by holding KK you increase chances that he has A with a second pair and CS will basically never fold in such a spot so you can bet like 72-76.
With AA it depends on your opponents. You block most of SD value hands so against some players I dont mind check/calling. Against more stations I would just bet
2) That's a fantastic idea that I was considering during that hand. If you really have a feeling for your oponent - this is a great play. But you need to be careful because more tricky players will use that sizing with AA and snap call you. But I guess against a weaker player thats the way to go.
3) I would bet around 60 because this is sizing I would choose with bluff. 40 looks to valuebettish which makes it a pretty good sizing against a thinking oponent as a bluff.
Many thanks for your explanations and time.I really appreciate it. Much to learn but enjoy it more and more.
Leszek Badurowicz I notice your skip flop cbet and fold turn stat. I am having trouble finding it, I can only find for IP. Is there a stat for TOT vs IP/OOP? What stat do you use?
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