1:15:01 - usually at this stakes people don't fold as much as they should. I guess you would see a call from AQ if AK folds. And it's a case in many scenarios. Does it mean that we should shove tighter? and maybe raise fold more often if we get called way more often in practice than in theory? I refer to K3o hand
If they call wider we cannot jam or open as wide, here is the EV if the button calls AQs TT+ & BB calls AQo+ 99+. We cannot jam nearly as many suited hands or weak offsuit blocker hands. That said, it is speculation whether they would be calling this wide, and the jams are only sightly losing if they do, so I tend to just jam what I think the GTO range is but if I see some showdowns I will make the note and adjust accordingly.
I don't make any adjustments like that because the blinds are going up faster for everyone else as well. The one adjustment to pay attention to is the ante size, on GG most of the time it is a normal ante, but on Stars the hypers have a much larger ante which means we need to jam a lot wider and call jams wider. IMO people on stars do not adjust to the large ante enough and make a lot of mistakes like raise folding too much in spots where they should just shove.
Super nice vid and explanations on how to think vs opponents in micro tourneys. Very helpful to learn how to master hyper tourneys, SnGs and micro tournaments. I play the lowest at the moment and there the skill level of people is so bad that I tighten up sometimes, they bust themselves way more than here on this $8 level so I only wait for spots with really big edge for maximum edge (falling out costs more at nanotourneys as you would have very good chances).
At 1:11 vs the 50% PFR guy, you skip the question of his calling range vs the shove. What if we can't assume he folds correctly? Maybe he's flipping with 22 like everyone else in this video. Would've been interesting to run what happens to our shoving range vs wider-than-gto calls.
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Epic video Adam congratulations!
Love to see it, villain should be just push/fold
1:15:01 - usually at this stakes people don't fold as much as they should. I guess you would see a call from AQ if AK folds. And it's a case in many scenarios. Does it mean that we should shove tighter? and maybe raise fold more often if we get called way more often in practice than in theory? I refer to K3o hand
If they call wider we cannot jam or open as wide, here is the EV if the button calls AQs TT+ & BB calls AQo+ 99+. We cannot jam nearly as many suited hands or weak offsuit blocker hands. That said, it is speculation whether they would be calling this wide, and the jams are only sightly losing if they do, so I tend to just jam what I think the GTO range is but if I see some showdowns I will make the note and adjust accordingly.
Congrats on the win.
How does it being a hyper turbo affect jamming ranges in general? Should you ever be taking wider jams due to blinds going up so fast?
I don't make any adjustments like that because the blinds are going up faster for everyone else as well. The one adjustment to pay attention to is the ante size, on GG most of the time it is a normal ante, but on Stars the hypers have a much larger ante which means we need to jam a lot wider and call jams wider. IMO people on stars do not adjust to the large ante enough and make a lot of mistakes like raise folding too much in spots where they should just shove.
Super nice vid and explanations on how to think vs opponents in micro tourneys. Very helpful to learn how to master hyper tourneys, SnGs and micro tournaments. I play the lowest at the moment and there the skill level of people is so bad that I tighten up sometimes, they bust themselves way more than here on this $8 level so I only wait for spots with really big edge for maximum edge (falling out costs more at nanotourneys as you would have very good chances).
At 1:11 vs the 50% PFR guy, you skip the question of his calling range vs the shove. What if we can't assume he folds correctly? Maybe he's flipping with 22 like everyone else in this video. Would've been interesting to run what happens to our shoving range vs wider-than-gto calls.
Very interesting result, nonetheless.
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