Okay, really nice video! I would really enjoy if you could make it as a series, going through each step of the process.
You could do a live session record,as video 1/x for example, than marking some hands during that session. On the video 2/x you could run those hands, generate the reports and so on, maybe doing a video 3/x focused on those gto trainer drills. idk, just some random thoughts hahah
Also, I really enjoy when people uses h2n on their video, it would be really nice to see you doing some work with that tool as well.
Great addition to RIO. Hope to see some unique videos from you, Plenty of interesting topics out there. I think there are already enough coaches who do HH reviews and live plays, so please try to create some unique and interesting content and not just random live plays, PIO sims, etc.
I think for some nodes of the game tree you will find very good content on RIO like as example Cbet strategies in 3bp´s or SRP´s on different board types. However, for some nodes it is very difficult to find any content, not as an essential nor as an elite subscriber. Some of these nodes are:
check-raise strategies as the big blind vs early position/button. How to construct ranges on different board types, how freq. changes depending from the position of the PFR, turn play, etc
turn cbetting strategies after range betting OTF with wide ranges (BTN vs BB as example). I think people even at lower stakes nowadays know when to use a range bet. However, they struggle to design their turn cbet strategy accordingly. If you analyze stats of lower stakes players you will often find a huge discrepancy in turn cbet freq. compared to solvers. And the reason for this is that players know how to play their value/semi-bluff part of the range but have no clue how to play the 0EV subpart
delayed cbetting strategy as PFR. Basically, no content available on RIO respective this topic. A theory video about this topic with following exploits/adjustments would be nice
small blind vs big blind play. Small bling cbet and check raise strategies on different board types, big blind stab strategy, general deviations from equilibrium for both parties, etc
playing as the PFC in 3bp´s. I think most of your audience is very passive in this kinda of spots by mostly calling/folding. People have very limited fundamentals when to take an aggressive action. Some ideas here are: raise vs cbet strategy IP, stabbing strategy IP, check-raise strategy OOP, etc
These are just few rough ideas. However, I am pretty sure that the RIO subscriber would benefit more from them than from live plays, random PIO sims, etc. I hope you really bring some diversity to the RIO content considering that you have a very good understanding of the theory and seem to be capable to express your thoughts very well to the audience. I think what RIO needs at least is another coach who´s videos are 99% live plays or they scratch an interesting topic, show few PIO sims and that’s it (even this might be for the coach the easiest solution).
In your video you had the pseudo-GTO style as an example. As you said, you play an exploitative style.
Could you tell us which simplified sizings you would recommend for playing/studying for the most common spots using an exploitative approach?
fantastic video !!! I think the systematic study process is one of the most important but least talked about concept of poker. So this video is a step in the right direction. Well done Saulo !
Thank you pokerinlondon! Yes, I agree that its not talked about often enough, so my intention was to provide something practical to fill in that gap. I'm glad you liked it!
Suggestion for future vids would be to break down some spots and show us the simplified exploitative strategy. Fed up of seeing pseudo gto stuff, nobody can implement it in play that well and it's pointless for the majority of the viewership at essential level playing 100nl at most.
Practical and actionable info please, not just pretty theory.
Hey @Poncheezied. I disagree with your statements. Its certainly possible to implement a pseudo-gto strategy. it just requires a very high level of theory understanding. Its impossible to play complete GTO strategy with perfect frequencies, but its certainly possible to play a somewhat balanced strategy that has low exploitability (notice the 'low' adjective - it is not the same as zero).
Also heavily disagree with it being pointless for the majority of the viewership. Whatever stakes you play, your priority should be to improve your theory fundamentals. It doesn't really matter if you play 2nl or 500nl. I imagine people watching videos at run it once are not complete beginners most of the time, which means they understand the rules of the game and are actively trying to improve. If thats the case, then learning theory is exactly what they should be doing.
Perhaps your frustration comes from coaches not being able of teaching theory well enough to the audience, and I can understand that. I've had many experiences in my career where I saw very good players not being able to express their knowledge about the game in an accurate way. However, be aware of the fact that coaches not teaching the content well doesn't make the content bad.
Practical and actionable info please, not just pretty theory.
This is also a pretty dangerous statement, as it seems to imply that "theory" is something too fancy or silly for the audience, which is simply not true. Understanding theory is the only way to become truly good at poker. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to try and implement the pseudo gto type of strategy, though.
I definitely won't be teaching impractical stuff in my videos, and thats the message I was trying to send with this first video. Here I'm giving you a step by step practical process to improve your game. And all my videos will be like that. I hope everytime you finish watching my videos you can come to the conclusion that theory is actually practical and actionable. Because it is.
As someone has mentioned, please make a video on how to make aggregate reports; Also maybe in the same video do a quick walk thru on how to build GTO trainer drills.Thanks.
Hey Saulo, you pointed out that in 3bet pots on High-High-low it's recommended to cbet 100% pot size with high equity hands/bluffs. I was wondering how using bigger cbet sizings changes hotspots on later streets. So how effective would the B-X-B be when we use a small cbetsize compared to using larger sizings. Or do you recommend playing a pseudo-gto style on the river when we do use larger sizings?
Hey @Iam2good. I think you misinterpreted the video. I never recommended taking any strategic action in any way. I simply gave an example of a heuristic you could come up with by studying the aggregated reports for the spot chosen.
WRT your actual questions, intuitively I would expect people to fold less on future streets after making big investments in the early streets. But thats not much more than my intuition, as I have never studied this line in particular.
Nice video. I like your approach to studying. I try to do something similar myself, though certainly not as organized as the plan you have laid out.
I have a question:
In my studies, when looking at a spot or board texture in solvers, I find that a lot depends on the initial ranges one assigns to Villain (whether they are fish or reg, for instance). I suppose this is covered in your categorization into "pseudo-GTO" and "exploitative" (maximal or simplified). So, for the same spot, (say BTN vs BB SRP), we can have two different strategies against regs and against fish respectively.
Do you also do this kind of thing, and do you have any tips to organize the work done in these spots?
Do you have any tips for making pseudo GTO heuristics for turns and rivers? It seems a lot more tricky to do than flops, with all the extra board possibilities. This video has a ton of likes, maybe you could expand on it by explaining how you break down studying turns.
You are truly a hugely beneficial addition for the Essential RIO members. Please don't get promoted to Elite TOO soon, though if I were a betting man I'd say you have a very limited time before your Elite status is inevitable based on the quality of your videos so far. Thank you and I will continue to eagerly watch anything that you release!
Awesome concept been waiting a long time for this video. .... very concise and informative solvers if you're new to them is an overwhelming thing never seen someone lay it out like this big help thanks
Great vedio!
I am confuse, if I choose to use a Maximally Exploitative Strategy, and the solver only giving me GTO solusion, how can I develop a exploitative one base on the Solver output?
By using the nodelocking tool in the solver. You can make reads on villain or population and force them to act differently and the solver will then re-solve to give you the new strategy which maximally exploits these changes.
Thanks alot for this. I have been struggling in how to approach studying with solvers, and this gives me confidence to begin developing my own system based on your steps. Just started playing in 200NL games online and want to really understand the game deeper for the first time, and I think this is going to be a pivotal change in my approach. Thanks again!
I decided to study BBvBTN SRP, when facing a Cbet and ran sims for facing 33%PSB and also 66%PSB so I can get familiar with reactions to each size. As each board is very different do you think there is value in trying to spot heuristics/trends across aggregate reports, or to focus in on particular boards? I came up with more questions than answers when analysing the aggregate report, questions which can only be answered by diving into the range explorer on each flop. Am I along the correct lines when looking at the bigger picture here do you think? Google sheet - explorations
Loading 46 Comments...
Wow, great addition! Always thought you were one of the best players around
Thanks for the compliment Paul!
Vamooo Saulo!!! Bom te ter por aqui :D
Awesome first video, Saulo! Clear and inspiring explanation. Looking forward for other videos, man! Excellent content!
Thank you!
Saudações de um companheiro brasileiro! Greetings from a brazilian friend!
Okay, really nice video! I would really enjoy if you could make it as a series, going through each step of the process.
You could do a live session record,as video 1/x for example, than marking some hands during that session. On the video 2/x you could run those hands, generate the reports and so on, maybe doing a video 3/x focused on those gto trainer drills. idk, just some random thoughts hahah
Also, I really enjoy when people uses h2n on their video, it would be really nice to see you doing some work with that tool as well.
Hey eatyourveggies thank you.
Thanks for the suggestion. If this comment gets more likes I can certainly include a plan for a series like that for future videos.
I would like to see more videos covering specific boards/ spots.
Hi @vegas777. What do you mean exactly? Something just like eatyourveggies suggested?
The purpose of this video was just to show the process, not necessarily to cover any specific strategic content.
Great addition to RIO. Hope to see some unique videos from you, Plenty of interesting topics out there. I think there are already enough coaches who do HH reviews and live plays, so please try to create some unique and interesting content and not just random live plays, PIO sims, etc.
Hey @Pape_Sux. Can you give suggestions of these interesting topics?
I think for some nodes of the game tree you will find very good content on RIO like as example Cbet strategies in 3bp´s or SRP´s on different board types. However, for some nodes it is very difficult to find any content, not as an essential nor as an elite subscriber. Some of these nodes are:
check-raise strategies as the big blind vs early position/button. How to construct ranges on different board types, how freq. changes depending from the position of the PFR, turn play, etc
turn cbetting strategies after range betting OTF with wide ranges (BTN vs BB as example). I think people even at lower stakes nowadays know when to use a range bet. However, they struggle to design their turn cbet strategy accordingly. If you analyze stats of lower stakes players you will often find a huge discrepancy in turn cbet freq. compared to solvers. And the reason for this is that players know how to play their value/semi-bluff part of the range but have no clue how to play the 0EV subpart
delayed cbetting strategy as PFR. Basically, no content available on RIO respective this topic. A theory video about this topic with following exploits/adjustments would be nice
small blind vs big blind play. Small bling cbet and check raise strategies on different board types, big blind stab strategy, general deviations from equilibrium for both parties, etc
playing as the PFC in 3bp´s. I think most of your audience is very passive in this kinda of spots by mostly calling/folding. People have very limited fundamentals when to take an aggressive action. Some ideas here are: raise vs cbet strategy IP, stabbing strategy IP, check-raise strategy OOP, etc
These are just few rough ideas. However, I am pretty sure that the RIO subscriber would benefit more from them than from live plays, random PIO sims, etc. I hope you really bring some diversity to the RIO content considering that you have a very good understanding of the theory and seem to be capable to express your thoughts very well to the audience. I think what RIO needs at least is another coach who´s videos are 99% live plays or they scratch an interesting topic, show few PIO sims and that’s it (even this might be for the coach the easiest solution).
I wish u GL and congrats again!
paging all RIO coaches, Papes post on what he'd like to see has 18 likes and counting... look no further if you are struggling for video ideas
great video and very important one
Than you SeiferWR
Great video and very well explained!
In which frequency do you plan to release new videos?
Thank you mynameismoo
Can't say for sure but probably once very 2 weeks
Saulo Ribeiro Thanks for your answer :)
In your video you had the pseudo-GTO style as an example. As you said, you play an exploitative style.
Could you tell us which simplified sizings you would recommend for playing/studying for the most common spots using an exploitative approach?
Always tough to play against, welcome!
Hey it would be extra great if u make a video on how to do aggreagate report ... I failed miserably trying.
And thank you for putting much effort into this video. Not many coach do this nowadays.
Thanks G G . I'll keep your suggestion in mind.
great video! thanks
Thank you galgalta
fantastic video !!! I think the systematic study process is one of the most important but least talked about concept of poker. So this video is a step in the right direction. Well done Saulo !
Thank you pokerinlondon! Yes, I agree that its not talked about often enough, so my intention was to provide something practical to fill in that gap. I'm glad you liked it!
esse Treino de GTO é bem da hora mesmo. Mas mano..tem muitas opçoes de pacotes. To em duvida qual comprar.
Suggestion for future vids would be to break down some spots and show us the simplified exploitative strategy. Fed up of seeing pseudo gto stuff, nobody can implement it in play that well and it's pointless for the majority of the viewership at essential level playing 100nl at most.
Practical and actionable info please, not just pretty theory.
Hey @Poncheezied. I disagree with your statements. Its certainly possible to implement a pseudo-gto strategy. it just requires a very high level of theory understanding. Its impossible to play complete GTO strategy with perfect frequencies, but its certainly possible to play a somewhat balanced strategy that has low exploitability (notice the 'low' adjective - it is not the same as zero).
Also heavily disagree with it being pointless for the majority of the viewership. Whatever stakes you play, your priority should be to improve your theory fundamentals. It doesn't really matter if you play 2nl or 500nl. I imagine people watching videos at run it once are not complete beginners most of the time, which means they understand the rules of the game and are actively trying to improve. If thats the case, then learning theory is exactly what they should be doing.
Perhaps your frustration comes from coaches not being able of teaching theory well enough to the audience, and I can understand that. I've had many experiences in my career where I saw very good players not being able to express their knowledge about the game in an accurate way. However, be aware of the fact that coaches not teaching the content well doesn't make the content bad.
This is also a pretty dangerous statement, as it seems to imply that "theory" is something too fancy or silly for the audience, which is simply not true. Understanding theory is the only way to become truly good at poker. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to try and implement the pseudo gto type of strategy, though.
I definitely won't be teaching impractical stuff in my videos, and thats the message I was trying to send with this first video. Here I'm giving you a step by step practical process to improve your game. And all my videos will be like that. I hope everytime you finish watching my videos you can come to the conclusion that theory is actually practical and actionable. Because it is.
As someone has mentioned, please make a video on how to make aggregate reports; Also maybe in the same video do a quick walk thru on how to build GTO trainer drills.Thanks.
Hey Saulo, you pointed out that in 3bet pots on High-High-low it's recommended to cbet 100% pot size with high equity hands/bluffs. I was wondering how using bigger cbet sizings changes hotspots on later streets. So how effective would the B-X-B be when we use a small cbetsize compared to using larger sizings. Or do you recommend playing a pseudo-gto style on the river when we do use larger sizings?
Hey @Iam2good. I think you misinterpreted the video. I never recommended taking any strategic action in any way. I simply gave an example of a heuristic you could come up with by studying the aggregated reports for the spot chosen.
WRT your actual questions, intuitively I would expect people to fold less on future streets after making big investments in the early streets. But thats not much more than my intuition, as I have never studied this line in particular.
Hi Saulo Ribeiro
Nice video. I like your approach to studying. I try to do something similar myself, though certainly not as organized as the plan you have laid out.
I have a question:
In my studies, when looking at a spot or board texture in solvers, I find that a lot depends on the initial ranges one assigns to Villain (whether they are fish or reg, for instance). I suppose this is covered in your categorization into "pseudo-GTO" and "exploitative" (maximal or simplified). So, for the same spot, (say BTN vs BB SRP), we can have two different strategies against regs and against fish respectively.
Do you also do this kind of thing, and do you have any tips to organize the work done in these spots?
Yes, I study regs and recs separately.
Great video man
Do you have any tips for making pseudo GTO heuristics for turns and rivers? It seems a lot more tricky to do than flops, with all the extra board possibilities. This video has a ton of likes, maybe you could expand on it by explaining how you break down studying turns.
You are truly a hugely beneficial addition for the Essential RIO members. Please don't get promoted to Elite TOO soon, though if I were a betting man I'd say you have a very limited time before your Elite status is inevitable based on the quality of your videos so far. Thank you and I will continue to eagerly watch anything that you release!
Awesome concept been waiting a long time for this video. .... very concise and informative solvers if you're new to them is an overwhelming thing never seen someone lay it out like this big help thanks
Very informative video! I can't wait to implement the strategies using The systematic Process. I'll definitely be viewing all of Saulo's videos.
I simply love this type of video where you do not give me a fish, but a fishing rod and show how to use it.
This video has unlocked a new part of poker that I did not even know existed. Very exciting stuff and thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Great vedio!
I am confuse, if I choose to use a Maximally Exploitative Strategy, and the solver only giving me GTO solusion, how can I develop a exploitative one base on the Solver output?
By using the nodelocking tool in the solver. You can make reads on villain or population and force them to act differently and the solver will then re-solve to give you the new strategy which maximally exploits these changes.
Great vid!
Thanks alot for this. I have been struggling in how to approach studying with solvers, and this gives me confidence to begin developing my own system based on your steps. Just started playing in 200NL games online and want to really understand the game deeper for the first time, and I think this is going to be a pivotal change in my approach. Thanks again!
I decided to study BBvBTN SRP, when facing a Cbet and ran sims for facing 33%PSB and also 66%PSB so I can get familiar with reactions to each size. As each board is very different do you think there is value in trying to spot heuristics/trends across aggregate reports, or to focus in on particular boards? I came up with more questions than answers when analysing the aggregate report, questions which can only be answered by diving into the range explorer on each flop. Am I along the correct lines when looking at the bigger picture here do you think?
Google sheet - explorations
do coaches ever remember there making this vid for a 25 dollar month plan ie for the stakes people are playing it doesn’t make senes to buy a solver
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