Thanks, this is one of the most useful videos i have seen. I am one of those donks that have a tracker but i dont really understand how to use it properly, this was a real eye opener.
Is there anywhere i can see a summary how stats should look like? I have all this information and percentages, but having a guideline and some idea would be incredibly useful for donks:)
Blockquote Is there anywhere i can see a summary how stats should look like?
I am not sure if I understand your question correctly - you can find this information right in this video and all my other videos related with stats - so "Finding the edge in stats" series
Thanks great video as always.
Think I found a leak:
You suggest a {25 - 35bb/100} loss rate is reasonable as a overall BB rate.
Mine is -50bb over 120k hand sample at 200z and that means that there is only about 10% chance that I am just running bad.
Question: How confident are you in the 25 -35bb/100 rate you suggested and more importantly what are some things I can look at to improve this.
120k sample means you played just 20k hands on the BB. I am not really sure about the sample size you need but if you havent experienced a major upswing or downswing, it should be pretty acccurate.
Most of the best regs at PLO500 have winrate of -25-30bb/100 on the BB. Some of them even a little bit better but there may be a sample size issues as well. You need to consider rake as well, so -30-35bb/100 is definitely possible at 200z. Imo everything below -40bb/100 is fine at these stakes, -35bb/100 is great!
I would suggest to do 2 things:
=> watch videos and pay attention to the BB strategy of Phil and other video makers
=> if you have large data base, go through the data base of the best players at your stakes. Filter for position BB and saw showdown = true. You will see what type of hands do they play and how do they play them. Also pay attention to their stats - fold to cbet, raise cbet etc. They are different than on other positions, more tight and straight forward, e.g. fold to cbet on the BB 55%-60% is pretty standard, whereas on other situations it would be a leak. It requires some time spend on the education but it definitely will pay off as you can increase your winrate by 1-2bb/100.
Dear Lechrumski!!
Thank you for the wonderful film which prompted me to analyze my game ..
I have some questions related to the issues discussed by you .
My first question is whether BB fold vs BTN steal statistics can be calculated using statistics Cold Call . I'm not sure because in the mentioned statistics we have HU and multiway pots . For example I cold call 25% hands on BB vs EP. You have recomended min 40%. Schould I cold call wider range and how to spread it between HU nad multiway pots?
My second question is about SB 3bet vs BTN. Do you use resteal statistics ( SB restal vs BTN)?
In my case, the difference between said statistics is very small and is equal to 1 % ( 15 % of 3bet vs 14 % of resteal ) .
Very good questions and tbh I dont have answers to all of tchem
1) Yes I think that you should defend at least 40% of your range on the BB against EP-CO. Of course a little bit more against the CO.
-you can defend a little bit less against pot size raises and tight ranges
-you can defend more against lower sizings and wider ranges
-in multiway pots you should be defending more hands because you are getting better pot odds, but of course be careful with non-nutty hands
I haven't done a calculation how much you should defend HU, how much in multiway pots and how much against 2x, 2.5x, 3x. and 3.5x. I think it's a matter of experience and observation of better players to get a feeling of what hands you should call and what hands you should fold.
But when it comes to your total defend, I know that it should be at least 40%. Imo detailed answer to your question would require a separate video dedicated only to defending the BB
2) I dont use resteal stat, I use 3bet SB vs BTN, thats why I am not really sure about the difference between those two. I think the answer can be found only at HM forum ;-)
Hi again,
I guess I am asking for where i could find, more or less a cheat-sheet, where i could directly compare my stats to see where my stats are different. Though i probably should watch the videos again, a sheet could provide more stats and a easier comparison.
Hi Leszek, awesome video. I checked my db and I am doing really poorly in BB defense. I made a thread in MSPLO. If you could be so kind and take a look at it, I'd appreciate that a lot.
I use PT4 it seems all the stats you use are in PT4 also but some have different names , check fold is fold to float etc . Besides a few small differences Is there any reason why you would recommend HM2 over PT4? I know HM2 has a 3b vs hero stat that is not on PT4 that i wish i could use. I have HM2 license but I stopped using it a few years ago as it froze too often.
I have never used PT but from what I know these 2 programs are very similar in terms of functionality. I got used to HM and thats the only reason why I am using it;-)
PT users need to spend a little bit more time and find relevant names of the stats presented in the video.
Great content, as always. I was wondering if you would post a working link to your HUD. All the ones I have found in previous videos have expired or aren't working. Thank you for your great contributions.
Hey Leszek, can you please upload the full 5-row version of your HUD. When I import the .xmls uploaded above, they only appear as a 4-row HUD and are pretty mixed up, compared to the one's you use in your videos.
Sick winrate. Do you fold some hands OOP to a 3bet? Because it can show that you are follding too much and you can play more hands profitably.
Also from 100k you play just a small part of them OOP in 3bet pots so variance can affect this results. It is also possible that you are a genius ;-)
My fold to ip 3bet for past 150k hands is 17,1% is that too much? most of the times are hands that play poor vs a very strong 3bet range, also do you know if that 17.1% counts hands that go 3bet and 4bet from blinds?
Only 1235 hands from last 150k are oop 3bet pots so yes its kinda small.
I think people look a lot at the Ev line and think if the winnings are = to the Ev everything is ok but sometimes you are running hot hitting flops and getting in good.
How many hands do you think somebody needs to play to have a very accurate picture of their winrate? After watching some videos here on roi and others on youtube for past months i improved my game style a lot but because of variance i still cant be 100% sure if i am good or i am running hot.
I have for past 100k hands 11.86Evbb/100 how much more do i need to play before i can be close to 100% sure that my winrate is 10bb+ at that lvl?
Srry for the huge comment and hope i can get an answer xD
Hey I gave you an answer on that today on prm. Paying attention to ev too much can definitely hurt a little bit our mental-game.
17% might be a little bit too much. Depends on the stakes you are playing. If you play PLO100 and below thats fine because of rake. At PLO200 I think 10-15% is the best.
In a reply to a comment Lesezek you said that in the BB we should have a wider range multiway because of the increased pot odds, but I assume part of the reason we call so wide Vs one raiser in the BB is because our range will do better heads up than multiway, and its easier for use to realise our full equity. Although another player increases our pot odds it also decreases our equity and the playability of our hand, whilst increasing the reverse implied odds. So a hand like Jc 5c 9h 5s will do alright head up but multi-way it loses a lot of value imo. surely by defending wider multi-way we are putting ourself in tougher post flop spots with more marginal hands which might lead us to lose more money?? especially Vs tougher competition..
Yes. Not sure if I was aware of that concept when I made that video first but we have 2 type of hands on the BB. Let's say a hand like T943ds is a hand that we can call HU and just play it OOP. But 4way this hand will go down in value a lot because it never makes nuts and FDs are usually not good. The same will aply to hands like T974ss, 8643ds, 3568ss etc.
On the other hand we have hand like AJ84ss to A, JJT4ss, QJT4ss, that have much more nut potential. And we can call those hands multiway and HU as well.
So yeah - the main point is that multiway you should be very careful calling hands rarely hit something strong.
flop bet after missed cbet IP - most of players have 45%-55% in this stat and it shows how often do they stab after PFR checks. More aggressive players bet 60-65%. It is interesting to have a look at this stats in 3bet pots. It can definitely help you to build a c/r range especially against people who stab too much
bet turn after missed cbet OOP - standard is 35%-45%. This stat should depend on your oponent check back range. If it is weak you can stab a lot. Some players attack checking ranges too often and you can also use that by strengthening your check back range especially if you see numbers like 43-45% in this stat :-)
Thanks for videos and HUD link, couple questions about the hud color ranges as I'm getting used to it; Green is good reggy stats, blue is too tight or tighter stats?, orange is wider but not super bad, and then red is very wide/loose stats?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I may have more questions as I begin to run this hud, thanks hope your still around! GLGL
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Pure gold :)
Thanks Leskek
Wonderful vid, Leszek - thank you. I found a big leak
Many thanks. Gold for micro donk like me. I will go through hm2 right now !!
what was the name of the video you mentioned about playing in the blinds?
I meant this video
I tried to add "river call efficiency" in one of my pop-ups, however I can't seem to find the stat there (but can find it in report section) ?
Great video, thanks!
Yes this is the stat that you can add only to your report section.
Thanks, this is one of the most useful videos i have seen. I am one of those donks that have a tracker but i dont really understand how to use it properly, this was a real eye opener.
Is there anywhere i can see a summary how stats should look like? I have all this information and percentages, but having a guideline and some idea would be incredibly useful for donks:)
Thanks again for a great video,
I am glad you enjoyed the video ;-)
I am not sure if I understand your question correctly - you can find this information right in this video and all my other videos related with stats - so "Finding the edge in stats" series
Thanks great video as always.
Think I found a leak:
You suggest a {25 - 35bb/100} loss rate is reasonable as a overall BB rate.
Mine is -50bb over 120k hand sample at 200z and that means that there is only about 10% chance that I am just running bad.
Question: How confident are you in the 25 -35bb/100 rate you suggested and more importantly what are some things I can look at to improve this.
120k sample means you played just 20k hands on the BB. I am not really sure about the sample size you need but if you havent experienced a major upswing or downswing, it should be pretty acccurate.
Most of the best regs at PLO500 have winrate of -25-30bb/100 on the BB. Some of them even a little bit better but there may be a sample size issues as well. You need to consider rake as well, so -30-35bb/100 is definitely possible at 200z. Imo everything below -40bb/100 is fine at these stakes, -35bb/100 is great!
I would suggest to do 2 things:
=> watch videos and pay attention to the BB strategy of Phil and other video makers
=> if you have large data base, go through the data base of the best players at your stakes. Filter for position BB and saw showdown = true. You will see what type of hands do they play and how do they play them. Also pay attention to their stats - fold to cbet, raise cbet etc. They are different than on other positions, more tight and straight forward, e.g. fold to cbet on the BB 55%-60% is pretty standard, whereas on other situations it would be a leak. It requires some time spend on the education but it definitely will pay off as you can increase your winrate by 1-2bb/100.
Dear Lechrumski!!
Thank you for the wonderful film which prompted me to analyze my game ..
I have some questions related to the issues discussed by you .
My first question is whether BB fold vs BTN steal statistics can be calculated using statistics Cold Call . I'm not sure because in the mentioned statistics we have HU and multiway pots . For example I cold call 25% hands on BB vs EP. You have recomended min 40%. Schould I cold call wider range and how to spread it between HU nad multiway pots?
My second question is about SB 3bet vs BTN. Do you use resteal statistics ( SB restal vs BTN)?
In my case, the difference between said statistics is very small and is equal to 1 % ( 15 % of 3bet vs 14 % of resteal ) .
Very good questions and tbh I dont have answers to all of tchem
1) Yes I think that you should defend at least 40% of your range on the BB against EP-CO. Of course a little bit more against the CO.
-you can defend a little bit less against pot size raises and tight ranges
-you can defend more against lower sizings and wider ranges
-in multiway pots you should be defending more hands because you are getting better pot odds, but of course be careful with non-nutty hands
I haven't done a calculation how much you should defend HU, how much in multiway pots and how much against 2x, 2.5x, 3x. and 3.5x. I think it's a matter of experience and observation of better players to get a feeling of what hands you should call and what hands you should fold.
But when it comes to your total defend, I know that it should be at least 40%. Imo detailed answer to your question would require a separate video dedicated only to defending the BB
2) I dont use resteal stat, I use 3bet SB vs BTN, thats why I am not really sure about the difference between those two. I think the answer can be found only at HM forum ;-)
Hi again,
I guess I am asking for where i could find, more or less a cheat-sheet, where i could directly compare my stats to see where my stats are different. Though i probably should watch the videos again, a sheet could provide more stats and a easier comparison.
Sorry for the trouble
No I havent done such a sheet, you need to go through all tables and compare your stats to the values presented in the video.
Hi Leszek, awesome video. I checked my db and I am doing really poorly in BB defense. I made a thread in MSPLO. If you could be so kind and take a look at it, I'd appreciate that a lot.
I will have a look on that and reply ;-)
I use PT4 it seems all the stats you use are in PT4 also but some have different names , check fold is fold to float etc . Besides a few small differences Is there any reason why you would recommend HM2 over PT4? I know HM2 has a 3b vs hero stat that is not on PT4 that i wish i could use. I have HM2 license but I stopped using it a few years ago as it froze too often.
Thanks Excellent content
I have never used PT but from what I know these 2 programs are very similar in terms of functionality. I got used to HM and thats the only reason why I am using it;-)
PT users need to spend a little bit more time and find relevant names of the stats presented in the video.
Great content, as always. I was wondering if you would post a working link to your HUD. All the ones I have found in previous videos have expired or aren't working. Thank you for your great contributions.
Yeah unfortunately those links expire after some time. I have just made a new upload - try this one
hi, could you reupload your hud pls xD much appreciated, watching the vidoe right now, very good stuff so far
Hey Leszek, can you please upload the full 5-row version of your HUD. When I import the .xmls uploaded above, they only appear as a 4-row HUD and are pretty mixed up, compared to the one's you use in your videos.
Hi Leszek, if you can please upload your hud. Thank you for your videos very much!
Hi Leszek, if you can please upload your hud. Thank you for your videos very much!
hey try this link but better save it on your pc as after few days those links expire
thanks so much Leszek! Can be some possibility to buy your popups? I will be really happy to pay for that. you doing really good job.
best regards, - enjoy ;-)
Hey so much good information here, I have found so many leaks in my game, lots to work on, thanks
in the oop calling 3bet filter i am winning 90bb/100 in last 100k hands i am a genius? or is that a shit ton of variance?xD
Sick winrate. Do you fold some hands OOP to a 3bet? Because it can show that you are follding too much and you can play more hands profitably.
Also from 100k you play just a small part of them OOP in 3bet pots so variance can affect this results. It is also possible that you are a genius ;-)
My fold to ip 3bet for past 150k hands is 17,1% is that too much? most of the times are hands that play poor vs a very strong 3bet range, also do you know if that 17.1% counts hands that go 3bet and 4bet from blinds?
Only 1235 hands from last 150k are oop 3bet pots so yes its kinda small.
I think people look a lot at the Ev line and think if the winnings are = to the Ev everything is ok but sometimes you are running hot hitting flops and getting in good.
How many hands do you think somebody needs to play to have a very accurate picture of their winrate? After watching some videos here on roi and others on youtube for past months i improved my game style a lot but because of variance i still cant be 100% sure if i am good or i am running hot.
I have for past 100k hands 11.86Evbb/100 how much more do i need to play before i can be close to 100% sure that my winrate is 10bb+ at that lvl?
Srry for the huge comment and hope i can get an answer xD
Hey I gave you an answer on that today on prm. Paying attention to ev too much can definitely hurt a little bit our mental-game.
17% might be a little bit too much. Depends on the stakes you are playing. If you play PLO100 and below thats fine because of rake. At PLO200 I think 10-15% is the best.
I think the last link expired, any chance you'd share it again?
Thank you!
Hey, try this one
In a reply to a comment Lesezek you said that in the BB we should have a wider range multiway because of the increased pot odds, but I assume part of the reason we call so wide Vs one raiser in the BB is because our range will do better heads up than multiway, and its easier for use to realise our full equity. Although another player increases our pot odds it also decreases our equity and the playability of our hand, whilst increasing the reverse implied odds. So a hand like Jc 5c 9h 5s will do alright head up but multi-way it loses a lot of value imo. surely by defending wider multi-way we are putting ourself in tougher post flop spots with more marginal hands which might lead us to lose more money?? especially Vs tougher competition..
Yes. Not sure if I was aware of that concept when I made that video first but we have 2 type of hands on the BB. Let's say a hand like T943ds is a hand that we can call HU and just play it OOP. But 4way this hand will go down in value a lot because it never makes nuts and FDs are usually not good. The same will aply to hands like T974ss, 8643ds, 3568ss etc.
On the other hand we have hand like AJ84ss to A, JJT4ss, QJT4ss, that have much more nut potential. And we can call those hands multiway and HU as well.
So yeah - the main point is that multiway you should be very careful calling hands rarely hit something strong.
Great video.
Could you please share some thoughts on the following stats?
Common values for regs, possible leaks , etc ..
First 2 stats seem to come from PT4 as in HM you have different names so really not sure which stats do you mean. Can you describe them?
Fold to preflop 3bet imo should be in between 10-20% depending on your postflop skills. The better you are the more you can call.
Sorry these should be in HEM:
Actually I think these are the two stats just on the right after WWSF on your HUD
flop bet after missed cbet IP - most of players have 45%-55% in this stat and it shows how often do they stab after PFR checks. More aggressive players bet 60-65%. It is interesting to have a look at this stats in 3bet pots. It can definitely help you to build a c/r range especially against people who stab too much
bet turn after missed cbet OOP - standard is 35%-45%. This stat should depend on your oponent check back range. If it is weak you can stab a lot. Some players attack checking ranges too often and you can also use that by strengthening your check back range especially if you see numbers like 43-45% in this stat :-)
Thanks for videos and HUD link, couple questions about the hud color ranges as I'm getting used to it; Green is good reggy stats, blue is too tight or tighter stats?, orange is wider but not super bad, and then red is very wide/loose stats?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I may have more questions as I begin to run this hud, thanks hope your still around! GLGL
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