Equity vs. very tight c-shove range: 42:1% vs. (KK,33,66),((K3,K6,36)!(KK,33,66)),Ass,k*s*s
Can you elaborate why u are betting the turn this "big" in relation to the stack sizes left in play? I guess you can argue that he will peel prob. one more, even against this sizing with any straight, so you get 1more street of max value. He is prob. folding rivers with some flushes and thats why you wanna get as much value as possible now? I btw think betting is better here against "fake" cause he will not bluff enough because he is not turning a lot of made hands into bluffs on rivers IMO.
I would like to ask also about this hand. Flop i thought u cant start ch back this hand cuz u cant b/c vs very tight range but ppt suprised me again. So what kind of hands whould u like to start checking back on this flop vs this specific opponent ??
And 2nd i also think turn size is too big given the stack size.
@jnandez Yeah the sizing is a bit exploitative since im very sure i will get one more street of value from any str8 and maybe some 2p's and slowplayed setts that also is hands im very sure that he will fold on the river to a jam. And since we dont have the nutflush there is a small chance that he will have a blocker since fakeorreals range contain way more offsuited ace combos here than other players and i thought going a little bigger on the sizing might induce a shove from him since it feels a bit like im polarizing myself to nut/air. Im not extremely careful about sizing vs him if i compare to how i would play vs u for example! ;)
@flyingaces Hands i would like to checkback here is like some rundowns with flushdraws maybe even the nutflushdraw in a AQJT AJT9 combo, hands that cant rly betcall flopp vs a tight jaming flopp range but still run very good vs some parts of his range and can turn tons of eq or pure steal on a bunch of turns. Maybe also some mid rundowns like T987ds that is gona turn a wrap on half of the deck even tho its just a T high with a mid fd on flopp.
Agree, but the scenario i also that fakeorreal tends to go a little crazy vs steals and don't mind playing a single raised or 3b pott IP vs him. And bb has a high fold to steal so think its a ok steal attempt pree even tho its a little loose.
27:30 - how about 3betting AK88ds vs FoR's SB open? You've got to be way ahead of his range, and you're going to end up in lots of great FD over FD spots on the flop. With the blockers you'll rarely be 4bet and can probably see a flop even if you are 4bet.
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Hey man! Nice video, love the format.
I guess your bet/calling it off here right?
Villians range: (KK,33,66),((K3,K6,36)!(KK,33,66)),Ass,k*s*s, 3s*s, 6*s*s
Equity vs. very tight c-shove range: 42:1% vs. (KK,33,66),((K3,K6,36)!(KK,33,66)),Ass,k*s*s
Can you elaborate why u are betting the turn this "big" in relation to the stack sizes left in play? I guess you can argue that he will peel prob. one more, even against this sizing with any straight, so you get 1more street of max value. He is prob. folding rivers with some flushes and thats why you wanna get as much value as possible now? I btw think betting is better here against "fake" cause he will not bluff enough because he is not turning a lot of made hands into bluffs on rivers IMO.
Again, good work, will post some more stuff soon.
yes wanted to ask why betting so much ott too
good vid btw, enjoyed 9 tables i think i can follow the action w no probz
I would like to ask also about this hand. Flop i thought u cant start ch back this hand cuz u cant b/c vs very tight range but ppt suprised me again. So what kind of hands whould u like to start checking back on this flop vs this specific opponent ??
And 2nd i also think turn size is too big given the stack size.
@jnandez Yeah the sizing is a bit exploitative since im very sure i will get one more street of value from any str8 and maybe some 2p's and slowplayed setts that also is hands im very sure that he will fold on the river to a jam. And since we dont have the nutflush there is a small chance that he will have a blocker since fakeorreals range contain way more offsuited ace combos here than other players and i thought going a little bigger on the sizing might induce a shove from him since it feels a bit like im polarizing myself to nut/air. Im not extremely careful about sizing vs him if i compare to how i would play vs u for example! ;)
@flyingaces Hands i would like to checkback here is like some rundowns with flushdraws maybe even the nutflushdraw in a AQJT AJT9 combo, hands that cant rly betcall flopp vs a tight jaming flopp range but still run very good vs some parts of his range and can turn tons of eq or pure steal on a bunch of turns. Maybe also some mid rundowns like T987ds that is gona turn a wrap on half of the deck even tho its just a T high with a mid fd on flopp.
too many tables, too many spots, too small tables.
where is the value in making a video playing 9 tables?
2 - 4 tables for the next video pls.
Good job sir , really enjoyed it lots of spots and good action always gd to see a big live session
Väry good video sir !
table 3 u opened QQJ4ss from CO with what i can see active BU and sqz blinds behind. It isn't a too loose open in this spot ??
Agree, but the scenario i also that fakeorreal tends to go a little crazy vs steals and don't mind playing a single raised or 3b pott IP vs him. And bb has a high fold to steal so think its a ok steal attempt pree even tho its a little loose.
27:30 - how about 3betting AK88ds vs FoR's SB open? You've got to be way ahead of his range, and you're going to end up in lots of great FD over FD spots on the flop. With the blockers you'll rarely be 4bet and can probably see a flop even if you are 4bet.
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