Yes of course. That's also fine. Think my line slightly better for targeting those mid-pairs. Depends frequency with which your opponent floats with King and Ace high as to which is better.
that shove with K2s need to work 77.7% of da time. it probably works like over 85% against the general population. but yes its so unbalanced coz u are never doing this w KK but he can't call off what so ever.
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DUDE I JUS BUSTED 16 LEFT CUZ U TOLD ME TO SHOVE ALL IN XR RIVER! lol jk sexy shove on riv man. so hard for him to call. nice vid keep em comin
Glad you like it DUDE! Glgl!
Superb video. Might have been your best yet, and I have seem them all. Always entertaining Sammy keep them coming!
Too kind bruv!
Hi Sam!
On min 13 , AKs , can you give me your toughts on a bet flop , c/shove turn?
Yes of course. That's also fine. Think my line slightly better for targeting those mid-pairs. Depends frequency with which your opponent floats with King and Ace high as to which is better.
that shove with K2s need to work 77.7% of da time. it probably works like over 85% against the general population. but yes its so unbalanced coz u are never doing this w KK but he can't call off what so ever.
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