I think this is good solid low variance play and difficult to exploit. I know that this wins at the low buy ins that I play in and so glad to see that it does well higher up too. It resonated with me....how come when I see you play on Sky Poker you're so much looser? Cash games?
I can definitely vary my style dependent on context. A more robust style definitely works welll in online tournaments where stacks are in the 15-40bb range and people are playing a decent resteal/3-bet game.
In the televised cash games i've played things are obviously different. Obviously playing 5/6 handed means you need to loosen up, also i was playing 150-400bb deep a lot of the time (!) which obviously mean the implied odds of a lot hand increases.
And of course - if i'm being completely honest - everyone loves to splash around on TV.
New member and watching some of the recent videos first. I got excited because I thought "I understand this! I think I could do this". Now that I have watched more of your videos I realise that I have only scratched the surface of a very complex game and that you have many playing modes depending on the situation. This tourney just happened to unfold in a relatively straight forward way. I think I'll refrain from more naive comments for a while. Thank you so much - love your videos and for being responding so kindly
So, on 6.20 you cb/f A2c on T2s2. I don't mind the cb/f, but don't you think that our hand is playable via checkbehind, because this way you overload your cbetting range of the flop and will fold way too much, which is not good provided that you open from steal position and the Villain is solid reg. What would you chechbeh on this flop?
Good question. So on this board we have the stronger range. Because of the position we've opened we have just as many, if not more tens than our opponent and as many deuces, plus all the over-pairs which our opponent rarely has. Our range is therefore stronger and i bet all my value hands (33+, T7+) aswell as my bluffs. Because our range is stronger our opponent will have to play pretty honestly vs us. Although our opening range is stronger utg, the absence of many deuces from our range means i'll go for a delayed c-bet more often with bluffs and check back some medium strength hands and some slowplays.
So to summarize i don't have much of a check back range on this board. If i was gonna check back some hands then they would probably be hands like strong Tx (KTc for instance), nut flush draws which have deception and show down value and maybe AAc also. This range is hard to balance with air, however, so that's why i prefer to bet with a high frequency.
You consider c/r KJ on Q72. I see Hero's backdoors, but don't ppl tend to go ballistic on you, when checkraised on this kind of boards? I mean, I do that sometimes, and I get shoved on or receive a rebluff attempt OTT from all kinds of T9o and stuff.
Yes your right. From a theoretical perspective this is a good hand to craise, but as you say, we know as experienced MTTers their's a huge level of non-belief in these spots and we have to develop a more subtle line.
Very good vid. On 36:13 , J6s , dont you think its better do bet the river for value? I mean , His range leads more towards A high than anything else .And , due to the ammount of possible missed draws, I even think he might call with K high. Considering we will check behind wih all those hands , I believe betting is better. Let me know what you think.
I agree with what you say. I actually contradict myself some, because I range him to pairs between the 5 and the 9 and strong A highs. Against that range we should defo bet for value when all draws miss!
Sorry for HUGE delay in replying. Only just saw this.
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I think this is good solid low variance play and difficult to exploit. I know that this wins at the low buy ins that I play in and so glad to see that it does well higher up too. It resonated with me....how come when I see you play on Sky Poker you're so much looser? Cash games?
I can definitely vary my style dependent on context. A more robust style definitely works welll in online tournaments where stacks are in the 15-40bb range and people are playing a decent resteal/3-bet game.
In the televised cash games i've played things are obviously different. Obviously playing 5/6 handed means you need to loosen up, also i was playing 150-400bb deep a lot of the time (!) which obviously mean the implied odds of a lot hand increases.
And of course - if i'm being completely honest - everyone loves to splash around on TV.
New member and watching some of the recent videos first. I got excited because I thought "I understand this! I think I could do this". Now that I have watched more of your videos I realise that I have only scratched the surface of a very complex game and that you have many playing modes depending on the situation. This tourney just happened to unfold in a relatively straight forward way. I think I'll refrain from more naive comments for a while. Thank you so much - love your videos and for being responding so kindly
So glad you're getting a lot out of them. Keep the questions coming and keep me informed how your game is progressing. We're here to help!
Hello Sam! Thank you for your video!
I've a question for ya, unless you mind =)
So, on 6.20 you cb/f A2c on T2s2. I don't mind the cb/f, but don't you think that our hand is playable via checkbehind, because this way you overload your cbetting range of the flop and will fold way too much, which is not good provided that you open from steal position and the Villain is solid reg. What would you chechbeh on this flop?
Good question. So on this board we have the stronger range. Because of the position we've opened we have just as many, if not more tens than our opponent and as many deuces, plus all the over-pairs which our opponent rarely has. Our range is therefore stronger and i bet all my value hands (33+, T7+) aswell as my bluffs. Because our range is stronger our opponent will have to play pretty honestly vs us. Although our opening range is stronger utg, the absence of many deuces from our range means i'll go for a delayed c-bet more often with bluffs and check back some medium strength hands and some slowplays.
So to summarize i don't have much of a check back range on this board. If i was gonna check back some hands then they would probably be hands like strong Tx (KTc for instance), nut flush draws which have deception and show down value and maybe AAc also. This range is hard to balance with air, however, so that's why i prefer to bet with a high frequency.
You consider c/r KJ on Q72. I see Hero's backdoors, but don't ppl tend to go ballistic on you, when checkraised on this kind of boards? I mean, I do that sometimes, and I get shoved on or receive a rebluff attempt OTT from all kinds of T9o and stuff.
Yes your right. From a theoretical perspective this is a good hand to craise, but as you say, we know as experienced MTTers their's a huge level of non-belief in these spots and we have to develop a more subtle line.
Hi Sam!
Very good vid. On 36:13 , J6s , dont you think its better do bet the river for value? I mean , His range leads more towards A high than anything else .And , due to the ammount of possible missed draws, I even think he might call with K high. Considering we will check behind wih all those hands , I believe betting is better.
Let me know what you think.
Hey bro,
I agree with what you say. I actually contradict myself some, because I range him to pairs between the 5 and the 9 and strong A highs. Against that range we should defo bet for value when all draws miss!
Sorry for HUGE delay in replying. Only just saw this.
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