Hello Gray, @9.40 what rivers do you think are good to shove on when checked to with JTdd in the 4bet pot, assuming we miss.
@35mins what do you make of the hand between Lykov and Timex? In particular the river play from Lykov. Isn't Timex's range on the river 9x and air, with the occasional rivered flush, he doesn't have boats. I think Timex can very credibly rep a 9x hand so whether he has it or not he is likely to be shoving river so for Lykov to have a donking range there seems very strange. I think it is even more bizarre with his actual holding.
I might 100% of rivers, since I think it is pretty credible for me to have a checked back an overpair on the flop.
It is a pretty interesting hand, I agree with you that Timex almost never has a boat, but I also don't think he will be shoving 9x on the river since the turned FD got there. I actually don't mind Lykov's lead there, but he plays a very interesting style so it is pretty difficult for me to comment too much on the hand.
What is the bottom line to defend from BB perspective? How much BB's you are still defending and when it's push/fold situation? 10?
Grayson Ramage10 years, 7 months agoThere are times when I will defend much less than 10bb, when I have no FE but have a hand that flops pretty well (such as 89s). Getting such a great immediate price from the BB allows you to defend quite wide, even when very shallow, and go with the hand any time you flop some equity.
great video , do u have any general adjustments/recommendations for a cash player (me) that is playing the 1ks-1.5ks RIO live mtts? I'm gathering as much as i can watching the mtt vids on here but jus in case u have some thoughts to share about those exact types of tourneys (live mtts). Anyways, thanks and glglgl run goooooooood
oh, also in the vid when u said u were gonna 4b fold to that guy that made it 600 after u made it 300 and u had A6cc then u made it 1100 or so and he called. u said u were 4b folding, but if he shoved over ur 4b u would be getting really close to 2:1, would u still be folding or did u not see stack sizes? thx again
Grayson Ramage10 years, 7 months agoSorry, that this answer is a little late, but I hardly checked the site all wsop. My general advice in the lower buy-in WSOP events is to play tight early, and then start loosening up post-ante. Most people in those don't really like folding early in the tourney so I don't see much point in bluffing a lot either.
Even though I am getting almost 2-1, I am assuming that he will never 5b bluff and I think his range will be so tight that I will not be getting the right price to call.
34:30 of the vid you say you can flat or 3-bet A6s vs antesvante. I can understand the merits of 3-betting especially if he is opening too wide a range pre-ante to punish that and mix in some bluffs with your value hands for 3-betting but can you show some math on how you expect to profitably flat this hand especially against a strong player who it will be hard to get value from when you make your really strong hands. I could be off but I think you are going to have a hard time making up for your equity disadvantage pre vs his opening range here in this spot. I have seen you do the same thing on shorter stacks with antes vs a CO open which I can see the merit to more but still feel 3-betting in many of those spots seems to be the superior option. Thoughts?
Grayson Ramage10 years, 7 months agoI'm honestly not sure how to show some math proving that this will be a profitable flat. I don't think it can be that bad, if it is even bad at all, but 3betting could very well be the superior option. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
First of all nice video :). 19:17 With the Q7s with that stats (passive player) ¿what you think about jam turn for value/protection? i think him dont going 2 barrel with pure air,him is commited vs you and also the pot is big enough.
4betting small gives me the option to fold on the rare occasions when Timex shoves. Also, I don't think 4betting small will get norab to fold any hands that he would be calling my shove with. I will 4b/fold in this spot sometimes as well, so I like 4betting small with my bluffs and value hands.
Hello Grayson relly interesting video. I have a question in the 2100$ scoop on the right corner, at 10 minute you play one Hand with JT suited, what was your plan if the sizing of your oponen was sizing half pot one the turn? do you shove call or fold? and in the river, if you wasn't hit one of your out, do you turn your hand into a bluff and shove any river when he check or do you give up ? thx for your job a lot of interesting spot.
I don't think shoving over a small turn bet is a bad play, but I will also be getting the right price to call, so I definitely would not be folding. I like bluffing river when I miss, I would play AA, KK, and Q9s, so I will have some value hands in my range. I also expect him to shove some hands for value on the river, so I do not think his range will be incredibly strong when he checks.
at 9.50 the JTs in the hand in 22H the opponent bet small so you can profitably call. If he bet something like 5k, would you still call? or would you jam or fold?
With 15 outs, I am pretty much calling any bet other than an all-in. I don't think he ever bets something like 5k here. I would expect him to either shove (in which case I would fold) or bet small like he did. I would still be getting the right price to call if he bet 5k, and I wouldn't expect him to be folding to a shove ever after betting that size, so I would just call.
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Hello Gray, @9.40 what rivers do you think are good to shove on when checked to with JTdd in the 4bet pot, assuming we miss.
@35mins what do you make of the hand between Lykov and Timex? In particular the river play from Lykov. Isn't Timex's range on the river 9x and air, with the occasional rivered flush, he doesn't have boats. I think Timex can very credibly rep a 9x hand so whether he has it or not he is likely to be shoving river so for Lykov to have a donking range there seems very strange. I think it is even more bizarre with his actual holding.
I might 100% of rivers, since I think it is pretty credible for me to have a checked back an overpair on the flop.
It is a pretty interesting hand, I agree with you that Timex almost never has a boat, but I also don't think he will be shoving 9x on the river since the turned FD got there. I actually don't mind Lykov's lead there, but he plays a very interesting style so it is pretty difficult for me to comment too much on the hand.
What is the bottom line to defend from BB perspective? How much BB's you are still defending and when it's push/fold situation? 10?
great video , do u have any general adjustments/recommendations for a cash player (me) that is playing the 1ks-1.5ks RIO live mtts? I'm gathering as much as i can watching the mtt vids on here but jus in case u have some thoughts to share about those exact types of tourneys (live mtts). Anyways, thanks and glglgl run goooooooood
oh, also in the vid when u said u were gonna 4b fold to that guy that made it 600 after u made it 300 and u had A6cc then u made it 1100 or so and he called. u said u were 4b folding, but if he shoved over ur 4b u would be getting really close to 2:1, would u still be folding or did u not see stack sizes? thx again
Even though I am getting almost 2-1, I am assuming that he will never 5b bluff and I think his range will be so tight that I will not be getting the right price to call.
34:30 of the vid you say you can flat or 3-bet A6s vs antesvante. I can understand the merits of 3-betting especially if he is opening too wide a range pre-ante to punish that and mix in some bluffs with your value hands for 3-betting but can you show some math on how you expect to profitably flat this hand especially against a strong player who it will be hard to get value from when you make your really strong hands. I could be off but I think you are going to have a hard time making up for your equity disadvantage pre vs his opening range here in this spot. I have seen you do the same thing on shorter stacks with antes vs a CO open which I can see the merit to more but still feel 3-betting in many of those spots seems to be the superior option. Thoughts?
Filter your hud for just showing hands when 6+ or something instead of making notes on how many deep runs u have.
6:41 where you squezed the AK in the bottom right table, whould you be willing to get it in if someone played back at you ?
Yes, I was definitely getting it in.
First of all nice video :). 19:17 With the Q7s with that stats (passive player) ¿what you think about jam turn for value/protection? i think him dont going 2 barrel with pure air,him is commited vs you and also the pot is big enough.
As I mentioned in the video, jamming is definitely an option, and may be better than calling since he will be priced in to call with a lot of hands.
at 15:50 why not jam qq or just call? This makes your hand look so much stronger when you 4 bet small pre.
4betting small gives me the option to fold on the rare occasions when Timex shoves. Also, I don't think 4betting small will get norab to fold any hands that he would be calling my shove with. I will 4b/fold in this spot sometimes as well, so I like 4betting small with my bluffs and value hands.
Hello Grayson relly interesting video. I have a question in the 2100$ scoop on the right corner, at 10 minute you play one Hand with JT suited, what was your plan if the sizing of your oponen was sizing half pot one the turn? do you shove call or fold? and in the river, if you wasn't hit one of your out, do you turn your hand into a bluff and shove any river when he check or do you give up ? thx for your job a lot of interesting spot.
I don't think shoving over a small turn bet is a bad play, but I will also be getting the right price to call, so I definitely would not be folding. I like bluffing river when I miss, I would play AA, KK, and Q9s, so I will have some value hands in my range. I also expect him to shove some hands for value on the river, so I do not think his range will be incredibly strong when he checks.
hey grey,
at 9.50 the JTs in the hand in 22H the opponent bet small so you can profitably call. If he bet something like 5k, would you still call? or would you jam or fold?
With 15 outs, I am pretty much calling any bet other than an all-in. I don't think he ever bets something like 5k here. I would expect him to either shove (in which case I would fold) or bet small like he did. I would still be getting the right price to call if he bet 5k, and I wouldn't expect him to be folding to a shove ever after betting that size, so I would just call.
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