26:00 Table 2
Thoughts on the A5ss xback from btn? Seems like on the 8 river pretty much all of btn non-fd raises are now at least 2p(except A8, K8?) and he should be using most of his FD hands to bluff, especially if he wants to use a large bet size with his AK and K9. In addition many of the fd's will be significantly reduced taking this specific line.
Do you think the OOP player should be making any adjustments from this information?
Yeah I agree with you that we should see this hand bluff generally. If he has AK here at a high freq he can bluff most of these combos for a big sizing.
When I see him give up here it points me towards a few possible reads, he might never bluff busted fds on river as a guideline, or he might have felt I had too many 2pr+ and wasn't willing to bluff into such a strong absolute range (regardless of sizing). I likely wouldn't make any big adjustments yet but I'd suggest testing these ideas as the match goes on.
28:50 you bluff-catch A5 OOP on T6J32 after flop and turn x thru. This is a very common spot for me and one where I often find myself lost when unpaired a) because in HU ranges are so wide b) range strength has deteriorated by this point to the degree where good bluff-catchers are not always obvious and c) is highly dependant on villain's strategy on earlier (and current) streets. How do you bluff-catch intuitively vs an unk in these spots and/or what are your decision variables?
Also, as a HU player, I would love to see you do case studies for particular lines/spots where you either filter your database or isolate recent hands and dissect them in the same way that Tyler or Sam Grafton does for their respective disciplines. Thanks for the video!
Hi kevin,
At 3:43, Is this the only sizing you are using on the river, or you will be valuebetting worse flushes for smaller sizings. In that case which BLUFFS will you use for smaller sizings and which ones for bigger, can't think of any effective blockers here?
Finally how do you decide which one of your bigger flushes will be checking? I guess a 2 card nut flush will be better at checking blocking his calls and unblocking his bluffs, and are they better at betting blocking his bets? Or maybe a hand like KJcc is a better bet and K2cc better check??
I'd like to use some small block bets as well here, especially with weak flushes that don't block pairs. We'll have some random K high hands and backdoor hearts that totally whiff here to use for small size bluffs. I definitely like your suggestion to check 2 card flushes more often than 1 card.
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26:00 Table 2
Thoughts on the A5ss xback from btn? Seems like on the 8 river pretty much all of btn non-fd raises are now at least 2p(except A8, K8?) and he should be using most of his FD hands to bluff, especially if he wants to use a large bet size with his AK and K9. In addition many of the fd's will be significantly reduced taking this specific line.
Do you think the OOP player should be making any adjustments from this information?
Yeah I agree with you that we should see this hand bluff generally. If he has AK here at a high freq he can bluff most of these combos for a big sizing.
When I see him give up here it points me towards a few possible reads, he might never bluff busted fds on river as a guideline, or he might have felt I had too many 2pr+ and wasn't willing to bluff into such a strong absolute range (regardless of sizing). I likely wouldn't make any big adjustments yet but I'd suggest testing these ideas as the match goes on.
28:50 you bluff-catch A5 OOP on T6J32 after flop and turn x thru. This is a very common spot for me and one where I often find myself lost when unpaired a) because in HU ranges are so wide b) range strength has deteriorated by this point to the degree where good bluff-catchers are not always obvious and c) is highly dependant on villain's strategy on earlier (and current) streets. How do you bluff-catch intuitively vs an unk in these spots and/or what are your decision variables?
Also, as a HU player, I would love to see you do case studies for particular lines/spots where you either filter your database or isolate recent hands and dissect them in the same way that Tyler or Sam Grafton does for their respective disciplines. Thanks for the video!
Hi kevin,
At 3:43, Is this the only sizing you are using on the river, or you will be valuebetting worse flushes for smaller sizings. In that case which BLUFFS will you use for smaller sizings and which ones for bigger, can't think of any effective blockers here?
Finally how do you decide which one of your bigger flushes will be checking? I guess a 2 card nut flush will be better at checking blocking his calls and unblocking his bluffs, and are they better at betting blocking his bets? Or maybe a hand like KJcc is a better bet and K2cc better check??
I'd like to use some small block bets as well here, especially with weak flushes that don't block pairs. We'll have some random K high hands and backdoor hearts that totally whiff here to use for small size bluffs. I definitely like your suggestion to check 2 card flushes more often than 1 card.
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