15:30 I don't know if you agree with this, but you raised the point that having an Ace gives you more showdown value turn and you would bluff less, a point I would like to ask and if having A!d makes us want to fold more flops since it will have more combos of Aces with diamonds and possibly put more pressure on future streets
So AQQ does fold flops more you're right. So what I think is going on here looking at it a bit more, is that a lot of the 'air' bets that OOP has are hands that contain an ace. This is kind of natural as the 3-betting range obviously has a lot of unpaired A-hi hands and fewer unpaired hands without an ace. So as a result when we have QQ:A we block the bluffs/hands that will just give up and fold turn a bit more. I don't think I fully understand your point but that's what I think is going on here so your assumption was completely right
20:35 Very interesting to bring up this point, mainly because most humans tend to simplify these c-bet spots at low frequency. I wanted to ask if as the player goes from c-betting 15% to 0% does his xr frequency increase?
The xr freq changes a little bit of course but not a huge amount. Of course the OOP player still has to worry about the IP player having a tighter stabbing range now so you can't just start going too crazy because you have a bit more stronger hands than usual
8:00 aqt8 if you were 100bb deep is this a spot where you would check flop? Being oop, is it a xf spot?
A couple of times you mentioned preferring to raise a set with a top pair blocker as it keeps opponent from having a better set. But doesn't this also block his calling range?
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15:30 I don't know if you agree with this, but you raised the point that having an Ace gives you more showdown value turn and you would bluff less, a point I would like to ask and if having A!d makes us want to fold more flops since it will have more combos of Aces with diamonds and possibly put more pressure on future streets
So to give you a couple numbers:
AQQ:Ad!dd Fold 0% Call 64% Raise 36%
AQQ:d!Ad Fold 44% Call 56% Raise 0%
QQ!A:d Fold 17% Call 79% Raise 4%
So AQQ does fold flops more you're right. So what I think is going on here looking at it a bit more, is that a lot of the 'air' bets that OOP has are hands that contain an ace. This is kind of natural as the 3-betting range obviously has a lot of unpaired A-hi hands and fewer unpaired hands without an ace. So as a result when we have QQ:A we block the bluffs/hands that will just give up and fold turn a bit more. I don't think I fully understand your point but that's what I think is going on here so your assumption was completely right
20:35 Very interesting to bring up this point, mainly because most humans tend to simplify these c-bet spots at low frequency. I wanted to ask if as the player goes from c-betting 15% to 0% does his xr frequency increase?
The xr freq changes a little bit of course but not a huge amount. Of course the OOP player still has to worry about the IP player having a tighter stabbing range now so you can't just start going too crazy because you have a bit more stronger hands than usual
45:10 You can mark hands with a star on gg and then from pokercraft you can go through them(select "starred"), no need to take screenshots :)
wait for real? lmao thats actually life changing thanks so much that saves me a ton of headache haha
8:00 aqt8 if you were 100bb deep is this a spot where you would check flop? Being oop, is it a xf spot?
A couple of times you mentioned preferring to raise a set with a top pair blocker as it keeps opponent from having a better set. But doesn't this also block his calling range?
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