Great video. Seeing the Baron at NL1k though is a bit depressing :(
Anyway at 17:30 table 2 I was wondering what you think about middle pocket pairs in this spot. They surely have more than enough equity to call the preflop raise but I often find myself in situations where I could potentially fold the best hand too frequently on the flop (because of flop board having 2+ overcards) so I'm never sure whether I can realize enough equity to call with this kind of hand. Do you perhaps have any thought on this matter?
I think that you have to take into account the equity realization% that differents holdings gives to your range. Hands like 77 could have a very similar equity than a KQ+bdfd type hands, but the second one has way more equity realization. So when deciding what hands are you going to call on the flop, you have to think about how many turns will allow you to make another +ev call.
Eq * Eq R% should be the real equity of your hand.
36:07 – 9 7 s calling the 3 bet from 3bb to 13bb….I don’t think this can be a winning call with the stack sizes. Can you explain in some more detail how this can be profitable?
I would say that calling such a big 3bet would be a bad play at any spot except this one. Players who decided to play a mixed strategy in the SB, in lot of cases end playing a very polarize limp/reraise range, so this is one of those spots where i could call pretty light.
I dont know even myself what my real winrate is right now. I play a lot of different stakes, hours and strategies, i do play z500, z1k nl1k+, 100bb stack, 40bb stack, 3max, 4max, 6max, 9max.
So my guess its that my real winrate will be between 2 and 5bb/100 depending on those previous factors that i mentioned. For example, i feel way more comfortable playing z500 than nl1k 3max regbattles.
I think you can just filter it in you HM or PT, if you dont want to share it it is fine, i understand and respect that, but i seen all the good players posting there winning rates so far, thats your personal choice i guess.. thank tho and have a good week
Hi progressive, i actually asked pretty much the same question on another rio video ^^ but which bluff would you choose in your mi pot sizing river and in your bigger river sizing on table 2 (board K89cc 9d Jd) at 6'20 ? I don't arrive to have different bet sizing on a street because i'm not confident how exactly i am construct my own range and if i'm able to choose the right combos of bluffs for each range. I understand the benefit to having two bet sizing in this particular spot and it can increase our overall range ev. Very interessing video, i enjoyed it a lot ! Thx !
At 4:30 i think leading with trips are better Than checking because he has only a few 9x in his range because he Might not cbet 9x on the flop being scared of check raise, so You can easily have a bluff range and Velue range there as well and he Might checks his Draws for free card.
Hi Juan, great video, would love to see more videos like.
In the hand where you talk about having a leading range out of the SB on Q84s (10.00), you say you want to bet small because it puts the in position players in a tougher spot, since they will struggle to find hands to defend vs a 1/3 pot sizing. I would be worried that if I bet small, I give them a good price to outdraw my sets, eg by calling every gutshot, and when I have a semibluffing hand like KTs with a backdoor flush draw, I make it too easy for them to float and take it away from me on turns their equity improves on. Am I thinking about this the wrong way?
great vid.
at 25min with TT, why do u raise 41 to 116 on k74T? Since you are polar, shouldn't it be larger? Ur reppin 2pr+
You seem in general to bet very small on draw heavy boards and say you want to be able to include lots of hands and that they will not be able to defend enough etc... but it seems that these small sizings dont deny equity much versus the parts of their range that will call and does not leverage range advantages you have to put pressure on ur opponent and get proper value in the hand. Do you just do this on flop a lot in order to autorprofit with air parts of range and polarize on turn to recover value for value parts of range?
Hi Juan,
its always nice to see your vids. I like your vids very much.
Hand TT: Would you consider raising like everytime ? Even against good players? Because I dont see that many bluffs in your range tbh. It is exploaitive approach imo
And would you not consider raising wAT on K767 ? It is almost the same imo
and if we fold out better hands like KJ or let him dont realize his equity w hands like T9o,89o is pretty good, dont you think ?
@11'20 : I like the lead a small portion of the time on this flop but i just don't understand the sizing with this particular hand. If we be smaller, it will encourage our opponents to defend their As x hands and we don't bluff anything on this street. I know that we can't check call profitably with this handd if OR cbet but can't we developping a check raising range/do the same thing with some sets. I like the sizing with a JTss for instance since we bluff some better hands. Or maybe it's just because this sizing let you lead some good TP ?
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Is red color mark the one the endbosses gets? ^^
You caught me !
Great video. Seeing the Baron at NL1k though is a bit depressing :(
Anyway at 17:30 table 2 I was wondering what you think about middle pocket pairs in this spot. They surely have more than enough equity to call the preflop raise but I often find myself in situations where I could potentially fold the best hand too frequently on the flop (because of flop board having 2+ overcards) so I'm never sure whether I can realize enough equity to call with this kind of hand. Do you perhaps have any thought on this matter?
Hey ClouD,
I think that you have to take into account the equity realization% that differents holdings gives to your range. Hands like 77 could have a very similar equity than a KQ+bdfd type hands, but the second one has way more equity realization. So when deciding what hands are you going to call on the flop, you have to think about how many turns will allow you to make another +ev call.
Eq * Eq R% should be the real equity of your hand.
Hi Juan - Thanks for the video.
36:07 – 9 7 s calling the 3 bet from 3bb to 13bb….I don’t think this can be a winning call with the stack sizes. Can you explain in some more detail how this can be profitable?
I would say that calling such a big 3bet would be a bad play at any spot except this one. Players who decided to play a mixed strategy in the SB, in lot of cases end playing a very polarize limp/reraise range, so this is one of those spots where i could call pretty light.
Hey Juan, can i please ask whats your winning rate at this stakes and different ones? in Stars, thanks ind advance and interesting video
Hey Azartus,
I dont know even myself what my real winrate is right now. I play a lot of different stakes, hours and strategies, i do play z500, z1k nl1k+, 100bb stack, 40bb stack, 3max, 4max, 6max, 9max.
So my guess its that my real winrate will be between 2 and 5bb/100 depending on those previous factors that i mentioned. For example, i feel way more comfortable playing z500 than nl1k 3max regbattles.
I think you can just filter it in you HM or PT, if you dont want to share it it is fine, i understand and respect that, but i seen all the good players posting there winning rates so far, thats your personal choice i guess.. thank tho and have a good week
When the turn is good for your range and you get lead into (like the AT on K767 @ 29:18), float more and make more money.
Great Video as usual Juan
Excellent analysis of your thought process and ranges.
Love your Cash Game Vids keep making them please!
Thank You!
Hey Juan,
min 22 table 1, is that a standart flat pre with 22 for you or you are doing that only because of a weaker player on BB?
Liked the analysis on the last hand!
Hi progressive, i actually asked pretty much the same question on another rio video ^^ but which bluff would you choose in your mi pot sizing river and in your bigger river sizing on table 2 (board K89cc 9d Jd) at 6'20 ? I don't arrive to have different bet sizing on a street because i'm not confident how exactly i am construct my own range and if i'm able to choose the right combos of bluffs for each range. I understand the benefit to having two bet sizing in this particular spot and it can increase our overall range ev. Very interessing video, i enjoyed it a lot ! Thx !
At 4:30 i think leading with trips are better Than checking because he has only a few 9x in his range because he Might not cbet 9x on the flop being scared of check raise, so You can easily have a bluff range and Velue range there as well and he Might checks his Draws for free card.
15min you folded A3o on bu. Is that your standart ? Which Ax do you tend to open?
I am interested in this as well. What aces are you folding on the button and why?
Hi Juan, great video, would love to see more videos like.
In the hand where you talk about having a leading range out of the SB on Q84s (10.00), you say you want to bet small because it puts the in position players in a tougher spot, since they will struggle to find hands to defend vs a 1/3 pot sizing. I would be worried that if I bet small, I give them a good price to outdraw my sets, eg by calling every gutshot, and when I have a semibluffing hand like KTs with a backdoor flush draw, I make it too easy for them to float and take it away from me on turns their equity improves on. Am I thinking about this the wrong way?
great vid.
at 25min with TT, why do u raise 41 to 116 on k74T? Since you are polar, shouldn't it be larger? Ur reppin 2pr+
You seem in general to bet very small on draw heavy boards and say you want to be able to include lots of hands and that they will not be able to defend enough etc... but it seems that these small sizings dont deny equity much versus the parts of their range that will call and does not leverage range advantages you have to put pressure on ur opponent and get proper value in the hand. Do you just do this on flop a lot in order to autorprofit with air parts of range and polarize on turn to recover value for value parts of range?
Hi Juan,
its always nice to see your vids. I like your vids very much.
Hand TT: Would you consider raising like everytime ? Even against good players? Because I dont see that many bluffs in your range tbh. It is exploaitive approach imo
And would you not consider raising wAT on K767 ? It is almost the same imo
and if we fold out better hands like KJ or let him dont realize his equity w hands like T9o,89o is pretty good, dont you think ?
@11'20 : I like the lead a small portion of the time on this flop but i just don't understand the sizing with this particular hand. If we be smaller, it will encourage our opponents to defend their As x hands and we don't bluff anything on this street. I know that we can't check call profitably with this handd if OR cbet but can't we developping a check raising range/do the same thing with some sets. I like the sizing with a JTss for instance since we bluff some better hands. Or maybe it's just because this sizing let you lead some good TP ?
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