u`ve sad that overbet turn with AKs is a good play. What he expect to fold? hero`s range seems like to be 22+, AJs+, KQs, AQo+ ( i`m shorthanded player and can make a mistake in such situation). On this flop hero has all nuts and overpairs in calling range and few dros. And we fold only dro, doest`n we?
I have only 1 thought - it`s ceaper to see river than simple bet-call on the turn, against opponent`s nuts.
I dont think we have all nutted hands here at all - all the hands you listed we probably don't have pre in these positions.
We are unlikely to have 44 or 55, but we def have 99. Most importantly he knows most of our range consists of TT-AA, and with an overbet he figures its much easier to win by the river either by taking it down ott or setting up a shove otr.
He also blocks KK and AA which are least likely to fold which makes his hand selection even better.
His turn overbet is a bit weird tho given that he has(?) 44,55,99 and maybe not that many flop bluffs? So his range is stronger or at least not much weaker than ours and overbetting vs a weaker range is kinda meh (without good reason)?
Simon, I'd like to see more vid reviews or live play, these hh reviews can easily end up being a discussion on some rare marginal spot that doesn't really matter all that much (not saying it has been). So it'd be nice imo to see some standard spots being thrown at you as quick check ups.
The AKxQQ I really think a raise on the turn would be better and the river call I think it is really close, considering that 87s will be also on his range, which is 16 more value combos that will jam this river. Against a good player, folding a high frequency of the time would be better, since you're bluff catching 71 bbs and your calling range two streets is much more narrowed than his.
The last hand I don't really think is a good opportunity to check since he's almost never folding after calling two streets ip with a bunch of Ax on his range and also you're never folding to a shove there. Wasting 10 bbs like that will make some difference at your win rate on the short run.
AKsvQQ - Yeah I think we agreed that given our reads that shoving turn is probably optimal even though its exploitative play.
Last hand I think you can go either way - we are giving a whale with a high river agg frequency a chance to just bet his entire range here which includes some nonsense/middle pair type hands. I personally would lean towards bet myself because we can lose value against some Ax that check back, but if a floped fd missed I think checking is just about better.
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Link to pontylads thread for the lazy: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/174/poker-goals-challenges/i-dont-want-small-stakes-life-1408304/
Nice video!
Ha ty. Everyone check it out!
u`ve sad that overbet turn with AKs is a good play. What he expect to fold? hero`s range seems like to be 22+, AJs+, KQs, AQo+ ( i`m shorthanded player and can make a mistake in such situation). On this flop hero has all nuts and overpairs in calling range and few dros. And we fold only dro, doest`n we?
I have only 1 thought - it`s ceaper to see river than simple bet-call on the turn, against opponent`s nuts.
Am i right?
I dont think we have all nutted hands here at all - all the hands you listed we probably don't have pre in these positions.
We are unlikely to have 44 or 55, but we def have 99. Most importantly he knows most of our range consists of TT-AA, and with an overbet he figures its much easier to win by the river either by taking it down ott or setting up a shove otr.
He also blocks KK and AA which are least likely to fold which makes his hand selection even better.
His turn overbet is a bit weird tho given that he has(?) 44,55,99 and maybe not that many flop bluffs? So his range is stronger or at least not much weaker than ours and overbetting vs a weaker range is kinda meh (without good reason)?
Simon, I'd like to see more vid reviews or live play, these hh reviews can easily end up being a discussion on some rare marginal spot that doesn't really matter all that much (not saying it has been). So it'd be nice imo to see some standard spots being thrown at you as quick check ups.
The AKxQQ I really think a raise on the turn would be better and the river call I think it is really close, considering that 87s will be also on his range, which is 16 more value combos that will jam this river. Against a good player, folding a high frequency of the time would be better, since you're bluff catching 71 bbs and your calling range two streets is much more narrowed than his.
The last hand I don't really think is a good opportunity to check since he's almost never folding after calling two streets ip with a bunch of Ax on his range and also you're never folding to a shove there. Wasting 10 bbs like that will make some difference at your win rate on the short run.
But very nice stuff, thank you.
AKsvQQ - Yeah I think we agreed that given our reads that shoving turn is probably optimal even though its exploitative play.
Last hand I think you can go either way - we are giving a whale with a high river agg frequency a chance to just bet his entire range here which includes some nonsense/middle pair type hands. I personally would lean towards bet myself because we can lose value against some Ax that check back, but if a floped fd missed I think checking is just about better.
Very entertaining! :)
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