What other AXs are you folding here with this rake structure vs LJ 3x? I would assume just A7 and A6. If this was on party poker's rake structure, would it be a call? Thanks
You are saying that villains have big/small percentage of 4bet/cbet/fold to 3bet,etc. Could you please be more specific? like talking some numbers from time to time at least. Thanks.
Hey you can check out one of my 4bet videos where i go into more detail in a theory section. sorry for not being more specific in the video. high fold to 3 bet is generally anything over 50% but its important to have decent samples before making adjustments of your ranges.
Towards the end with the AK vs 66 hand you say Villiain is playing very aggressively, doing a lot of crazy shoving and 3 betting. What HUD stats led you to that decision?
Hey here at 12.42. What is your sizing for bluffs there? I think JJ could fit into a polarizing range there for value allowing you to have a larger sizing against hero calls. Would depend on what your thoughts are on the decrease % of A high calls vs a higher sizing.
Shit, I should of finished the vid before commenting :D. Against weaker opponents you only focus on their range as oppose to what you are doing with your entire range. Got it
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08:20 A6s: Why fold pre?
this is definitely a fold imo for 3.2bb sizing BB vs UTG in this rake structure
What other AXs are you folding here with this rake structure vs LJ 3x? I would assume just A7 and A6. If this was on party poker's rake structure, would it be a call? Thanks
A6 A7 and A2 are folds here, just checked my piosolver derived ranges for 3x, so vs 3.2x deffo folds
Great video :-)
You are saying that villains have big/small percentage of 4bet/cbet/fold to 3bet,etc. Could you please be more specific? like talking some numbers from time to time at least. Thanks.
Hey you can check out one of my 4bet videos where i go into more detail in a theory section. sorry for not being more specific in the video. high fold to 3 bet is generally anything over 50% but its important to have decent samples before making adjustments of your ranges.
Good video as always, but the 2 tables format would be much easier to follow.
Thanks for the feedback!
Great video, At 18.20 you check Aj on Ak7cc can you explain why ?
Also agree with the 2 table format, easier to follow and always you to go further into detail.
Awesome, you play well.
Hi Ian, thanks for the video.
Towards the end with the AK vs 66 hand you say Villiain is playing very aggressively, doing a lot of crazy shoving and 3 betting. What HUD stats led you to that decision?
timestamp please
Hey here at 12.42. What is your sizing for bluffs there? I think JJ could fit into a polarizing range there for value allowing you to have a larger sizing against hero calls. Would depend on what your thoughts are on the decrease % of A high calls vs a higher sizing.
Shit, I should of finished the vid before commenting :D. Against weaker opponents you only focus on their range as oppose to what you are doing with your entire range. Got it
Spot on :)
@25.40 Dont you think we can still get value from 2pairs and pair plus fd shoving 77 on the turn?
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