Hi Henry Lister
17:50 you elected to give up with AcKx on this river where you Iso preflop 5bb vs UTG limper and then double barreled. You stated you have some showdown value against AQ, KQ, and 98s. Do you think rec players are limping this strong of hands? You also stated you would just bet thiner if you think you are going to get called lighter. What sizing would you use if you had AJ+, QQ+ on this river?
I think a recreational can definitely have worse hands otr than might even check down. Aq, KQ, 98 are all viable hands villain can have. I'd prefer to bluff a hand like kcqx or kxqc. even aq with a club would be a better candidate.
Dependent on the recreational player, blocking a hand would probably be best with those combinations given I don't love the idea of check/calling blocking straight draws and shoving would feel like overplay mostly isolating vs boats and flushes.
Hey Henry, thanks for the upload. What are your thoughts on going for a xr in this spot? My perception of villains range is either air that elects to give up ott or some kind of Tx hand.
Also, do you get here with some fh / straights?
your plays preflop though seem overly tight. you have said you are using a pure 3b/fold strategy and also using a larger 3b sizing hence the A9hh and 77s fold from the btn open, but these seem ridiculously tight to me, even with added rake. monker ranges i solved for 100bbs make these hands clear 3bs in a 3b/fold strategy from the sb
my solves included rake and is for 2.5x btn and 11.5x OOP.
My ranges are probably a bit tight. I'm using ranges solved for 200z but overall I don't expect my ranges here to be too far outside of equilibrium. Most players are generally too loose in these games given rake structures.
Nice video Henry. @33min you mention defending 22 vs 3B only to specific sizes. How do you recommend doing this work? MonkerSolver? I feel like this is a leak of mine, thanks!
it goes something like this... we hit a set 1/8 so set mining against one opponent we should have at least 8x the size of the bet behind... the one time in eight we hit we want to be able to extract at least 8x to make up for the times we call raise and whiff.
from memory it was $8.4 more to call (HL open to 2.5; gets popped to 10.9) with bit less than $100 behind. btw some ppl advocate for at least 12x behind (rather than 8) can't remember exactly why... but prob to try win 12x plus the one time we hit rather than 8x so we can make $ rather than break even.
at least two other factors to consider... do you close the action? (unfortunate to call a 3bet and someone behind 4bets; or calling a pfr and having someone behind 3bet); if we hit set what is likelihood of villain to either pay off if we hit set or bluff off chips?
In the first hand with KQo against the rec, I think you can also just bet 1/3 of the pot to ensure he calls much too wide. I think vs a 2/3 sizing players can still fold some Kx, but if we go 1/3 we can capture all the Kx range and maybe even weaker hands.
I was curious about the AA spot (35:30), so I solved it in order to find out whether we want to be checking a lot on the flop or on the turn. My concern was that despite the flop being pretty good for IP and the turn card being good for IP aswell, we still have the overpair advantage and probably equity advantage and the SPR is small, therefore I'm assuming we still want to be betting with a decent frequency, but not 100% of the time or anything.
In my sim OOP is betting 64% of the time on the flop, mixing quite a bit with all the sizes I allowed (bet 16,68% of the time with 1/3 size, 30,87% with 1/2 size and 16,39% with 3/4 size). AA is checking roughly 33% of the time. OOP has total equity of 52.665.
On the turn OOP is still betting roughly 49% of the time, again mixing all three sizes I allowed (33%, 50%, 75%). AA is actually checking nearly always, but TT-KK are betting vast majority of the time. OOP has total equity of 52,661, so pretty much the same as the flop equity.
So I guess I agree with your analysis and play for the most part, but it doesn't seem to me that the flop or the turn is so bad that we ought to start checking everytime or anything, and I think this is mainly due to low SPR (our overpairs are still very strong). If we were deeper (200bb+ or something), then the flop becomes much scarier, because the relative value of our overpairs goes down quite a bit.
Agreed, deep, we got to be careful, however when we are only playing 100bb effective despite villain having a nuts advtange, we still do okay RvR with regards to equity. So we can still comfortably look to mostly bet this combination for value and shove the majority of rivers.
KQo valuebetting consideration vs. fish - If you put his assumed range to equity calculator and have a look at equities it should give quite a clear result that valuebetting anything worse than a flush is being too thin. Your assumption your check back is bad is only based in the fact that you run into a hand that may have called a river bet.
I think your trying to review too many tables at the same time and there is not much process in this sort of review if your not analyzing things with a solver or equity calculator but just stating out some assumptions without looking to prove if they are wrong or right.
Perhaps your doing some more deep analysis in other videos. :)
Hey Henry Lister
Just wanted to check my theory on the 30:30 The AT river where opponent is capped.
Should our strat in game theory be to overbet a balance range to make the max and therefore that is why our opponent should mix in some traps because then our optimal sizing would be forced to decrease, reducing our EV?
From an exploitative strat we could probably jam all our weak range 100% and raise everything else to sizing he might hero on? Or would you say such hyper unbalanced exploitative strat is too dangerous for the times he counter exploits us?
P.S Saw you in Hippo the other day how's live going for you, more $$ than online?
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great video love the in depth analysis for a majority of the spots you're put in
Thanks for the kind words
The moment we have all been waiting for!!! From your very first video people have said you should be an elite pro making videos for $500 zoom.
this must be a troll , v good
open muck 109s in HJ?
I'd say that it can be opened from the HJ for sure, but T9s is generally overrated a little bit I would say. It's kinda good though. And pretty.
Hi Henry Lister
17:50 you elected to give up with AcKx on this river where you Iso preflop 5bb vs UTG limper and then double barreled. You stated you have some showdown value against AQ, KQ, and 98s. Do you think rec players are limping this strong of hands? You also stated you would just bet thiner if you think you are going to get called lighter. What sizing would you use if you had AJ+, QQ+ on this river?
I think a recreational can definitely have worse hands otr than might even check down. Aq, KQ, 98 are all viable hands villain can have. I'd prefer to bluff a hand like kcqx or kxqc. even aq with a club would be a better candidate.
Dependent on the recreational player, blocking a hand would probably be best with those combinations given I don't love the idea of check/calling blocking straight draws and shoving would feel like overplay mostly isolating vs boats and flushes.
Nice Video! Good to see u playing at NL500
Hey Henry, thanks for the upload. What are your thoughts on going for a xr in this spot? My perception of villains range is either air that elects to give up ott or some kind of Tx hand.
Also, do you get here with some fh / straights?
HI Zach, I think it would be a perfectly reasonable strategy. I don't recall the line if you can timestamp it I'll reanswer in more detail
Hi henry, nice video and solid plays
your plays preflop though seem overly tight. you have said you are using a pure 3b/fold strategy and also using a larger 3b sizing hence the A9hh and 77s fold from the btn open, but these seem ridiculously tight to me, even with added rake. monker ranges i solved for 100bbs make these hands clear 3bs in a 3b/fold strategy from the sb
my solves included rake and is for 2.5x btn and 11.5x OOP.
would be interesting to see your sims
My ranges are probably a bit tight. I'm using ranges solved for 200z but overall I don't expect my ranges here to be too far outside of equilibrium. Most players are generally too loose in these games given rake structures.
Nice video and looking forward to battling with you .
Nice video Henry. @33min you mention defending 22 vs 3B only to specific sizes. How do you recommend doing this work? MonkerSolver? I feel like this is a leak of mine, thanks!
Discussion with other regulars, monkersolver, videos such as these ;)
it goes something like this... we hit a set 1/8 so set mining against one opponent we should have at least 8x the size of the bet behind... the one time in eight we hit we want to be able to extract at least 8x to make up for the times we call raise and whiff.
from memory it was $8.4 more to call (HL open to 2.5; gets popped to 10.9) with bit less than $100 behind. btw some ppl advocate for at least 12x behind (rather than 8) can't remember exactly why... but prob to try win 12x plus the one time we hit rather than 8x so we can make $ rather than break even.
at least two other factors to consider... do you close the action? (unfortunate to call a 3bet and someone behind 4bets; or calling a pfr and having someone behind 3bet); if we hit set what is likelihood of villain to either pay off if we hit set or bluff off chips?
What did V have in your AA hand where you x river?
In the first hand with KQo against the rec, I think you can also just bet 1/3 of the pot to ensure he calls much too wide. I think vs a 2/3 sizing players can still fold some Kx, but if we go 1/3 we can capture all the Kx range and maybe even weaker hands.
Another good one, thanks!
I was curious about the AA spot (35:30), so I solved it in order to find out whether we want to be checking a lot on the flop or on the turn. My concern was that despite the flop being pretty good for IP and the turn card being good for IP aswell, we still have the overpair advantage and probably equity advantage and the SPR is small, therefore I'm assuming we still want to be betting with a decent frequency, but not 100% of the time or anything.
In my sim OOP is betting 64% of the time on the flop, mixing quite a bit with all the sizes I allowed (bet 16,68% of the time with 1/3 size, 30,87% with 1/2 size and 16,39% with 3/4 size). AA is checking roughly 33% of the time. OOP has total equity of 52.665.
On the turn OOP is still betting roughly 49% of the time, again mixing all three sizes I allowed (33%, 50%, 75%). AA is actually checking nearly always, but TT-KK are betting vast majority of the time. OOP has total equity of 52,661, so pretty much the same as the flop equity.
So I guess I agree with your analysis and play for the most part, but it doesn't seem to me that the flop or the turn is so bad that we ought to start checking everytime or anything, and I think this is mainly due to low SPR (our overpairs are still very strong). If we were deeper (200bb+ or something), then the flop becomes much scarier, because the relative value of our overpairs goes down quite a bit.
Everything you said seems good Samu.
Agreed, deep, we got to be careful, however when we are only playing 100bb effective despite villain having a nuts advtange, we still do okay RvR with regards to equity. So we can still comfortably look to mostly bet this combination for value and shove the majority of rivers.
KQo valuebetting consideration vs. fish - If you put his assumed range to equity calculator and have a look at equities it should give quite a clear result that valuebetting anything worse than a flush is being too thin. Your assumption your check back is bad is only based in the fact that you run into a hand that may have called a river bet.
I think your trying to review too many tables at the same time and there is not much process in this sort of review if your not analyzing things with a solver or equity calculator but just stating out some assumptions without looking to prove if they are wrong or right.
Perhaps your doing some more deep analysis in other videos. :)
Hey Henry Lister
Just wanted to check my theory on the 30:30 The AT river where opponent is capped.
Should our strat in game theory be to overbet a balance range to make the max and therefore that is why our opponent should mix in some traps because then our optimal sizing would be forced to decrease, reducing our EV?
From an exploitative strat we could probably jam all our weak range 100% and raise everything else to sizing he might hero on? Or would you say such hyper unbalanced exploitative strat is too dangerous for the times he counter exploits us?
P.S Saw you in Hippo the other day how's live going for you, more $$ than online?
Hello Henry, Q8o hand, table 20mins. Are you defending all Qx vs river probe after 1/3 flop xb turn?
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