Blast from the Past: $500/$1000 6-Max NLHE Session Review

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Blast from the Past: $500/$1000 6-Max NLHE Session Review

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Phil Galfond

Elite Pro

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Blast from the Past: $500/$1000 6-Max NLHE Session Review

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Phil Galfond

POSTED Dec 02, 2013

With the holiday season upon us, Phil is visited by the ghost of poker past, taking the form of a 2008 short handed NLHE session featuring Di Dang, SteveSung, MrSmokey1 and David Benyamine. Phil offers his insights on the hands, as well as how the game has evolved over the past few years.


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2DHades 11 years, 3 months ago

15min - mp opens, co 3bets, AKo in SB - why do u classify cold calling as ''a terrible play'' ?

2DHades 11 years, 3 months ago

sry i didnt specify obv folding is out of question, the thing is i think cold calling is quite better for AK both our particular hand in vacuum and range-wise compared to 4betting

Stephen Chidwick 11 years, 3 months ago

With AKo there are no hands we completely crush but there are only a couple of hands that crush us. A lot of the value of the hand, then, comes from the fold equity we can generate. In this spot, even if we expect neither of our opponents will get it in with AQ we still have a great 4bet spot because we will pick up the 15k! in the middle uncontested sososo often and in addition we have enough equity to call the rest off, even vs a really tight range so we don't have to relinquish any of the equity we do have. By calling we will almost certainly see a 3 way flop which isnt ideal with AKo and we not only have the worst actual position postflop but also the worst relative position (most likely the action will be checked to Urindanger who will cbet and we get caught in the middle). The one nice thing about calling is that the boards we hit are also the ones that Urindanger will have the greatest bluffing frequency on but all the factors I mentioned outweigh that, especially since we could be perceived to be flatting hands like AQ and KQs so 4betting is the better vacuum play. 

As far as our range goes, AKo is a lot of combos so having it in our value range allows us to take this very attractive spot as a 4b bluff with many more hands without becoming massively exploitable.

2DHades 11 years, 3 months ago
Hey, im not sure if u realise that the EV of AK there is rly close to 0EV even vs wider than optimal ranges, i mean let`s assume:
-we 4bet to 24.5bb
-no calling ranges for villains
-3bettor stacks off with QQ+,AK when MP fold (which is rly loose even as a value part of 3bet range MPvsCO(and i doubt that back in 2008 those guys were 3betting wider % range than optimal given their sizings)
-for some reason the openraiser also stacks off with QQ+ AK

Then we have ~breakeven call with AK when somebody shove and also our bluffs(and the whole EV of AK for this spot) are not showing profit cause when we 4bet even to 24.5bb we need to take down the pot 62% of the time and we are never winning the '15k in the middle' more often given our assumption.

All that compared to CC which would make us at least 2-3bb/h


errrrahhhh 11 years, 3 months ago

I didn't get much out of the video, which is unusual I normally seem to learn a lot from your videos.  I would like to see a 4 part video where you play live NL 4 tabling mid stakes, preferably six part, but that's gonna be a lot of work:) Would be good for run it once members though.

mnl1337 11 years, 3 months ago

liked the video very much. you made it perfect. speeding through random hands to see dynamics and pick up some showdowns and analyse 2-3 interesting hands at the end. like to see more from highstakes NL. maybe some crazy(!) plo games?

Phil Galfond 11 years, 3 months ago

So, more like this or no more like this?  I'm happy to do whatever types of videos you guys want, so please speak up!

mah0ma 11 years, 3 months ago

I somewhat liked the format since its v entertaining. but from a personal POV id rather you made more 6m PLO vids or PLO hud stats breakdown. :)

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 3 months ago

The video started off a little slow, but it quickly became very nice. Especially the last couple of hands were well explained.

Since Alex has mentioned it already, a lot of the hands you reviewed were also shown in one of your old BFP videos:
The fact that you didn't know this actually makes it a very honest reflection of your play from back then, as well as how your analysis.

As for ideal content, NLHE 6-max and HU hand reviews, live play, HU Zoom and regular Zoom, videos on how to exploit certains leaks, and maybe cool stuff like a bunch of RIO pros playing each other, and discussing it from their perpective.

NateAdNate 11 years, 3 months ago

I would like to see you do a video going in depth on how to find optimal pre flop strategies for shorter stack sizes i.e 15-60 bbs?? Obviously optimal strategy would be tough, so maybe you could eliminate calling oop pre as an option and only have 3/4/5 betting as vbs/bluffs pre? I know how to make optimal strategy pairs with 100bb stacks based on preflop opening %s but don't know how much I'm supposed to widen my range when stacks get shorter...would love to see a video not on your personal strategy, but on how to go about finding an optimal 3/4/5 bet strategy with 15-60bb stacks. Maybe first vid could be how to do this when 3bettor is ip and another vid could be for when 3bettor is in blinds...would be awesome! (for 6max/9max)  

NJpoker23 11 years, 3 months ago

You should make these "blast from the past" videos available for essential members as would probably drive more recreational players to your site...especially since 99$ is a little much for the average human being....and it might entice the 10$ members to want the 99$ membership more seeing how you are playing your hands

Alex W. 11 years, 3 months ago

The last hand of the video seemed familiar.  I'm fairly certain you've included it in a Bluefire video in the past?  

Other than that it was a entertaining video.  I'd love to see more HU footage from rail heaven games.  That would be my dream video type from you.

Stephen Chidwick 11 years, 3 months ago

I enjoyed the vid but more from an entertainment perspective than an educational one. Another one of these on plo would be really interesting but overall my vote would be for more zoom content...I think its a great format for videos...lots of interesting spot without flooding the screen with tables...maybe a hu zoom series.

Zachary Freeman 11 years, 3 months ago

I didn't get much from this video; not sure exactly why. I like HH review vids occasionally but this didn't engage my attention for some reason. I think I prefer either specific planned vids like "philosophy" vids or game play as you normally do that has game flow and dynamics. I am not a fan of Zoom for that reason.

Just my 2 cents.

dodgybob 11 years, 3 months ago

Yeah +1 to what Zach said.  I think this is ok for a novelty vid, and you should make it available as an essential, but I don't think there's much in it for members now.  I'd rather see you do more concept vids, HH review or game play.

I like your Zoom vids though, so we differ on that.

AcefromSpace 11 years, 3 months ago

I think the video was quite interesting. Ive started playing poker after black friday so I had no idea how the games have changed. I mean the 3.5x sizes preflop and tighter value3bet ranges etc look very unusual from today's perspective. I agree that you showed the dynamics very well in this video! Also that people fold a lot preflop. (You can probably filter it in the future) :-) Maybe you can find some NL or PLO footage vs Isildur1 and Sahamies? :-P

Looking at the comments above, we can read a lot of different opinions about it. I mean, personally I found other videos like your HUNL Series vs Kanu7 (which was phenomenal btw) more valuable for my understanding of the game. So yeah, I can understand why some guys are not happy. 

Well, one can say that it was an "abstract" video, because there is other stuff to see than tips how to beat today's games. I guess there are similarities to the bot series from sauce, both analyzing games that are very different than, let's say the 2$/4$ tables at stars running at the moment. So please don't make the same mistake as Ben in November to release many videos of this "abstract" format in a row and therefore we miss too much applicable content over a certain period of time. 
So yeah, my conclusion is that the format is great to mix in for educational and entertainment purposes occasionally but it shouldn't be a high% of your coaching volume. :-)

3betlight 11 years, 3 months ago

A bit through the video but I think what you haven't mentioned about the tight solid play is big a game this is & that seems to have just started.  Everyone in this game has a huge amount of money at stake and is playing in an extremely high stakes game.  In fact, it's the highest stakes ever on the internet, so I think anyone is naturally going to play a bit tighter and avoid making a mistake that costs them $100k.  

midori 11 years, 3 months ago


It's hard not to like whatever vid you make.  And I mean it.  :)

However, if you can also make a conceptual vid like "raising the turn" or "philosophy" series, that'll be very great and a lot of RIO members will appreciate that too.  Just my 2 cents!

- midori

Ciaran Farrell 11 years, 3 months ago

Regarding the K8 hand where you fold the SB. How wide do you open the SB these days? Sauce opens 3x >50% which is a lot more than I thought was corrct.

Ciaran Farrell 11 years, 3 months ago

In The QT hand in the limped pot where you jam the flop. Would you flat the flop bet with any of your range? If not would you ever flat the flop if the pot was heads up on the flop?

mason88 11 years, 3 months ago

Maybe some older highstakes PLO videos would be nice. And maybe throw in a few 9max hands in there for the live grinders. Thankss:)

IcedCoffeeFTW 11 years, 3 months ago

ya, def more like attention span is terrible, so if it's entertaining (e.g., nosebleeds vs well known opponents) that helps me focus...thanks phil 

Zachary Freeman 11 years, 3 months ago

Answered my own question with Google!

I'm unable to play online since BF but this seems like such an unfulfilling way to play poker. It seems like an uninteresting, edge diminished, emotionally dissatisfying form of poker. Big edges in HU come from learning your opponents tendencies, game flow makes the game interesting. And not to mention, there's an emotional attachment trying to beat a specific player and the overall competitive nature.  Sorry for the derail.

DirtyD 11 years, 3 months ago

I pretty much agree with you on the problems with HU Zoom, but HU poker is really in dire straits right now. The lobby is just a sea of bumhunters sitting alone, hoping to somehow be the one to get the fish who shows up every so often. At this point anything to shake things up could be positive, even if it has problems.

Brian Rast 11 years, 3 months ago

love this video phil - reminds me of some games I played in back then with you and other regs.  Please make more videos like this with hands from the past... I think it's very interesting to contrast the styles (todays vs a few years ago), as well as hear your reads and analysis.  If you decide to follow up, I'll request that you use a segment with you, myself, Gus, and some others!  

ggho22 11 years, 3 months ago

This is obv very interesting to watch since i doubt these kind of stakes will be played again (plo would be much more fun for me). But from an educational perspective i think your other vids are way better...

Phil Galfond 11 years, 3 months ago

Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the feedback (and keep it coming).

It looks like MOST people would like more live play/zoom/theory, some people like this format, which is very much in line with what I expected.

I think I'll use this sparingly, and next time either do some 6m PLO, or find a NL or PLO HU match from back then and go through the hands (and stats if I can work that out).

NocturnalX 11 years, 3 months ago

Don't you have any regs on the zoom-tables? I'm new to this site and have up until now only been able to find zoom-sessions from you and Ola. -And with all due respect for you guys and your game (you obviously know how to play PLO) I would like to see some videos from someone who has a feel for the player field at PLO Zoom from 0.10-0.25 and 0.25-0.50. Thanks. :)

JETFIRE68 10 years, 7 months ago
Nice video.
I'm glad to see some entertainment content.
And i think it is already the time to show people some epic sessions against Isildur1.
Or just look at some sessions Isil vs Durr

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