hi, i notice lots of z500 player even with high winrate play a lots of z200 in july.
and regular table is even worse, some NL5k player like bit2easy even play as low as 3/6.
do you think it affect your hourly ?
Min 10:40, 89s hand on 10Ac2c 6c. Could you explain why you want to check 100% of hands here. On the 6c he may have slightly more flushes than you have, but does he really have such a big range advanced overall? How do you want to play flushdraws like KJ/KQ/QJo?
If i said in the video that i want to check 100% then i was wrong.
We should have a betting range.
KQo,KJo with a flushdraw should be a mix between betting and x/raising with betting being the higher frequency play.
i used to review (once in a while) my whole session through hm2 hand by hand; one day i downloaded a record app (nch) but wasn't very happy with it and the noise while playing so:
Could you recommend me a recording app to review my sessions? :)
At 16:03 on Table #2 you mentioned that KTo (no spade) is a good bluff candidate on the Js 9s 6s- As board because you block other KTo combo's but Im not sure how you can block spades w/o having spades. I would imagine you have more Kx in your range being the PRF but I dont understand how having and of the 3 non spade K make it less likely villain has the K spade specifically
He is likely folding weak offsuit Kx hands. He is definitely folding weak Tsx hands preflop. So if we have KT offsuit we block his Kstx and his TsKx. So having this combo is better than having no blockers. Also this combo has equity against his 2 pair continues.
Yes that does make sense, thanks. Would you prefer to have QTo (no spade) here to KTo? does having more equity vs anything but flushes make up for the fact that we dont block K's?
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hi, i notice lots of z500 player even with high winrate play a lots of z200 in july.
and regular table is even worse, some NL5k player like bit2easy even play as low as 3/6.
do you think it affect your hourly ?
Yes noticed the same. Their were less recs in the pool, wsop was running and maybe holidays affected the pools.
Yes this affects hourly when good players enter the pool.
Min 10:40, 89s hand on 10Ac2c 6c. Could you explain why you want to check 100% of hands here. On the 6c he may have slightly more flushes than you have, but does he really have such a big range advanced overall? How do you want to play flushdraws like KJ/KQ/QJo?
If i said in the video that i want to check 100% then i was wrong.
We should have a betting range.
KQo,KJo with a flushdraw should be a mix between betting and x/raising with betting being the higher frequency play.
Hi, your final words kept me thinking...
i used to review (once in a while) my whole session through hm2 hand by hand; one day i downloaded a record app (nch) but wasn't very happy with it and the noise while playing so:
Could you recommend me a recording app to review my sessions? :)
ty in advance
I use camtasia. You can probably trial it.
I use OBS, it's free and I've had no problems with it.
At 16:03 on Table #2 you mentioned that KTo (no spade) is a good bluff candidate on the Js 9s 6s- As board because you block other KTo combo's but Im not sure how you can block spades w/o having spades. I would imagine you have more Kx in your range being the PRF but I dont understand how having and of the 3 non spade K make it less likely villain has the K spade specifically
He is likely folding weak offsuit Kx hands. He is definitely folding weak Tsx hands preflop. So if we have KT offsuit we block his Kstx and his TsKx. So having this combo is better than having no blockers. Also this combo has equity against his 2 pair continues.
Hopes this makes some sense.
25:50 mark **
Yes that does make sense, thanks. Would you prefer to have QTo (no spade) here to KTo? does having more equity vs anything but flushes make up for the fact that we dont block K's?
With QTo we also block KQ KT and it has a bit more equity. So seems like a slightly better candidate.
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