looks a little loose but still reasonable I think, considering the player is opening 22ish % from MP. I am with you on a fold vs anything under 20% open
you could argue that high rake games it is still a fold.
About K98ss flop 3bettting OOP, Dont you think if you gave 1/3rd pot bet option for IP player on turn it would show very different strategy for 3bettor? because thats what players often do IP
Hello Iain. AKo hand at 30 mins. The Js seems like a good barrel card for this combo as you have As, putting pressure on a PP heavy range and can continue on river spades and blocking some suited BW floats?
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More PIO Iain.
whats a resonable hourly at /1?
also that BB 3b range BB vs bu does it means we 3b Suited gappers with a 50% freq? good VIdeo
Yes it does. its one of the features of PIOsolver that you can add weights to the combos
Thanks Iain!
At 34:42 JTo I'm pretty surprised that you complete BB vs open 3x MP
looks a little loose but still reasonable I think, considering the player is opening 22ish % from MP. I am with you on a fold vs anything under 20% open
you could argue that high rake games it is still a fold.
I don't like my complete either its a fold.
Your tables look bigger than most people (you don't have the white pokestars borders), do you use a software for that and if so which one?
The software is called Starshelper
I'm an idiot, I have Starshelper but I had no idea table placing could do that. Thanks Pape_Sux
Yes you can use Starshelper to remove the borders of the tables so that they are a little bigger. makes a big difference!
In other words, how do you tile tables without space in between?
Its a feature on starshelper
About K98ss flop 3bettting OOP, Dont you think if you gave 1/3rd pot bet option for IP player on turn it would show very different strategy for 3bettor? because thats what players often do IP
timestamp please
where can i find hand opening sheets? And do you have any video's about defending VS 3b and 4b?
Hello Iain. AKo hand at 30 mins. The Js seems like a good barrel card for this combo as you have As, putting pressure on a PP heavy range and can continue on river spades and blocking some suited BW floats?
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