Great video. Always been a fan of ur vids but see a massive difference in past months. Thanks a lot!
Just general Q, do you ever deviate in smaller buyin events (ie. wsop 1500s,3ks,5ks.. non HR tourneys) and overfold turns given many will not find the no equity bluffs? I notice you always find the proper no equity bluffs in ur vids but do you ever lock for opponent not doing that and be concerned that many 0ev calls that make up ur turn call range (middle pairs etc) are quickly pretty negative?... issue is if you do that, ur turn fold freq starts to become very high since many calls on turns versus large polar bets are 0ev and if you fold a lot of them, its super exploitable.
I appreciate the props on the videos, I'm glad you're liking them.
Turns are tricky as OOP as the defender vs weaker players. You definitely don't see as many no-equity barrels like you said. But, in my experience, you also don't see as much river follow through, especially to big size. So there's this balance where you have less direct equity with those hands vs their turn barrels, but you end up showing down the winner more often than you should. What I do is try to stay close to equilibrium and make sure i'm continuing the premium blocker middling stuff.
An example might be:
Single-raised-pot BTN vs BB
Ks Jh 4d
check - bet 30% - call
check - bet 100% -
Now as the BB some of my best non-premium continues would be AhJs, Ah4s. I'll make sure to continue these and be less excited about 43hh and the other fringe continues.
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hey nice video thanks..... can we get a link to the WSOP preparation vid please .
tia , and gl this summer
Thanks! Good luck
You explain everything so well and clear. I learned tons. Sick read on the guy with 77.
Thx boss nice vid
Great video. Always been a fan of ur vids but see a massive difference in past months. Thanks a lot!
Just general Q, do you ever deviate in smaller buyin events (ie. wsop 1500s,3ks,5ks.. non HR tourneys) and overfold turns given many will not find the no equity bluffs? I notice you always find the proper no equity bluffs in ur vids but do you ever lock for opponent not doing that and be concerned that many 0ev calls that make up ur turn call range (middle pairs etc) are quickly pretty negative?... issue is if you do that, ur turn fold freq starts to become very high since many calls on turns versus large polar bets are 0ev and if you fold a lot of them, its super exploitable.
I appreciate the props on the videos, I'm glad you're liking them.
Turns are tricky as OOP as the defender vs weaker players. You definitely don't see as many no-equity barrels like you said. But, in my experience, you also don't see as much river follow through, especially to big size. So there's this balance where you have less direct equity with those hands vs their turn barrels, but you end up showing down the winner more often than you should. What I do is try to stay close to equilibrium and make sure i'm continuing the premium blocker middling stuff.
An example might be:
Single-raised-pot BTN vs BB
Ks Jh 4d
check - bet 30% - call
check - bet 100% -
Now as the BB some of my best non-premium continues would be AhJs, Ah4s. I'll make sure to continue these and be less excited about 43hh and the other fringe continues.
Makes a lot of sense, thanks!
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