Fantastic video !!! I don’t think people appreciate enough the value of your live commentating. Thank you for making this video. It’s very educational and certainly entertaining. Tons of interesting spots.
Here are some cliff:
- When there is antes on the table, we should opening larger size with more solid range
- Q8s is too strong to 4bet bluff, but we aint never folding that shit on the button
- AJ, KQ are cool 4 bet bluffing hands
- KThh on 6kt56ccccd, very decent hand to check raise all in with.
- RayJing kept on value cutting and bluffing into top of our range
- Against a somewhat balanced opponent, we really need to think hard about GTO and can’t fold too high up in our range.
- When we choose to bluff catch, pick the hands that don’t block their bluff combos
- Op wonders why people raise Q4 bvb pre, then he raised Q5 bvb the very next hand
- If we gonna have a Ax check back range on Axx, A2, A3 are the best of course
Here are a few questions:
KQ on35JA @8:01 why do you say you always check Ak Aq on turn ? you also said “checking AQ, Ak there is way more important”. Can you explain a little more? Don’t we need to put those into our double barrel range?
QKss on 8s2A5s7@12:50. You mentioned having KQ here as blockers is not fantastic. We don’t want to block AK, AQ in this spot. Why? Don’t we want to block ak, aq, so he has more At, A9 combos? Also, Do you think a 2x pot over bet on river has any merit?
Again, awsome video. Can’t wait the for next one. Thank you very much
-I meant I am usually checking the flop with AQ/AK there, so therefore they won't be in my turn range too often, that's why I increased my sizing on the turn.
-Same here, I meant that I expect AQ/AK to cbet very close to a 100% on the flop so therefore blocking it when he checks, isn't that relevant, because you rather want to block his AJ/AT (assuming those are now his strongest Ax)
On the river I think we still have some thinner valuebets like AQ, so I chose a 'normal' sizing.
You ccall flop wihtout having a CR range and say you plan on folding the Q turn - so i guess you are folding this hand on the majority of turn cards? Isnt that a bit weak with a "hidden" nut draw? Wouldnt it be better to build a turn CR range with your flop slowpalys in order to be able to include this hand? That line would also keep your opponents from 2barreling dry flops with impunity.
I don't really worry about that in this specific spot, because we just don't have that many good (slowplayed) valuehands on K63 Q, other than the couple of 66/33/K6/K3 (as I also 3b QK combo's with a really high frequency HU) and even some of those valuecombo's are vulnreable. You could argue for your strategy on a different turn like an 8x, where we now have all K8/K6/88/66/33 which may be interested in c/r'ing some %.
And as most people are barreling turn around 50% of the time, it means we are able to bluff this hand on rivers succesfully when checked behind ott quite a bit.
great video.
at 8min, think its okay turn barrel with KQ on J53A, but i suspect a lot of your QT KT and KQ will all like to bet flop and want to barrel turn there, and since you may even check some a4 a2 on turn, he probably calls with a decent amt of ace high on flop, and he doesn't have c/r range on flop prob, it seems easy spot to bet too much and get in trouble. U rep AA, AJ some and maybe some QQ/KK since you dont block a J, and obv 55/33 but other then that idk. He has some 64s 76s that are auto folds and will fold us off it on river, but since he only has those suited combos, its not very substantial. And if he ever develops c/r range on turn, those hands would definitely be the best bluffs (the part of his folding range with equity and incentive to realize equity).
very interesting hand with KK at 20min. when he checks turn, on the 5323, which is a good turn for your range, i like the betting small with range to protect equity and then divide range on river. Given his range should be polarized though on flop and still on turn, do you expect him to either c/r or c/f turn? and if thats the case, what hands do you call the turn raise with and fold blank rivers (thereby giving him incentive to balance a bluff jamming range on river)? your 4x hands and smaller over pairs?
I see in similar spots ppl stab small a lot after a c/r on flop and turn check, like on board changing turns like T96dd turn Qd, but is this best on all boards after theres a c/r on flop and turn check? if we always stab small, opponents shud never bet turn, and always c/r us and get a lot more money in then otherwise possible. This is what i fear a lot when i protection bet. i think when the turn is good for our range, we can get away with betting our whole range fairly small (like in the KK hand, but even then, the 3 isn't that great for us). Thoughts?
sort of related, at 27min, when u bet flop with Q5 and check turn on 772dd5, since often u have given up, does it makes sense here for him to bet range for that sizing (20 into 40), given this board he needs protection against any two random cards with his king/ace highs and 7x hands?
at 25min with Q4o, think a polarized range makes sense to raise, as the top percentage of your hands (15%) and the bottomish part of range have most to gain by either getting more money in pot or ending the pot now. raising more medium strength hands have more to lose if they get limp/reraised given they can check back and just see a flop. not sure, obviously not totally polar range, but i think it makes some sense. Why you dislike?
at 31min with your k5s, on q63c2cj, on the river you say 44 is a good bluff catch. I dont entirely agree with this, it does not have a club, but it blocks more bluffs than value hands. I assume you will have K4s 74s 84s T4s as bluffs, but only 54s as a value hand, so it blocks more bluffs then value. (is this correct? i tried to mess around in flopzilla but wasn't sure). How do you deal with when you have a card thats in your value and bluff range with blockers?
A lot of tough questions here to answer.
You are indeed right that it's very easy to overbluff in this spot, and it's kinda weird to bet QQ/KK here for this sizing as well, so we are indeed quite polarized with AJ/AA/sets/A3/maybe AQ.
It's still obviously oké to bet here most of the time for this larger sizing and I think it's also a spot where people might be overfolding fairly easy as well.
I mean it's a good card in the sense that all my overpairs are a lot safer now and the board doesn't change, it's pretty much a pure blank, the 3 will not really improve my literal handstrenght at all.
I agree with you that his range is polarized, and still is on the flop, and that he will mostly be c/r'ing or c/f'ing.
Probably have to fold the river with some smaller overpairs and floated/calls with 4x and just call it off with TT/JJ+.
I think when the board changes a lot, our bettingrange becomes more polarized, since we are checking hands like QJ/Tx/overpairs, so I don't think our opponent should be attacking at by a full checkrange on the turn on board changing turns (sounds vague but you'll get the point).
Makes a lot of sense after his flopcall, indeed he is protecting against a lot of hands that have 6 outs, he could also attack this flop quite a bit with raises since the 2 is obviously better represented in his range than in mine (but 7x no kicker is not that interested in doing this of course).
@Preflop limp discussion
I always thought of it in a more simplistic way: we can check for free, so a more linear top xx% to raise made the most sense to me, mixed in with some lower connected stuff for better board coverage, but maybe I am wrong here.
I agree, I'll try and confirm with CREV, but seems right indeed, since I won't raise pre with 45o, he actually blocks my bluffrange more than my valuerange, therefore he should probably just be leaning towards calling the top of his range in stead of the nutblocker/lower part of his range here.
Super Teuness, please consider to make a HU video "post audio" that will be amazing!!! or 6max and HU combine with post audio will be great as well.. cheers and thanks in advance :)
as aleady in an other comment said, I also think his call is very bad.
What I don t like is your River Bet. If you are betting all of your Bluffs from the Turn also on the River, then you are either overbluffing the River oder underbluffing the Turn. When you bet all the 4x, 5x and FDs it's very likely that you are overbluffing the River. I think with K high you might have some SD Value against some random floats which turned a FD. So blocking not a club is actually good imo or atleast not that bad like in other spots (ofc he has like 6 nut FDs, which he will fold against a Bet). Furthermore you are not blocking his clear calling Range (KQ: he will 3Bet it Preflop sometimes), you even block some folds--> 55, 65, 53s, K6, Ah5h...
Table 2 on 20.10. You said that we would be bluffing here with 98, but you also said that the villain is probably going to call a raise with all his 4x. So when we bluff with 98, what are we trying to make him fold?
its for balance, cos just think about it, if Teunuss wasn't balanced in this spot and only raised for value then villain could bet/fold easily all 4x and just bet/call boats.
so in order to get full value when you have boats, and have unexploitable strategy, your range should include some bluffs. then it doesn't matter what he does- calls 100% with 4x or folds 100% with 4x- he will be making a mistake unless he calls according to pot odds.
ie we risk a pot sized raise to win the pot: so we are laying him 2:1 and thus he has to be good 33% of the time. so our value:bluff range should be 66% value and 33% bluffs. if I'm not mistaken.
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Fantastic video !!! I don’t think people appreciate enough the value of your live commentating. Thank you for making this video. It’s very educational and certainly entertaining. Tons of interesting spots.
Here are some cliff:
- When there is antes on the table, we should opening larger size with more solid range
- Q8s is too strong to 4bet bluff, but we aint never folding that shit on the button
- AJ, KQ are cool 4 bet bluffing hands
- KThh on 6kt56ccccd, very decent hand to check raise all in with.
- RayJing kept on value cutting and bluffing into top of our range
- Against a somewhat balanced opponent, we really need to think hard about GTO and can’t fold too high up in our range.
- When we choose to bluff catch, pick the hands that don’t block their bluff combos
- Op wonders why people raise Q4 bvb pre, then he raised Q5 bvb the very next hand
- If we gonna have a Ax check back range on Axx, A2, A3 are the best of course
Here are a few questions:
KQ on35JA @8:01 why do you say you always check Ak Aq on turn ? you also said “checking AQ, Ak there is way more important”. Can you explain a little more? Don’t we need to put those into our double barrel range?
QKss on 8s2A5s7@12:50. You mentioned having KQ here as blockers is not fantastic. We don’t want to block AK, AQ in this spot. Why? Don’t we want to block ak, aq, so he has more At, A9 combos? Also, Do you think a 2x pot over bet on river has any merit?
Again, awsome video. Can’t wait the for next one. Thank you very much
Haha thanks :)
-I meant I am usually checking the flop with AQ/AK there, so therefore they won't be in my turn range too often, that's why I increased my sizing on the turn.
-Same here, I meant that I expect AQ/AK to cbet very close to a 100% on the flop so therefore blocking it when he checks, isn't that relevant, because you rather want to block his AJ/AT (assuming those are now his strongest Ax)
On the river I think we still have some thinner valuebets like AQ, so I chose a 'normal' sizing.
great vid!
Table 3, 45o, min 29:
You ccall flop wihtout having a CR range and say you plan on folding the Q turn - so i guess you are folding this hand on the majority of turn cards? Isnt that a bit weak with a "hidden" nut draw? Wouldnt it be better to build a turn CR range with your flop slowpalys in order to be able to include this hand? That line would also keep your opponents from 2barreling dry flops with impunity.
I don't really worry about that in this specific spot, because we just don't have that many good (slowplayed) valuehands on K63 Q, other than the couple of 66/33/K6/K3 (as I also 3b QK combo's with a really high frequency HU) and even some of those valuecombo's are vulnreable. You could argue for your strategy on a different turn like an 8x, where we now have all K8/K6/88/66/33 which may be interested in c/r'ing some %.
And as most people are barreling turn around 50% of the time, it means we are able to bluff this hand on rivers succesfully when checked behind ott quite a bit.
The Rayjing's check-raising & loosing money show. Nice vid!
great video.
at 8min, think its okay turn barrel with KQ on J53A, but i suspect a lot of your QT KT and KQ will all like to bet flop and want to barrel turn there, and since you may even check some a4 a2 on turn, he probably calls with a decent amt of ace high on flop, and he doesn't have c/r range on flop prob, it seems easy spot to bet too much and get in trouble. U rep AA, AJ some and maybe some QQ/KK since you dont block a J, and obv 55/33 but other then that idk. He has some 64s 76s that are auto folds and will fold us off it on river, but since he only has those suited combos, its not very substantial. And if he ever develops c/r range on turn, those hands would definitely be the best bluffs (the part of his folding range with equity and incentive to realize equity).
very interesting hand with KK at 20min. when he checks turn, on the 5323, which is a good turn for your range, i like the betting small with range to protect equity and then divide range on river. Given his range should be polarized though on flop and still on turn, do you expect him to either c/r or c/f turn? and if thats the case, what hands do you call the turn raise with and fold blank rivers (thereby giving him incentive to balance a bluff jamming range on river)? your 4x hands and smaller over pairs?
I see in similar spots ppl stab small a lot after a c/r on flop and turn check, like on board changing turns like T96dd turn Qd, but is this best on all boards after theres a c/r on flop and turn check? if we always stab small, opponents shud never bet turn, and always c/r us and get a lot more money in then otherwise possible. This is what i fear a lot when i protection bet. i think when the turn is good for our range, we can get away with betting our whole range fairly small (like in the KK hand, but even then, the 3 isn't that great for us). Thoughts?
sort of related, at 27min, when u bet flop with Q5 and check turn on 772dd5, since often u have given up, does it makes sense here for him to bet range for that sizing (20 into 40), given this board he needs protection against any two random cards with his king/ace highs and 7x hands?
at 25min with Q4o, think a polarized range makes sense to raise, as the top percentage of your hands (15%) and the bottomish part of range have most to gain by either getting more money in pot or ending the pot now. raising more medium strength hands have more to lose if they get limp/reraised given they can check back and just see a flop. not sure, obviously not totally polar range, but i think it makes some sense. Why you dislike?
at 31min with your k5s, on q63c2cj, on the river you say 44 is a good bluff catch. I dont entirely agree with this, it does not have a club, but it blocks more bluffs than value hands. I assume you will have K4s 74s 84s T4s as bluffs, but only 54s as a value hand, so it blocks more bluffs then value. (is this correct? i tried to mess around in flopzilla but wasn't sure). How do you deal with when you have a card thats in your value and bluff range with blockers?
A lot of tough questions here to answer.
You are indeed right that it's very easy to overbluff in this spot, and it's kinda weird to bet QQ/KK here for this sizing as well, so we are indeed quite polarized with AJ/AA/sets/A3/maybe AQ.
It's still obviously oké to bet here most of the time for this larger sizing and I think it's also a spot where people might be overfolding fairly easy as well.
I mean it's a good card in the sense that all my overpairs are a lot safer now and the board doesn't change, it's pretty much a pure blank, the 3 will not really improve my literal handstrenght at all.
I agree with you that his range is polarized, and still is on the flop, and that he will mostly be c/r'ing or c/f'ing.
Probably have to fold the river with some smaller overpairs and floated/calls with 4x and just call it off with TT/JJ+.
I think when the board changes a lot, our bettingrange becomes more polarized, since we are checking hands like QJ/Tx/overpairs, so I don't think our opponent should be attacking at by a full checkrange on the turn on board changing turns (sounds vague but you'll get the point).
Makes a lot of sense after his flopcall, indeed he is protecting against a lot of hands that have 6 outs, he could also attack this flop quite a bit with raises since the 2 is obviously better represented in his range than in mine (but 7x no kicker is not that interested in doing this of course).
@Preflop limp discussion
I always thought of it in a more simplistic way: we can check for free, so a more linear top xx% to raise made the most sense to me, mixed in with some lower connected stuff for better board coverage, but maybe I am wrong here.
I agree, I'll try and confirm with CREV, but seems right indeed, since I won't raise pre with 45o, he actually blocks my bluffrange more than my valuerange, therefore he should probably just be leaning towards calling the top of his range in stead of the nutblocker/lower part of his range here.
Super Teuness, please consider to make a HU video "post audio" that will be amazing!!! or 6max and HU combine with post audio will be great as well.. cheers and thanks in advance :)
great video as usual
@31.30 K5s
as aleady in an other comment said, I also think his call is very bad.
What I don t like is your River Bet. If you are betting all of your Bluffs from the Turn also on the River, then you are either overbluffing the River oder underbluffing the Turn. When you bet all the 4x, 5x and FDs it's very likely that you are overbluffing the River. I think with K high you might have some SD Value against some random floats which turned a FD. So blocking not a club is actually good imo or atleast not that bad like in other spots (ofc he has like 6 nut FDs, which he will fold against a Bet). Furthermore you are not blocking his clear calling Range (KQ: he will 3Bet it Preflop sometimes), you even block some folds--> 55, 65, 53s, K6, Ah5h...
liked the video a lot :)
Nice work!
Table 2 on 20.10. You said that we would be bluffing here with 98, but you also said that the villain is probably going to call a raise with all his 4x. So when we bluff with 98, what are we trying to make him fold?
its for balance, cos just think about it, if Teunuss wasn't balanced in this spot and only raised for value then villain could bet/fold easily all 4x and just bet/call boats.
so in order to get full value when you have boats, and have unexploitable strategy, your range should include some bluffs. then it doesn't matter what he does- calls 100% with 4x or folds 100% with 4x- he will be making a mistake unless he calls according to pot odds.
ie we risk a pot sized raise to win the pot: so we are laying him 2:1 and thus he has to be good 33% of the time. so our value:bluff range should be 66% value and 33% bluffs. if I'm not mistaken.
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