The last hand, JJ on the bottom right...I think, it should be valuebet 100% of the time. Both villains are fishy and the will call u with all there full houses. The sizing shouldnt be big, I think 6-8$ will be enough.
I assume you defending this vs a cutoff open? Can you give me the bottom of your defending range here vs a typical reg? I'm probably defending a little to wide vs a Hijack open. Thanks for your replies to my questions!
21:53 Top right, you call 66 vs an EP open. I notice that you seem to always call PP vs reg opens, regardless of positions. ie 22 in btn vs cutoff, is this correct? I find myself folding 66 and down here as regs just don't pay off as light as they used to
Yeah as I said in the vid its a close spot and perhaps not a call. It is 100% is in the co, and def a fold if I was one position earlier. I am a loose player so you do what works best for you. I also fancy myself to have a post flop edge vs most regs so I dont mind calling pretty wide ip.
23:35 A5s Top Left you 4bet to 28% of your stack, what do you consider the commitment threshold? What % of your stack are you putting in which makes you have to call a shove?
Yeah I mean you can only do that sort of thing if the numbers stack up. Generally keep it under 30% if you wish to fold, I think much over that and you're pricing yourslef in assuming hes shoving wider than KK+
V standard fold. Any Axs i call. Broadway with Ace I might call or 3b depending on opponent and which broadway goes with the Ace. More likely to 3-bet or fold Axo vs regs. Call vs a lot fish, but again dependent on his stats.
1:40 AA - ez call (but probably u said this in video)
7:30 TT - yeah this is tricky spot, but on this flop structure I`m sure that most of regs will just shove all of their sets, because he don`t like too see lots of turn cards, and I think this if fine because fish is calling anyway and u are fold turn when spade not came ,but with for ex. As6s, A8,AT,AJ, TJ etc u have to call. So reg range is like mb 98, 78 or 5s6c so I think this is call turn vs fish shove, but its close.
24:30 A5s - 'When shortstacks play like this he had almost always terrible hand" - hmm, I don`t think so this is exacly true. He playing 14/11 with 3bet around 5-6% vs MP i guess. I don`t think he is PP heavy when calling on BB but i assume that he had polarized range like AA-KK premium vs KQ,QJ,TJ etc. On K high board its easy cbet but on low structure I just chback.
30:00 JJ - I think JJ is still profitable 3bet/ call in this spot almost always even vs this tight reg( small sample), personally top of my PP calling range is TT, but ... whatever.
45:30 JJ - clear value bet on the R. they never had hand like QQ-KK + Ax bet flop or turn. Sometimes we get paid from hands like 6x or 77-99
AA - This should be a call, but as i said numerous times it was a timing tell with the speed at which he shoved. Had a horrible feeling was crushed. Probably still a call regardless.
TT - I think this is a fold and not a call. I disgree the reg always shoves his set given how much of a whale the donker is.
A5 - As i said before, this ss in particular is v bad and obviously its an assumption hes peeling with a weak hand but more often that not it is ime. Regardless, we have to c-bet this flop so the hand is played correctly.
JJ - True, 3-betting vs a nit is probably going to show you a profit, but flatting to keep the fish in is more profitable hence my flat.
JJ - As mentioned in previous comment it was a v-bet spot but its not too important.
I agree with all 5 points above, other than the interpretation of the fish's instant shove in the AA hand. IMO Fish just don't shove their monster hands (sets) on the flop in this manner usually. They are far more likely to do so with a flush draw or even with top pair. However, they WILL act immediately with a two pair hand- but due to the unlikelihood of having two pair on that particular flop, I would have personally been very confident of being in good shape as I'd weight his range far more towards FD/TP.
You said several times that reg a, b, c etc are really bad, and kept emphasising that without stating why, or how you go about exploiting each of them vs their tendencies. It would be great if you could elaborate slightly in future.
Enjoyed the video overall though, lots of logical thought processes well-articulated.
around 14-17min on table 3 T9dd you flat btn small raise, xc flop and lead turn. I agree w/ turn lead, was wondering about other hands you lead with and especially flushes and river 4th spade coverage? You won't really have ~any pair+good fd on this board, maybe xr AsX, KsX on flop a high %?
Hey simon, you say at 11:27 it really important to have a linear 3 betting range here. Can you please explain why, and what this means? I've heard it before, but I am not exactly sure what it means.
Having a linear 3-betting range simply means that if we are 3-betting say 10% from the sb, we are 3betting the top 10% of hands. Whereas if you are 3-betting a polarized range, if you 3bet say 6%, you could be 3-betting the top 2% of hands, and the rest as bluffs.
A polarized strategy is a lot more effective when we are playing against a stronger range, for example vs an EP open. So linear makes more sense vs weaker ranges like we had with the 910s vs a BTN open to our sb, mainly because all those hands we are 3betting have a lot better play-ability to our opponents calling and 4-betting range. Hope that makes sense.
Loading 30 Comments...
First, and great Vid
define "dog shit reg".. lol
haha its my note for shortstack regs
The last hand, JJ on the bottom right...I think, it should be valuebet 100% of the time. Both villains are fishy and the will call u with all there full houses. The sizing shouldnt be big, I think 6-8$ will be enough.
I agree, I did say that I could v-bet but just decided not to. He probably would have called with 88.
6:44 Top right, you fold QTo in the BB vs a minraise from the hijack, is this standard?
I assume you defending this vs a cutoff open? Can you give me the bottom of your defending range here vs a typical reg? I'm probably defending a little to wide vs a Hijack open. Thanks for your replies to my questions!
21:53 Top right, you call 66 vs an EP open. I notice that you seem to always call PP vs reg opens, regardless of positions. ie 22 in btn vs cutoff, is this correct? I find myself folding 66 and down here as regs just don't pay off as light as they used to
Yeah as I said in the vid its a close spot and perhaps not a call. It is 100% is in the co, and def a fold if I was one position earlier. I am a loose player so you do what works best for you. I also fancy myself to have a post flop edge vs most regs so I dont mind calling pretty wide ip.
23:35 A5s Top Left you 4bet to 28% of your stack, what do you consider the commitment threshold? What % of your stack are you putting in which makes you have to call a shove?
Yeah I mean you can only do that sort of thing if the numbers stack up. Generally keep it under 30% if you wish to fold, I think much over that and you're pricing yourslef in assuming hes shoving wider than KK+
JJ- 31:13 Bottom Right, if the fish calls and the reg folds, what are you doing on a QKA, turn? Heart Turn, 8 Turn, brick Turn?
I assume you mean a D turn - i would x/c as we have J of d, woudl also x/c an 8. Q I would bet myself. K or A I might x/f or x/c based on his sizings.
39:57 ATs if you get 4 bet vs this opponent, are you calling? 5 bet jamming? folding?
46:11 Top right, A6o vs cutoff open, Standard fold? Wast the bottom of your Ax calling range here vs a reg? vs a fish?
V standard fold. Any Axs i call. Broadway with Ace I might call or 3b depending on opponent and which broadway goes with the Ace. More likely to 3-bet or fold Axo vs regs. Call vs a lot fish, but again dependent on his stats.
No 4 color deck?
1:40 AA - ez call (but probably u said this in video)
7:30 TT - yeah this is tricky spot, but on this flop structure I`m sure that most of regs will just shove all of their sets, because he don`t like too see lots of turn cards, and I think this if fine because fish is calling anyway and u are fold turn when spade not came ,but with for ex. As6s, A8,AT,AJ, TJ etc u have to call. So reg range is like mb 98, 78 or 5s6c so I think this is call turn vs fish shove, but its close.24:30 A5s - 'When shortstacks play like this he had almost always terrible hand" - hmm, I don`t think so this is exacly true. He playing 14/11 with 3bet around 5-6% vs MP i guess. I don`t think he is PP heavy when calling on BB but i assume that he had polarized range like AA-KK premium vs KQ,QJ,TJ etc. On K high board its easy cbet but on low structure I just chback.
30:00 JJ - I think JJ is still profitable 3bet/ call in this spot almost always even vs this tight reg( small sample), personally top of my PP calling range is TT, but ... whatever.
45:30 JJ - clear value bet on the R. they never had hand like QQ-KK + Ax bet flop or turn. Sometimes we get paid from hands like 6x or 77-99
AA - This should be a call, but as i said numerous times it was a timing tell with the speed at which he shoved. Had a horrible feeling was crushed. Probably still a call regardless.
TT - I think this is a fold and not a call. I disgree the reg always shoves his set given how much of a whale the donker is.
A5 - As i said before, this ss in particular is v bad and obviously its an assumption hes peeling with a weak hand but more often that not it is ime. Regardless, we have to c-bet this flop so the hand is played correctly.
JJ - True, 3-betting vs a nit is probably going to show you a profit, but flatting to keep the fish in is more profitable hence my flat.
JJ - As mentioned in previous comment it was a v-bet spot but its not too important.
I agree with all 5 points above, other than the interpretation of the fish's instant shove in the AA hand. IMO Fish just don't shove their monster hands (sets) on the flop in this manner usually. They are far more likely to do so with a flush draw or even with top pair. However, they WILL act immediately with a two pair hand- but due to the unlikelihood of having two pair on that particular flop, I would have personally been very confident of being in good shape as I'd weight his range far more towards FD/TP.
Good vid.
You said several times that reg a, b, c etc are really bad,
and kept emphasising that without stating why, or how you go about exploiting each
of them vs their tendencies. It would be
great if you could elaborate slightly in future.
Enjoyed the video overall though, lots of logical thought
processes well-articulated.
around 14-17min on table 3 T9dd you flat btn small raise, xc flop and lead turn. I agree w/ turn lead, was wondering about other hands you lead with and especially flushes and river 4th spade coverage? You won't really have ~any pair+good fd on this board, maybe xr AsX, KsX on flop a high %?
17:26 fold 9To on the cutoff top right corner ?
Yeah just a concentration mistake, 9To from co is def an open
Hey simon, you say at 11:27 it really important to have a linear 3 betting range here. Can you please explain why, and what this means? I've heard it before, but I am not exactly sure what it means.
Having a linear 3-betting range simply means that if we are 3-betting say 10% from the sb, we are 3betting the top 10% of hands. Whereas if you are 3-betting a polarized range, if you 3bet say 6%, you could be 3-betting the top 2% of hands, and the rest as bluffs.
A polarized strategy is a lot more effective when we are playing against a stronger range, for example vs an EP open. So linear makes more sense vs weaker ranges like we had with the 910s vs a BTN open to our sb, mainly because all those hands we are 3betting have a lot better play-ability to our opponents calling and 4-betting range. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for clearing that up Simon!
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