You said at the begining that you were more active preflop than most others. The Thing that i dont understand is why are you almost always opening 2x no matter What?(except sb vs bb)
Imo, this is more vulnerable To be call by a bad hand (marginal) from the blind ..?
I think that it is like the .99 ... you will get called more often while betting 2x than 2.12x in exemple.
Hey,basically,when I need more fold equity ,I would open larger size due to my preflop strategy,as I mentioned I was on the losse side preflop ,thus it’s a waste of money to open with larger size with a range that is not so strong like 13ish utg 15-16 mp 20 co 40btn
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Hey Wei,
You said at the begining that you were more active preflop than most others. The Thing that i dont understand is why are you almost always opening 2x no matter What?(except sb vs bb)
Imo, this is more vulnerable To be call by a bad hand (marginal) from the blind ..?
I think that it is like the .99 ... you will get called more often while betting 2x than 2.12x in exemple.
What are your tougths?
Hey,basically,when I need more fold equity ,I would open larger size due to my preflop strategy,as I mentioned I was on the losse side preflop ,thus it’s a waste of money to open with larger size with a range that is not so strong like 13ish utg 15-16 mp 20 co 40btn
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