Min 6, table 1. OR CO Tc8c7s4d, you said that it is a standard open. It's around top55%, do you think that the playability is so good to justify to play this hand?
Min 25, table 3. 9c9hTc2s, if we have to fold in a board like this when we have a decent equity vs his betting range, wouldn't it be better open fold?
Tc8c7s4d, I think it is good enough to open on the CO. I dont use much those propokertools type ranges for opening ranges since I think they are skewed toward raw equity hands. So there are plenty of hands in your top 55% range that I will fold and still open the Tc8c7s4d.
9c9hTc2s, I think that hand is not weak enough to consider open folding in the SB so limp calling seems fine to me. That board is not favorable for our hand and it may or may not be a mistake to x/fold to that betsize. I dont know. I lean toward folding but could be convinced I should call one street.
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Hi Rapahel,
Firstly thanks for the video.
Min 6, table 1. OR CO Tc8c7s4d, you said that it is a standard open. It's around top55%, do you think that the playability is so good to justify to play this hand?
Min 25, table 3. 9c9hTc2s, if we have to fold in a board like this when we have a decent equity vs his betting range, wouldn't it be better open fold?
Thanks in advance,
Tc8c7s4d, I think it is good enough to open on the CO. I dont use much those propokertools type ranges for opening ranges since I think they are skewed toward raw equity hands. So there are plenty of hands in your top 55% range that I will fold and still open the Tc8c7s4d.
9c9hTc2s, I think that hand is not weak enough to consider open folding in the SB so limp calling seems fine to me. That board is not favorable for our hand and it may or may not be a mistake to x/fold to that betsize. I dont know. I lean toward folding but could be convinced I should call one street.
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