Thank again for another great video Phil. From my perspective, both long and short series are great. When the content is of the quality you provide, it doesn't matter.
I enjoyed this series, specifically the later parts as you get into some interesting deep spots (like the KQQ4). Figured I mentioned this as you brought up how you might not get as many views for later parts of series. If I had to choose, I'd prefer the 2/5 apotheosis series over this one, but agree with what Mulder said that it doesn't really matter when the content is this good.
I prefer longer series and the action on 4 tables 25/50 zoom is absolutely perfect as long as you keep up the good quality it´s awesome and would really like to see more series like this one in the future! Cheers
Bottom right 41:00 on 566hh, why do you think Oddsen might be checking back AA:hh? I think BERRI will be calling with KJ often on the river? Blocking youre value range and also getting Oddsen fold AK,AA hands that beats him. How light will you be shoving for value? If you had bluffed with this one, those hands seems like pretty easy call, havent done any math though.
47:15 in the 3bet pot top left against Durian. shouldnt his blockers be very bad? Considering that your bluff shoves on the turn mainly are backdoor draws, which he blocks? Should probably be a pretty easy call if you jam K786 and stuff like that though. What range do you think he peels flop with?
Bottom right 41:00 on 566hh, why do you think Oddsen might be checking
back AA:hh? I think BERRI will be calling with KJ often on the river?
Blocking youre value range and also getting Oddsen fold AK,AA hands
that beats him. How light will you be shoving for value? If you had
bluffed with this one, those hands seems like pretty easy call, havent
done any math though.
I decided not to bluff here mostly because BERRI's range contains a ton of trips+. He likely wouldn't lead trips/boats on the flop, he has tons of KK in his preflop range, and there aren't a ton of non-trips hands that can feel very comfortable calling the turn against my betting range and Oddsen behind him on the K.
I think I'd shove for value with K6+, which means I can't have a ton of bluffs. That said, I'm not leading the turn with many dry Kx hands, which make my best river bluffs. So I'm not totally sure where I'll find my bluffs.
Perhaps I should consider expanding my value range to include A6+ or so, and use a smaller sizing.
Anyways, due to the strength of BERRI's range, while KJ definitely blocks my value (shove) range, it's not super high in his range. Whether he has a better call with KJ or with 6x, I'm not so sure, but I definitely don't think he can call with all of them or he risks over-calling by a huge margin.
47:15 in the 3bet pot top left against Durian. shouldnt his blockers be very bad? Considering that your bluff shoves on the turn mainly are backdoor draws, which he blocks? Should probably be a pretty easy call if you jam K786 and stuff like that though. What range do you think he peels flop with?
His blockers are bad, yes, but his hand is a good one in terms of equity vs. my range. There are a lot of spots in PLO where it's very hard to have the hands you want to VB/Bluff/call/raise with and have the right blockers (this is especially true in a lot of bluff spots, like the hand above). I think his decision is a very close one.
He peels flop most of the time with any overpair (or better) that he bets flop with (which is the trickier part of putting him on a range), the occasional 7x, especially with spades, and the occasional dry flush draw.
I dont see how could somebody who really wants to improve their game lose interest! I could watch those videos 24/7 until I´m as good as you. Those reviews are just pure gold!
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Ah good, something to do while I bust WCOOPs
Thank again for another great video Phil. From my perspective, both long and short series are great. When the content is of the quality you provide, it doesn't matter.
I enjoyed this series, specifically the later parts as you get into some interesting deep spots (like the KQQ4). Figured I mentioned this as you brought up how you might not get as many views for later parts of series. If I had to choose, I'd prefer the 2/5 apotheosis series over this one, but agree with what Mulder said that it doesn't really matter when the content is this good.
I prefer longer series and the action on 4 tables 25/50 zoom is absolutely perfect as long as you keep up the good quality it´s awesome and would really like to see more series like this one in the future! Cheers
Thanks for the feedback, guys, and please keep it coming. It's very helpful!
Bottom right 41:00 on 566hh, why do you think Oddsen might be checking back AA:hh? I think BERRI will be calling with KJ often on the river? Blocking youre value range and also getting Oddsen fold AK,AA hands that beats him. How light will you be shoving for value? If you had bluffed with this one, those hands seems like pretty easy call, havent done any math though.
47:15 in the 3bet pot top left against Durian. shouldnt his blockers be very bad? Considering that your bluff shoves on the turn mainly are backdoor draws, which he blocks? Should probably be a pretty easy call if you jam K786 and stuff like that though. What range do you think he peels flop with?
I decided not to bluff here mostly because BERRI's range contains a ton of trips+. He likely wouldn't lead trips/boats on the flop, he has tons of KK in his preflop range, and there aren't a ton of non-trips hands that can feel very comfortable calling the turn against my betting range and Oddsen behind him on the K.
I think I'd shove for value with K6+, which means I can't have a ton of bluffs. That said, I'm not leading the turn with many dry Kx hands, which make my best river bluffs. So I'm not totally sure where I'll find my bluffs.
Perhaps I should consider expanding my value range to include A6+ or so, and use a smaller sizing.
Anyways, due to the strength of BERRI's range, while KJ definitely blocks my value (shove) range, it's not super high in his range. Whether he has a better call with KJ or with 6x, I'm not so sure, but I definitely don't think he can call with all of them or he risks over-calling by a huge margin.
His blockers are bad, yes, but his hand is a good one in terms of equity vs. my range. There are a lot of spots in PLO where it's very hard to have the hands you want to VB/Bluff/call/raise with and have the right blockers (this is especially true in a lot of bluff spots, like the hand above). I think his decision is a very close one.
He peels flop most of the time with any overpair (or better) that he bets flop with (which is the trickier part of putting him on a range), the occasional 7x, especially with spades, and the occasional dry flush draw.
I dont see how could somebody who really wants to improve their game lose interest! I could watch those videos 24/7 until I´m as good as you. Those reviews are just pure gold!
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