That is my dog Ziggy, he barks when I play two card.
Did you really name your pup after Larry? Your next video should show live webcam footage of Ziggy in the corner of the screen so we can see how strong his beard game is, preferably walking on a theadmill.
random question, why you dont auto reload ? is it because of the other game you play in mixed game so dont want to reload in uncaped buy in table, or because you sell a lot of your action and have specific numbers of BI you can use?
You didn't talk about one hand that was interesting to me. Jinmay raised 55 from +1 and timothee 3bet the btn with K7s. Timothee then 3 barrelled a 863810 board, shoving river with his missed flopped flush draw and Jinmay called him down. What do you think about both their plays?
I rarely have the balls to either call down here or follow through like timothee did, telling myself I can call here with 8x, JJ etc and have lots of hands to value bet shove if he's calling that light, am I wrong? Do you shove the K7 there most of the time?
Great vid ty
This seems fairly spewy from both sides, especially preflop. Tim's postflop play with the FD is fine, though generally having a FD makes the river barrel less good since we block our opponent's FDs. Jin's calldown with 55 isn't awful here, depending on what Tim's 3b range is preflop (for example a lot of people 3b A5s-A2s or 54s-87s, making 55 a bad calldown relative to 99-JJ). It kind of boils down to Tim having a strong semibluff on flop+turn and then thinking he's near bottom of range OTR, and Jin deciding he's bluffing too much and hero calling down.
Hi Ben,great vid! Thanks for sharing ur thoughts with us!
@min 19 Tab4 TT You said to use this 1/3rd pot size to make him fold underpairs and overcards. Few questions:
1) which range are you betting with that size and which one r u betting with a bigger one?
2)Which runner out you want to keep betting and which size would you use?
3)How can I build a balanced range splitted in one that I want to bet small and the other bigger?
4) Which range you think works better as a c/ call in this spot?
Thanks a lot
I'm playing my hand as a protection bet/decide/decide UI, type of line. I'll sometimes do this when I think my RvR EV is really high on a certain board and when a high proportion of my opponent's range has some possibilities. In this case I think most combos that connect with the 8/7 almost always fold preflop, so by making a third pot bet I'll force a decision from 22-JJ, suited Bways, and maybe KQ. A lot of people flat a ton of combos of AQo here as well, so once I get called and face a fairly large turn bet I can likely find a fold vs AQ/BhBh type of range with the occasional AK/88/77.
I don't think you need to build your whole range in this spot with a lot of precision, but be aware to mix in a lot of Ax-AK type of hands in the small CB line, and certainly some of them in the sCB/X line so that villain can't float you with range.
Ben what do you mean when you say villains range needs to have alot of possibilities for you to take the small cbet line and why does that incentivize us to make this play?
Hey Ben, Thanks for the video. I will make a few questions this time, feel free to dont answer some of them if you think its too much...
1) What do you think about Tim0thee bluff with J9hh at min 12. Personally i dont like it, i find very difficult to bluff this situation without a spade blocker FOR THAT SIZE. Im agree that he is not valuebetting AQ through AA for that size, so he´s intresting to have a spade blocker when he bluff for that size.
2) On min 22 you cbet A3ss on 378ddd UTG v BTN and you say that you will turn your hand into a bluff on different turns, what turns are those ? Would you always try to find pair hands to bluff on this low boards oop that in general favors the coldcaller ?
3) On min 31 you 3bet AQ BBvSB and on QT6hh 5 you cbet the flop, and you check behind the turn. Why ? Ranges should be loose enough to you having 3 barrels for value. Would you cbet again on the turn if you dont have the Ah ?
+1 for the first question. This may be a dumb question but... when I want to make a sizing that I don't have even AA-KK/AQ on that board, so my value has only the very top 5% shouldn't I be betting only nut bluffing hands, also ?
It's correct to bluff with a mixture of blockers there. If IP bluffed only with As or Ks, then a hand like JsQx becomes a nice bluffcatch, blocking IP's value region (FL, ST, Q+PR, QQ) and none of his bluffs. I agree that the bigger IP's sizing, and the more flush heavy his value region is, then the more one-spade hands he should have in his bluffing region, otherwise it's too easy for OOP to hero with a hand KsQ, and Asx, since so many rivered flushes in a CO opening range contain those cards.
9:00 table 3. I've been thinking about similar spots lately, when my turn perceived equity is somewhat cloudy on turn cards that improves his flop bluffing range. If it was a K turn this question may fit better since I expect his cbet frequency to be higher with QJ than KJ but w/e.
My intuitive approach was to expand my x/c range to a higher than optimal frequency leading to a somewhat weak river range against not that aggressive opponents. Against a guy like Katya I'd probably mucking 86s and having a tough time calling/folding even 98 since I have or no implied odds or reverse. From A8-84s/T8* (I guess it is your bottom 8x defending) how you approach this spot, against a guy like him ?
I'm not sure I understand your post. I think you're saying that when your range is weaker than your opponent's you widen your calling frequency from 1-A% of your range in order to float against passive players? But you're unsure of what kind of strategy to use against more aggro players?
I'd generally take the opposite adjustment. When I'm OOP against a much stronger range, I'll fold the flop more often than 1-A%. We received pot odds and closed the action preflop, so we can play a much wider range than the initial opener profitably, Katya has around 17% here and I have closer to 35%. But I think we're just burning money by peeling flop light with a weaker range, we'll want to continue less than 1-A% here on the flop on average, with that figure varying a bunch depending on the actual board.
I'm going to come back to this spot in a subsequent video, because I think the specifics of this spot are worth looking at.
Sorry Ben, I may have wrote it in a hurry. I didn't mean what you said, so my mistake. I hope this is less confuse this time.
My question is mostly related on to how to play spots when my flop x/c has a high vulnerability on turns and the specific turn card improves a reasonable portion of ip flop bluffing range even tough it doesn't make it nutted.
Just for simplicity, on TT8hh board, UTG vs BB, an offsuit K hits the turn. It improves fold equity against 8x hands and improves QJ. So, from his bluffing range very few hands shut down on this particular turn in a spot that he probably isn't betting the non heart version of Kx hands that he has from his preflop range, so most of his flop bluffing range is still air.
Again, for simplicity, suppose that none of his flop bluffing combos shut down and now he has fewer value bets, as KK/KTs decreases. If that is the case, I may expand my x/c frequency to include 8x hands. When I decide to do that, my river range should be weaker and I could be easily exploited by him setting a smaller bet sizing with his whole river betting range.
If I want to have 8x on the river (against Katya type), my decision would be to merge my turn x/r range (%Tx+ ?) into my turn x/c range to disincentive river overbets from ip. What you think are the flaws of this strategy on this board ?
"My question is mostly related on to how to play spots when my flop x/c has a high vulnerability on turns and the specific turn card improves a reasonable portion of ip flop bluffing range even tough it doesn't make it nutted."
I think he answered that question pretty well. on turn cards that improve villain's range more than ours, we continue with a smaller portion of our range than the direct pot odds dictate.
in the hand, katya bets 386 into 644 which is 60% pot. on the Q, which is one of the best cards in the deck for his range vs. ours, it's correct to fold more than .6 / (1 + .6) = 37.5% of the time and give him immediately profitable bluffs on his lucky turn card.
I guess he answered more focusing on the flop when I more concerned with turn perceived equity against aggros. I totally agree with what he said. Just for the sake of analysing the different spot I used the K turn since he Q turn bias too much the answer when it is a well above average card.
"Again, for simplicity, suppose that none of his flop bluffing combos shut down and now he has fewer value bets, as KK/KTs decreases. If that is the case, I may expand my x/c frequency to include 8x hands. When I decide to do that, my river range should be weaker and I could be easily exploited by him setting a smaller bet sizing with his whole river betting range.
If I want to have 8x on the river (against Katya type), my decision would be to merge my turn x/r range (%Tx+ ?) into my turn x/c range to disincentive river overbets from ip. What you think are the flaws of this strategy on this board ?"
leads to your next paragraph,
"If I want to have 8x on the river (against Katya type), my decision would be to merge my turn x/r range (%Tx+ ?) into my turn x/c range to disincentive river overbets from ip. What you think are the flaws of this strategy on this board ?"
If you think you can be easily exploited if you call turn with 8x, don't call unless you have a good reason to believe it's winning vs a certain player. Against a good player weak 8x is never a call, so it's a fairly easy decision.
13:20 You suggest that you dont like timothees large sizing. Could you explain why you dont like the idea of having a narrow polarized range in that spot?
I misspoke, I don't like Tim's sizing if he plans on betting a lot of 2PR or OP combos for full pot. If he's betting 2PR+, SET+ then it's a fine sizing.
min 28, bottom left with KJ vs tim0thee, you bet the turn on QJ7Q and you say you want to go for 2 streets of value usually. However, this implies that he cbets worse that KJ and furthermore probably worse pairs on the flop to c/c turn, otherwise we cannot expect 50% vs his c/c range. I honestly doubt that we can expect to have so much equity here, because I'd expect Jx and worse to frequently check the flop from tim0's side. Given that, in my opinion our bettingrange should be Qx and draws on the turn and we should strengthen our (otherwise 7x etc heavy) checking range on the turn with Jx as well. This also has the benefit that we will sometimes induce b/c/b bluffs by Tim0. What do you think?
Also ben you mention that you want to bet KJ there because you don't want your range to be too polarized. Why is having a polarized range there going to be a bad thing?
I agree with your plan mostly. AJ/KJ are a lot stronger here than other Jx though, and since I usually 3b AJ the only Jx combo I have that's strong enough to bet is KJ. I prefer to add specifically KJ to my polarized value range on turn, checking all of my other J almost always.
I don't think OOP needs strictly Qx+ to bet flop, his range should include some weaker Jx, some 7x, and some A hi gutters and FDs that XC turn somewhat often, and he might bet some air or very weak hands for protection as well thinking he has a big range advantage on this board BvB. I do think this spot is quite close though, and I'll be checking KJ behind on a lot of bad rivers.
Great video as always. pretty sick that u do these live play $25/50 vids.
At 27 min, with AQ after u 3b UTG+1 v UTG and board is KT9hhh, why do u say its a very strong board for you?
Because if I'm 3betting ~6-9% there, and my range includes a fair % of 99-AA, AQ+, suited bways, then it's pretty hard for me to flop an airball there. A lot of OOP's range is lower suited bways and worse pairs or SCs.
its interesting because its pretty hard for either of you to have a flush (unless you 3b bluff Axss/87s type hands a lot here). i just dont see really how its much better for your range because he arguably has more 99/TT/QJs as well as you both probably have near even amt of AK combos. It seems to hit you both pretty hard as i dont think he misses much either (he prob has 66-88 that fold flop but thats not that many combos)
Thanks for the video, Ben. I really enjoyed it. Just one question. You mention a couple of times in the video when you are in the bb in a bb vs sb situation that you are going to be more polarized (and accordingly size larger) with your 3 betting range here in position, as opposed I assume to when you are out of position in the sb. Can you just explain the thinking behind using a more polarized 3 betting range in position here? Thanks in advance.
Hey nice video. It's great to see some 25/50 6 max action. I had a few questions for you.
(a) 5:20, BB ak, what other hands would you cold 4 bet in this situation? What hands would you be
using for bluffs? What's the weakest value hand you would have?
(b) 5:28 qd 9d, 3 bet pot. Preflop 3 bettor checks to you and you bet 40% of pot with your overs and backdoor draw. Then you say when the turn blanks out that you are givng up.
What hands do you think he's check folding this flop with to a 300.00 bet? Do you think that double barrelling on the turn is bad after his flop call?
(c) 34:02 - you have 8 5 cc on the river. You say a pair of sixes with a weak kicker is the hand you would always bluff. Why is that? What other hands would you be bluffing on the river with that you cbet flop and checked turn?
(d) 34:48 you are in the big blind with Ah 9 h. Button min raises, and the sb 3 bets. What hands do you feel you would be calling or raising with in this spot?
(e) 38:39 q 8 on the river. What do you think about an over bet for 1.5x or 2x pot here as a bluff, or with a hand like ace 10 or K 8 for value?
Sorry, this is too much. I don't mean these are bad questions (they're not), I just mean I can't devote this much time to one person's questions.
I want to make these video threads more of a back and forth dialogue and not a Q&A session with me.
"(a) 5:20, BB ak, what other hands would you cold 4 bet in this situation? What hands would you be
using for bluffs? What's the weakest value hand you would have?"
Instead of asking open ended questions like this, it's a lot easier and more fun for myself and the community if you start with an argument. So, instead, say something like '5:20, BB AK, I'd 4b a range of [xx] because of [blank] reasons/sims, and my conclusion is that AK is [too tight? too loose?] to cold 4 here.'
I'll also preferentially treat threads which have forum members in there debating with each other, so we can get multiple people's arguments.
OK sounds fair. I'll try to take that into consideration the next time I post comments on one of your videos. I'm very glad that you are making videos at run it once sir!
Thanks for the video. @29:47, top right table with Ad6h. First of all, do you 3bet almost all Axs BB vs BTN? If not, would you be shoving the river with this hand if the board did not pair? Would that be a crazy play?
I don't think 6x is an efficient river bluff in a pot this small because it has too much showdown value. We can replace Ad6x with a hand like Ad2x and get the same nut blocker effect but without turning a pair with slight showdown value and turning it into a bluff.
If we want to bluff with Ad6x, my line is to lead turn small, then XR river if he bets >1/3 pot, once the second postflop bet goes in, our sixes are never beating any of his value bets, so they're now an efficient bluff.
Great vid. At 8:25 you call 86s in the BB v Katya's 3x UTG open and say "easy call." You need to realize ~85% of your equity to breakeven if hes opening 17%. Realizing 85% vs a very good reg out of position seems like a lot. I think in one of the Lefort vids he said in a HU game oop he thought his R would be between 70-50. Do you disagree with that assumption, or do you think your R is higher in this spot (as opposed to a hu match) because Kata's range is more narrow? In other words, does facing a narrow range increase your ability to realize equity?
Your analysis is missing the most obvious piece: our hand! It's true that being OOP against a tight range decreases our ranges's R on average, but different hand classes will perform differently. If you thought all hands realized a similar R, then you'd be playing a lot of hands like K8o or A9o and not enough hands like 86s or 54s. SC hands always realize a lot more equity than offsuit disconnected ones. So, no, I don't think it's ambitious to realize 85% or more of our equity with 86dd here.
Hi Ben,
Nice video :)
@ minute 10 with Q3s: do have a turn leading range here? and what do u think of leading here and also our flushes and KJ J9 and these kind of hands or do u checkraise those on the flop most of the times?
Leading here won't add much value to our strategy, and is very difficult to execute well, requiring a lot of mixed strategies. I think you can mix in a lead if your opponent plays passively on the turn and you think you need to get money in here.
At 18:00 you mention that you're never folding the TT, you're 100bb deep vs a 35% open, I agree that this is a 3-bet get it in spot but I think this is near the bottom of our 100bb gii range with AKo, AQs, 99 seems ambitious to me. I'd also take history vs us and 4-betting numbers into account. What if this was a 20% opener? What if it was a 15% opener but you were 50bb deep?
I know I have allot of questions but I'm mostly a MTT grinder and am trying to figure out proper gii ranges at different effective stacks and vs different stats,I find I get uncertain with hands on the borderline like AQs and flat when I should be playing more aggressively.
Also I liked watching your MTT review when you were on the treadmill, great multi-tasking, too easy to get out of shape when you sit all day. I have an elliptical but I don't think that'd work, might invest in a treadmill myself. Great videos, looking forward to watching the rest, TY!
29 40 You lead turn 1/2 pot with Ad6 on QJ8ddd 6, which I don't get.
Your hand is imo way too weak to value bet and it's probably strong enough to check, and I assume you would want to lead for a bigger sizing if you were bluffing.
Now against his calling delay c-bet range we can't be good, so delay cr becomes better, I think
Why do you suggest a river c/f on the Q? You're blocking the NF, Q6 and 6s full, so I think this is the perfect hand to c/r huge, if he does bet the river.
I don't really like my play there either, but it's fairly close. I think I should be betting more hands like Ad2x as semibluffs, and saving hands like Ad6 for a XC or XR. I think a XR with Ad9x or AdTx and Ad6x seems pretty good, then XC more often with Ad8x.
I usually prefer to block more hands that are likelier to be in his flop X/X range rather than hands which are closer to the nuts when I XR river. I doubt he plays the NF this way very often (if ever), and Q6 isn't well represented preflop. That leaves 66 and Q6s I suppose, but those aren't massive parts of his range. The main reason I didn't XR was that I won't play a huge frequency of nutty hands to this line, and it's easy to get out of line by XR tons of missed protection bets on the turn, e.g., JxXd, Ad6x, Kd8x. I'll generally stay away from diamonds here when I XR river because I want to block Qx rather than flushes, thinking that most of his BC frequency is Qx. So I'll choose stuff like black J9 to XR.
ben, how does black j9 block Qx? it blocks Q9 but isn't that a reasonable hand to call with? seems tough to block Qx so i guess maybe this is best? wouldn't black 98 be better? or do you not bet that on the turn?
8:10 Katya utg opens 3x, you call 86dd in bb
-Hes risking 150 to win 75 and thus the table needs to defend [1-(150/(150+75))] = 33% to not let him auto profit. Im confused how we are supposed to spread that 33% across the players left to act, or even if this is the proper way to look at how we should decide on a defending frequency.
-We are in the BB so theres a good reason to have lots of the defending burden. -Hes a good aggressive player with a strong ish 17% range from UTG and were OOP so theres a good reason to not be going crazy with the frequency
-If i were coming up with a frequency this way then i would surely not arrive at 35% so this must not be the way one should go about defending frequencies preflop?
32:20 "the six seemed like a blank, but it was a secret scare card"
An MDF (minimum defense freq) is not the way to think about pre flop. If the table played a 33 VPIP and didn't always 3b, then the PFR could open any two because all hands have positive EV when called. That's obviously not correct, so....
Hey Ben, very good video. Took me about two hours to watch it and understand some of the things :). There's one thing I don't really understand and don't even know where to start.
Min 33:50 you're on the RV oop BvB w/85s on 9KA-T-6 board after C-betting FL and TN goes X/X and you say that 8-high is a marginal bluff but a pair of 6's with a weak kicker is the hand that you always want to bluff here. Why? What makes it such a big difference?
6x blocks rivered 2pairs that will always call our bluff, so we increase the chance of our bluff going through.
Altough I would think that 6x has a tiny bit of showdown value against 55-22 but I guess tough opponent will turn those hands into bluff either on the turn or the river ?
Thanks kaytor. This might be the reasoning but is this such a big difference? The result I'm getting in Flopzilla by switching the 5 with a 6 is a max of six combos difference. So we're getting called 1% less when we have a 6 in our hand. And that's assuming that he only calls PF with any suited A6, K6 & 96 which of course can be wrong depending on how he constructs his 3Bet range. What am I missing ?
When we get to the river here we'll have a no SD value region that's much larger than our value betting region, so we can't bluff a very large fraction of it. So, we need to pick out tiny little differences between this region in order to privilege some of it for bluffing. Being called 2% less than some other combo qualifies.
It's possible that 6x has too much value to bluff here, in that case it might be better to pull some blockers for Ax/Kx like 34s and bluff with that instead.
Timestamp 01:50
AJ vs ~20 RFI - Would you call at button?
Against this range call looks great , but i feel that players left to act are squeeze heavy ;)
Can you give a brief description of how to go about deciding on defending frequencies preflop, then? In what ways is MDF useful then? Just in knowing the absolute minimum amount we need to be defending (mostly in postflop situations)?
- A87hh we can bet 1/3 pot to clear out under cards to A like kx Qx and underpairs to 77s
- KJ on Q7JssQ, after pfr bet and check turn, we should go for two streets of value
- Fold A2os otb in tough games
- c/c c/r line is a little fancy with 85cc on AK9rb, but it’s a play
Loading 70 Comments...
not bad sauce not bad....:). i liked it !
@26 minutes: if you can't spot the fish at the table....:)
Really enjoyed the video!
Why are all these dog noises in the background?
Go and play with ur dog instead.
That is my dog Ziggy, he barks when I play two card.
Did you really name your pup after Larry? Your next video should show live webcam footage of Ziggy in the corner of the screen so we can see how strong his beard game is, preferably walking on a theadmill.

random question, why you dont auto reload ? is it because of the other game you play in mixed game so dont want to reload in uncaped buy in table, or because you sell a lot of your action and have specific numbers of BI you can use?
It's because I usually play limit or PLO
You didn't talk about one hand that was interesting to me. Jinmay raised 55 from +1 and timothee 3bet the btn with K7s. Timothee then 3 barrelled a 863810 board, shoving river with his missed flopped flush draw and Jinmay called him down. What do you think about both their plays?
I rarely have the balls to either call down here or follow through like timothee did, telling myself I can call here with 8x, JJ etc and have lots of hands to value bet shove if he's calling that light, am I wrong? Do you shove the K7 there most of the time?
Great vid ty
This seems fairly spewy from both sides, especially preflop. Tim's postflop play with the FD is fine, though generally having a FD makes the river barrel less good since we block our opponent's FDs. Jin's calldown with 55 isn't awful here, depending on what Tim's 3b range is preflop (for example a lot of people 3b A5s-A2s or 54s-87s, making 55 a bad calldown relative to 99-JJ). It kind of boils down to Tim having a strong semibluff on flop+turn and then thinking he's near bottom of range OTR, and Jin deciding he's bluffing too much and hero calling down.
Hi Ben,great vid! Thanks for sharing ur thoughts with us!
@min 19 Tab4 TT You said to use this 1/3rd pot size to make him fold underpairs and overcards. Few questions:
1) which range are you betting with that size and which one r u betting with a bigger one?
2)Which runner out you want to keep betting and which size would you use?
3)How can I build a balanced range splitted in one that I want to bet small and the other bigger?
4) Which range you think works better as a c/ call in this spot?
Thanks a lot
Good question farf,
I'm playing my hand as a protection bet/decide/decide UI, type of line. I'll sometimes do this when I think my RvR EV is really high on a certain board and when a high proportion of my opponent's range has some possibilities. In this case I think most combos that connect with the 8/7 almost always fold preflop, so by making a third pot bet I'll force a decision from 22-JJ, suited Bways, and maybe KQ. A lot of people flat a ton of combos of AQo here as well, so once I get called and face a fairly large turn bet I can likely find a fold vs AQ/BhBh type of range with the occasional AK/88/77.
I don't think you need to build your whole range in this spot with a lot of precision, but be aware to mix in a lot of Ax-AK type of hands in the small CB line, and certainly some of them in the sCB/X line so that villain can't float you with range.
Ben what do you mean when you say villains range needs to have alot of possibilities for you to take the small cbet line and why does that incentivize us to make this play?
I mean that villain's range has some solid EV vs X that I want to deny by betting.
Hey Ben, Thanks for the video. I will make a few questions this time, feel free to dont answer some of them if you think its too much...
1) What do you think about Tim0thee bluff with J9hh at min 12. Personally i dont like it, i find very difficult to bluff this situation without a spade blocker FOR THAT SIZE. Im agree that he is not valuebetting AQ through AA for that size, so he´s intresting to have a spade blocker when he bluff for that size.
2) On min 22 you cbet A3ss on 378ddd UTG v BTN and you say that you will turn your hand into a bluff on different turns, what turns are those ? Would you always try to find pair hands to bluff on this low boards oop that in general favors the coldcaller ?
3) On min 31 you 3bet AQ BBvSB and on QT6hh 5 you cbet the flop, and you check behind the turn. Why ? Ranges should be loose enough to you having 3 barrels for value. Would you cbet again on the turn if you dont have the Ah ?
+1 for the first question. This may be a dumb question but... when I want to make a sizing that I don't have even AA-KK/AQ on that board, so my value has only the very top 5% shouldn't I be betting only nut bluffing hands, also ?
Would like to hear discussion on questions 1&3 :)
It's correct to bluff with a mixture of blockers there. If IP bluffed only with As or Ks, then a hand like JsQx becomes a nice bluffcatch, blocking IP's value region (FL, ST, Q+PR, QQ) and none of his bluffs. I agree that the bigger IP's sizing, and the more flush heavy his value region is, then the more one-spade hands he should have in his bluffing region, otherwise it's too easy for OOP to hero with a hand KsQ, and Asx, since so many rivered flushes in a CO opening range contain those cards.
So Ben. In theory should Thimothee be trying to make every bluffcatcher in your range 0ev?
Shib, no. "bluffcatcher" is just a way of describing hands with a zero or small EV as a calldown.
Bump for question 2 & 3 :)
So glad that I tuned in for "he doesn't have Aces, Kings or AQ for that size so I think I'm kind of fucked".
Chalk it up to spending too much time with Aejones
Ben, awesome content. Thanks a lot.
9:00 table 3. I've been thinking about similar spots lately, when my turn perceived equity is somewhat cloudy on turn cards that improves his flop bluffing range. If it was a K turn this question may fit better since I expect his cbet frequency to be higher with QJ than KJ but w/e.
My intuitive approach was to expand my x/c range to a higher than optimal frequency leading to a somewhat weak river range against not that aggressive opponents. Against a guy like Katya I'd probably mucking 86s and having a tough time calling/folding even 98 since I have or no implied odds or reverse. From A8-84s/T8* (I guess it is your bottom 8x defending) how you approach this spot, against a guy like him ?
I'm not sure I understand your post. I think you're saying that when your range is weaker than your opponent's you widen your calling frequency from 1-A% of your range in order to float against passive players? But you're unsure of what kind of strategy to use against more aggro players?
I'd generally take the opposite adjustment. When I'm OOP against a much stronger range, I'll fold the flop more often than 1-A%. We received pot odds and closed the action preflop, so we can play a much wider range than the initial opener profitably, Katya has around 17% here and I have closer to 35%. But I think we're just burning money by peeling flop light with a weaker range, we'll want to continue less than 1-A% here on the flop on average, with that figure varying a bunch depending on the actual board.
I'm going to come back to this spot in a subsequent video, because I think the specifics of this spot are worth looking at.
Sorry Ben, I may have wrote it in a hurry. I didn't mean what you said, so my mistake. I hope this is less confuse this time.
My question is mostly related on to how to play spots when my flop x/c has a high vulnerability on turns and the specific turn card improves a reasonable portion of ip flop bluffing range even tough it doesn't make it nutted.
Just for simplicity, on TT8hh board, UTG vs BB, an offsuit K hits the turn. It improves fold equity against 8x hands and improves QJ. So, from his bluffing range very few hands shut down on this particular turn in a spot that he probably isn't betting the non heart version of Kx hands that he has from his preflop range, so most of his flop bluffing range is still air.
Again, for simplicity, suppose that none of his flop bluffing combos shut down and now he has fewer value bets, as KK/KTs decreases. If that is the case, I may expand my x/c frequency to include 8x hands. When I decide to do that, my river range should be weaker and I could be easily exploited by him setting a smaller bet sizing with his whole river betting range.
If I want to have 8x on the river (against Katya type), my decision would be to merge my turn x/r range (%Tx+ ?) into my turn x/c range to disincentive river overbets from ip. What you think are the flaws of this strategy on this board ?
Well, I'd be glad to hear more from those spots.
"My question is mostly related on to how to play spots when my flop x/c has a high vulnerability on turns and the specific turn card improves a reasonable portion of ip flop bluffing range even tough it doesn't make it nutted."
I think he answered that question pretty well. on turn cards that improve villain's range more than ours, we continue with a smaller portion of our range than the direct pot odds dictate.
in the hand, katya bets 386 into 644 which is 60% pot. on the Q, which is one of the best cards in the deck for his range vs. ours, it's correct to fold more than .6 / (1 + .6) = 37.5% of the time and give him immediately profitable bluffs on his lucky turn card.
I guess he answered more focusing on the flop when I more concerned with turn perceived equity against aggros. I totally agree with what he said. Just for the sake of analysing the different spot I used the K turn since he Q turn bias too much the answer when it is a well above average card.
I don't understand how this
"Again, for simplicity, suppose that none of his flop bluffing combos shut down and now he has fewer value bets, as KK/KTs decreases. If that is the case, I may expand my x/c frequency to include 8x hands. When I decide to do that, my river range should be weaker and I could be easily exploited by him setting a smaller bet sizing with his whole river betting range.
If I want to have 8x on the river (against Katya type), my decision would be to merge my turn x/r range (%Tx+ ?) into my turn x/c range to disincentive river overbets from ip. What you think are the flaws of this strategy on this board ?"
leads to your next paragraph,
"If I want to have 8x on the river (against Katya type), my decision would be to merge my turn x/r range (%Tx+ ?) into my turn x/c range to disincentive river overbets from ip. What you think are the flaws of this strategy on this board ?"
If you think you can be easily exploited if you call turn with 8x, don't call unless you have a good reason to believe it's winning vs a certain player. Against a good player weak 8x is never a call, so it's a fairly easy decision.
Cool dog name, thanks for the video.
Ben great vid so far.
13:20 You suggest that you dont like timothees large sizing. Could you explain why you dont like the idea of having a narrow polarized range in that spot?
I misspoke, I don't like Tim's sizing if he plans on betting a lot of 2PR or OP combos for full pot. If he's betting 2PR+, SET+ then it's a fine sizing.
min 28, bottom left with KJ vs tim0thee, you bet the turn on QJ7Q and you say you want to go for 2 streets of value usually. However, this implies that he cbets worse that KJ and furthermore probably worse pairs on the flop to c/c turn, otherwise we cannot expect 50% vs his c/c range. I honestly doubt that we can expect to have so much equity here, because I'd expect Jx and worse to frequently check the flop from tim0's side. Given that, in my opinion our bettingrange should be Qx and draws on the turn and we should strengthen our (otherwise 7x etc heavy) checking range on the turn with Jx as well. This also has the benefit that we will sometimes induce b/c/b bluffs by Tim0. What do you think?
Also ben you mention that you want to bet KJ there because you don't want your range to be too polarized. Why is having a polarized range there going to be a bad thing?
I agree with your plan mostly. AJ/KJ are a lot stronger here than other Jx though, and since I usually 3b AJ the only Jx combo I have that's strong enough to bet is KJ. I prefer to add specifically KJ to my polarized value range on turn, checking all of my other J almost always.
I don't think OOP needs strictly Qx+ to bet flop, his range should include some weaker Jx, some 7x, and some A hi gutters and FDs that XC turn somewhat often, and he might bet some air or very weak hands for protection as well thinking he has a big range advantage on this board BvB. I do think this spot is quite close though, and I'll be checking KJ behind on a lot of bad rivers.
Great video as always. pretty sick that u do these live play $25/50 vids.
At 27 min, with AQ after u 3b UTG+1 v UTG and board is KT9hhh, why do u say its a very strong board for you?
Because if I'm 3betting ~6-9% there, and my range includes a fair % of 99-AA, AQ+, suited bways, then it's pretty hard for me to flop an airball there. A lot of OOP's range is lower suited bways and worse pairs or SCs.
its interesting because its pretty hard for either of you to have a flush (unless you 3b bluff Axss/87s type hands a lot here). i just dont see really how its much better for your range because he arguably has more 99/TT/QJs as well as you both probably have near even amt of AK combos. It seems to hit you both pretty hard as i dont think he misses much either (he prob has 66-88 that fold flop but thats not that many combos)
I don't think I agree, but maybe you can convince me with a simulation or three.
Fivebet, did you even model this board?
Shibulon i did not. it is just my reaction to thinking about how the board interact with their ranges
Ok fair enough however If you model it I think youll be suprised.
Thanks for the video, Ben. I really enjoyed it. Just one question. You mention a couple of times in the video when you are in the bb in a bb vs sb situation that you are going to be more polarized (and accordingly size larger) with your 3 betting range here in position, as opposed I assume to when you are out of position in the sb. Can you just explain the thinking behind using a more polarized 3 betting range in position here? Thanks in advance.
Opening myself up to a 4b costs more with medium strength hands IP than OOP, and calling IP the first time is worth more than calling OOP.
Hey nice video. It's great to see some 25/50 6 max action. I had a few questions for you.
(a) 5:20, BB ak, what other hands would you cold 4 bet in this situation? What hands would you be
using for bluffs? What's the weakest value hand you would have?
(b) 5:28 qd 9d, 3 bet pot. Preflop 3 bettor checks to you and you bet 40% of pot with your overs and backdoor draw. Then you say when the turn blanks out that you are givng up.
What hands do you think he's check folding this flop with to a 300.00 bet? Do you think that double barrelling on the turn is bad after his flop call?(c) 34:02 - you have 8 5 cc on the river. You say a pair of sixes with a weak kicker is the hand you would always bluff. Why is that? What other hands would you be bluffing on the river with that you cbet flop and checked turn?
(d) 34:48 you are in the big blind with Ah 9 h. Button min raises, and the sb 3 bets. What hands do you feel you would be calling or raising with in this spot?
(e) 38:39 q 8 on the river. What do you think about an over bet for 1.5x or 2x pot here as a bluff, or with a hand like ace 10 or K 8 for value?
Sorry, this is too much. I don't mean these are bad questions (they're not), I just mean I can't devote this much time to one person's questions.
I want to make these video threads more of a back and forth dialogue and not a Q&A session with me.
"(a) 5:20, BB ak, what other hands would you cold 4 bet in this situation? What hands would you be
using for bluffs? What's the weakest value hand you would have?"
Instead of asking open ended questions like this, it's a lot easier and more fun for myself and the community if you start with an argument. So, instead, say something like '5:20, BB AK, I'd 4b a range of [xx] because of [blank] reasons/sims, and my conclusion is that AK is [too tight? too loose?] to cold 4 here.'
I'll also preferentially treat threads which have forum members in there debating with each other, so we can get multiple people's arguments.
OK sounds fair. I'll try to take that into consideration the next time I post comments on one of your videos. I'm very glad that you are making videos at run it once sir!
Hello Ben!
minute 26, maybe it's you the guy they wanna play with :D
hi Ben,
Thanks for the video. @29:47, top right table with Ad6h. First of all, do you 3bet almost all Axs BB vs BTN? If not, would you be shoving the river with this hand if the board did not pair? Would that be a crazy play?
I don't think 6x is an efficient river bluff in a pot this small because it has too much showdown value. We can replace Ad6x with a hand like Ad2x and get the same nut blocker effect but without turning a pair with slight showdown value and turning it into a bluff.
If we want to bluff with Ad6x, my line is to lead turn small, then XR river if he bets >1/3 pot, once the second postflop bet goes in, our sixes are never beating any of his value bets, so they're now an efficient bluff.
Great vid. At 8:25 you call 86s in the BB v Katya's 3x UTG open and say "easy call." You need to realize ~85% of your equity to breakeven if hes opening 17%. Realizing 85% vs a very good reg out of position seems like a lot. I think in one of the Lefort vids he said in a HU game oop he thought his R would be between 70-50. Do you disagree with that assumption, or do you think your R is higher in this spot (as opposed to a hu match) because Kata's range is more narrow? In other words, does facing a narrow range increase your ability to realize equity?
Your analysis is missing the most obvious piece: our hand! It's true that being OOP against a tight range decreases our ranges's R on average, but different hand classes will perform differently. If you thought all hands realized a similar R, then you'd be playing a lot of hands like K8o or A9o and not enough hands like 86s or 54s. SC hands always realize a lot more equity than offsuit disconnected ones. So, no, I don't think it's ambitious to realize 85% or more of our equity with 86dd here.
Hi Ben,
Nice video :)
@ minute 10 with Q3s: do have a turn leading range here? and what do u think of leading here and also our flushes and KJ J9 and these kind of hands or do u checkraise those on the flop most of the times?
Leading here won't add much value to our strategy, and is very difficult to execute well, requiring a lot of mixed strategies. I think you can mix in a lead if your opponent plays passively on the turn and you think you need to get money in here.
At 18:00 you mention that you're never folding the TT, you're 100bb deep vs a 35% open, I agree that this is a 3-bet get it in spot but I think this is near the bottom of our 100bb gii range with AKo, AQs, 99 seems ambitious to me. I'd also take history vs us and 4-betting numbers into account. What if this was a 20% opener? What if it was a 15% opener but you were 50bb deep?
I know I have allot of questions but I'm mostly a MTT grinder and am trying to figure out proper gii ranges at different effective stacks and vs different stats,I find I get uncertain with hands on the borderline like AQs and flat when I should be playing more aggressively.
Also I liked watching your MTT review when you were on the treadmill, great multi-tasking, too easy to get out of shape when you sit all day. I have an elliptical but I don't think that'd work, might invest in a treadmill myself. Great videos, looking forward to watching the rest, TY!
Hi Rev,
I think in both of your other situations it's much closer. I wouldn't 3b/GII against 20%, and I probably would against a 15% but I'm not sure.
Amazing video, Ben!
29 40 You lead turn 1/2 pot with Ad6 on QJ8ddd 6, which I don't get.
Your hand is imo way too weak to value bet and it's probably strong enough to check, and I assume you would want to lead for a bigger sizing if you were bluffing.
Now against his calling delay c-bet range we can't be good, so delay cr becomes better, I think
Why do you suggest a river c/f on the Q? You're blocking the NF, Q6 and 6s full, so I think this is the perfect hand to c/r huge, if he does bet the river.
What do you think?
I don't really like my play there either, but it's fairly close. I think I should be betting more hands like Ad2x as semibluffs, and saving hands like Ad6 for a XC or XR. I think a XR with Ad9x or AdTx and Ad6x seems pretty good, then XC more often with Ad8x.
I usually prefer to block more hands that are likelier to be in his flop X/X range rather than hands which are closer to the nuts when I XR river. I doubt he plays the NF this way very often (if ever), and Q6 isn't well represented preflop. That leaves 66 and Q6s I suppose, but those aren't massive parts of his range. The main reason I didn't XR was that I won't play a huge frequency of nutty hands to this line, and it's easy to get out of line by XR tons of missed protection bets on the turn, e.g., JxXd, Ad6x, Kd8x. I'll generally stay away from diamonds here when I XR river because I want to block Qx rather than flushes, thinking that most of his BC frequency is Qx. So I'll choose stuff like black J9 to XR.
ben, how does black j9 block Qx? it blocks Q9 but isn't that a reasonable hand to call with? seems tough to block Qx so i guess maybe this is best? wouldn't black 98 be better? or do you not bet that on the turn?
8:10 Katya utg opens 3x, you call 86dd in bb
-Hes risking 150 to win 75 and thus the table needs to defend [1-(150/(150+75))] = 33% to not let him auto profit. Im confused how we are supposed to spread that 33% across the players left to act, or even if this is the proper way to look at how we should decide on a defending frequency.
-We are in the BB so theres a good reason to have lots of the defending burden. -Hes a good aggressive player with a strong ish 17% range from UTG and were OOP so theres a good reason to not be going crazy with the frequency
-If i were coming up with a frequency this way then i would surely not arrive at 35% so this must not be the way one should go about defending frequencies preflop?
32:20 "the six seemed like a blank, but it was a secret scare card"
thanks for the vid! peace
An MDF (minimum defense freq) is not the way to think about pre flop. If the table played a 33 VPIP and didn't always 3b, then the PFR could open any two because all hands have positive EV when called. That's obviously not correct, so....
Hey Ben, very good video. Took me about two hours to watch it and understand some of the things :). There's one thing I don't really understand and don't even know where to start.
Min 33:50 you're on the RV oop BvB w/85s on 9KA-T-6 board after C-betting FL and TN goes X/X and you say that 8-high is a marginal bluff but a pair of 6's with a weak kicker is the hand that you always want to bluff here. Why? What makes it such a big difference?
6x blocks rivered 2pairs that will always call our bluff, so we increase the chance of our bluff going through.
Altough I would think that 6x has a tiny bit of showdown value against 55-22 but I guess tough opponent will turn those hands into bluff either on the turn or the river ?
Thanks kaytor. This might be the reasoning but is this such a big difference? The result I'm getting in Flopzilla by switching the 5 with a 6 is a max of six combos difference. So we're getting called 1% less when we have a 6 in our hand. And that's assuming that he only calls PF with any suited A6, K6 & 96 which of course can be wrong depending on how he constructs his 3Bet range. What am I missing ?
When we get to the river here we'll have a no SD value region that's much larger than our value betting region, so we can't bluff a very large fraction of it. So, we need to pick out tiny little differences between this region in order to privilege some of it for bluffing. Being called 2% less than some other combo qualifies.
It's possible that 6x has too much value to bluff here, in that case it might be better to pull some blockers for Ax/Kx like 34s and bluff with that instead.
Indeed, makes sense, but I didn't realize that 1.5-2% makes the difference here. Thanks again.
Hi Ben, on 35:00 is A9h that terrible to cold 4? Having an A blocker and some eq (if he calls) should be enough? Good vid.
Timestamp 01:50
AJ vs ~20 RFI - Would you call at button?
Against this range call looks great , but i feel that players left to act are squeeze heavy ;)
Hey Ziggy ;)
Can you give a brief description of how to go about deciding on defending frequencies preflop, then? In what ways is MDF useful then? Just in knowing the absolute minimum amount we need to be defending (mostly in postflop situations)?
- A87hh we can bet 1/3 pot to clear out under cards to A like kx Qx and underpairs to 77s
- KJ on Q7JssQ, after pfr bet and check turn, we should go for two streets of value
- Fold A2os otb in tough games
- c/c c/r line is a little fancy with 85cc on AK9rb, but it’s a play
Fantastic video. Thank you very much Mr.Sulsky.
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