I think very many players are plo100& 200 zoom or ring game regs. Maybe you could mix in some lower stakes and show the differences etc. , what your plan for moving up stakes and so on should contain.
I'd love it if you'd check what your opponents had when a hand goes to showdown. There were several spots that the viewer was left in the dark. It's very helpful specifically for instructional videos for viewers to improve our hand ranging.
+2 to both of these, im a big fan of yours after crushing my br last year at the plo 600 deep ante games and wud enjoy some even more insight into ur postflop strategies, also +1 to a HU video :-)
Hi jasylum, sry for crushing your bankroll but ty for the kind words!
I have a few HU videos out but i guess since the games are making such a fast progress right now they may be a little out of style kind of pending of what stakes u r playing. But if u play below pl1k they will prob help u improve :)
Around 39:00, you open fold AQJ4ss on the bottom right table. Isn't this a trivial open?
@39:20, what do you think about 3betting with K984ds (bottom left table) instead of flatting?
@39:45 top left table, you mentioned if it were suited to the J you woulda just called. But unless I am missing something, your double suited hands are always gonna be suited to the A! :)
at 39.00 i fold AQJ4ns in MP vs a UTG raise, even tho our hand is premium it dont run well vs his range and we are prob getting in callers or 3 betters behind us, to someone with a open % above like ~26% i would prob go ahead and 3b it with a 100bb but right here i think its a easy fold.
39.20 i think works both way, u should kind of glance over the hud first and look for some stuff, first i look over if he fold to 3b's on CO, how high is his 4b%, if he dont fold much and 4b some i would not like to 3b it. But if he folds some and dont 4b much i like it. U can also look over how good his post flopp oop game looks, or how tough it seems to get him to fold post oop and some stuff like that
39.45 What im talking about here is our second suit, our hand right there is AJsK7s and if it where AKsJ7s i would not 3b it since i only have one high suit then :)
Liked the video even if it was hectic at times. A couple of points, close tables to get new timebank, click ctrl fold to see rest of a hand and maybe play 3 tables with one table just being the hand replayer. Really happy to see zoom videos since it's what I play thanks.
I really cant understand what you guys so liked in this video. Absolutly zero tough or intresting decisions, even if it can be though on later streets Leo catch his 1-2-4 outs. And Leo you speak so slow like you just got out of your bed. Sorry for critic but its my opinion.
Can't watch, watching people run their timebanks down tilts me too much :( Not personal, back in the CR days I could never finish a Taylor Caby or PeachyKeen video either, it just sets me on completely irrational monkey tilt when I watch the constant timing down of easy folds/calls while talking about a decision on another table.
Would be really interested in zoom 2/5 vids if it was in a different format tho (like mortensen suggested - 3 tables and 1 hand replayer seems good).
I enjoyed the live video. Real time analysis of hands increases the authenticity of the analysis. Def. would like more of these. Also enjoy watching zoom as it mirrors the anynonmous site I play on.
You limp KK93ds in SB vs love2playu - i wouldve thought this hand is fine to raise, and if he 3bets (his 3b stat in ur HUD is 11.2% so i presume his bvb 3b is higher) you can 4bet commit with such a strong hand?
Don't let all the negative comments discourage you from making live videos. I prefer to see the in the moment thought process. Also I thought running out of timebank was standard when you 4 table zoom, happens to me all the time without recording anything ;).
While I'm one of the ones complaining, I would also prefer it live --- just 1 less table. Then use the 4th spot for the hand replayer. And do like PG - when a cool hand comes up, sit out at the other tables and discuss the interesting hand, then resume.
Great video just curious why you open folded QQ22 one suit at one point 2/3 through video?
At the end of the video you three bet AKK6 with hearts flop AA5 turn 5 river Q my question is after getting three streets of value and the pot at that point over 1,000 how can you fold for 200 more if he shoves? I know he is never bluffing but he has to have exactly AQ basically with that line and you only have to be right like 10% of the time to make that call. Isn't it possible he shoves AK in that spot?
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I like the offer of more zoom videos for omaha!
Record it next time pls, seems too hectic.
I think very many players are plo100& 200 zoom or ring game regs. Maybe you could mix in some lower stakes and show the differences etc. , what your plan for moving up stakes and so on should contain.
Regards, hans
Ty for the comment Hans! Yes maybe i can do a series about climbing the lather from plo50 to plo500 or something :)
I'd love it if you'd check what your opponents had when a hand goes to showdown. There were several spots that the viewer was left in the dark. It's very helpful specifically for instructional videos for viewers to improve our hand ranging.
Hi packallama, i agree with u and thought of this to but to be honest i dont know how its done even tho i know i can be done :D Maybe u can tell me?
options->zoom options->display and watch
+2 to both of these, im a big fan of yours after crushing my br last year at the plo 600 deep ante games and wud enjoy some even more insight into ur postflop strategies, also +1 to a HU video :-)
Hi jasylum, sry for crushing your bankroll but ty for the kind words!
I have a few HU videos out but i guess since the games are making such a fast progress right now they may be a little out of style kind of pending of what stakes u r playing. But if u play below pl1k they will prob help u improve :)
Thanks for the vid! would like to see more
Ty sir!
Cool vid, I enjoyed it! A couple of questions:
Around 39:00, you open fold AQJ4ss on the bottom right table. Isn't this a trivial open?
@39:20, what do you think about 3betting with K984ds (bottom left table) instead of flatting?
@39:45 top left table, you mentioned if it were suited to the J you woulda just called. But unless I am missing something, your double suited hands are always gonna be suited to the A! :)
Hi midori and ty for your comment!
at 39.00 i fold AQJ4ns in MP vs a UTG raise, even tho our hand is premium it dont run well vs his range and we are prob getting in callers or 3 betters behind us, to someone with a open % above like ~26% i would prob go ahead and 3b it with a 100bb but right here i think its a easy fold.
39.20 i think works both way, u should kind of glance over the hud first and look for some stuff, first i look over if he fold to 3b's on CO, how high is his 4b%, if he dont fold much and 4b some i would not like to 3b it. But if he folds some and dont 4b much i like it. U can also look over how good his post flopp oop game looks, or how tough it seems to get him to fold post oop and some stuff like that
39.45 What im talking about here is our second suit, our hand right there is AJsK7s and if it where AKsJ7s i would not 3b it since i only have one high suit then :)
Liked the video even if it was hectic at times. A couple of points, close tables to get new timebank, click ctrl fold to see rest of a hand and maybe play 3 tables with one table just being the hand replayer. Really happy to see zoom videos since it's what I play thanks.
Ty for the insight!
I really cant understand what you guys so liked in this video. Absolutly zero tough or intresting decisions, even if it can be though on later streets Leo catch his 1-2-4 outs. And Leo you speak so slow like you just got out of your bed. Sorry for critic but its my opinion.
Srysry, said i got a little to lucky but it was a live recording so not gona throw it out just cause i turned some boats..
And that i speak slow, i just try to talk *right* and not stumble to much over the words since im swedish and not a born english speaking person
Can't watch, watching people run their timebanks down tilts me too much :( Not personal, back in the CR days I could never finish a Taylor Caby or PeachyKeen video either, it just sets me on completely irrational monkey tilt when I watch the constant timing down of easy folds/calls while talking about a decision on another table.
Would be really interested in zoom 2/5 vids if it was in a different format tho (like mortensen suggested - 3 tables and 1 hand replayer seems good).
Haha, yeah it tilts me to when people miss a std spot while talking about a std spot. Next zoom vid i wont make it live!
+1 for a climbing up series and talking about differences between games etc
Hey Leo,
I enjoyed the live video. Real time analysis of hands increases the authenticity of the analysis. Def. would like more of these. Also enjoy watching zoom as it mirrors the anynonmous site I play on.
You limp KK93ds in SB vs love2playu - i wouldve thought this hand is fine to raise, and if he 3bets (his 3b stat in ur HUD is 11.2% so i presume his bvb 3b is higher) you can 4bet commit with such a strong hand?
Yes that works, but what im trying to do here is balance My limping range so that i have hand that can limp reraise if he pops it up! :)
Don't let all the negative comments discourage you from making live videos. I prefer to see the in the moment thought process. Also I thought running out of timebank was standard when you 4 table zoom, happens to me all the time without recording anything ;).
While I'm one of the ones complaining, I would also prefer it live --- just 1 less table. Then use the 4th spot for the hand replayer. And do like PG - when a cool hand comes up, sit out at the other tables and discuss the interesting hand, then resume.
+1 for live videos, Leo
Good Video!
I`d like to see more zoom Videos. Especially Zoom 100
Great video just curious why you open folded QQ22 one suit at one point 2/3 through video?
At the end of the video you three bet AKK6 with hearts flop AA5 turn 5 river Q my question is after getting three streets of value and the pot at that point over 1,000 how can you fold for 200 more if he shoves? I know he is never bluffing but he has to have exactly AQ basically with that line and you only have to be right like 10% of the time to make that call. Isn't it possible he shoves AK in that spot?
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