Love your style man! You come with plays that are very good and I did not think of. Thank you.
I am not quite experienced on online play but on Ad6x at 13:42. Does not his insta call on the turn rings the alarm bell for you ? I don't think that we should not bluff this specific hand on the river given that, but it does not enter in your consideration to decide the river play ?
41:30 77. When he continues on the A I think he is more likely to be bluffing than value betting, because the good A highs that he has he may check back the flop sometimes and his betting range on the flop should have a bunch of Kx type of hands that may check back turn, so I think he is more likely to be bluffing. In this situation, I rather call ott and x/r river, even tough we let him hit his outs or check back river after he misses. The $ result would be the same but he may try to make you fold a Kx OTR by betting large and you can exploit that by x/c turn and x/s river. What you think ?
ERA7ER 10 years, 8 months agomaybe its better to give up on the river with the Ad6x, because his turn calling range includes a lot of flushes. the more i also think about it i think an overbet isnt the best option, i think a normal bet would just do the same because hes prolly never calling with anything than a flush here.
about the 77 hand: yeah i see him very often bluffing here, but at the same time, i sometimes wanna raise a draw like JT and i also wanna sometimes be raising here for value, which would be 77 and 99, so i still like that raise, although your arguments are totally right. I think in this case its best to know your opponent, how wide he is gonna bluff on the river with either busted draws or maybe total air
22:50 on J86dds2s w/68 I would be prone to overbet the turn since you aren't blocking his Jx combos and you have plenty of draws in your range too.
ERA7ER 10 years, 8 months agoi dont know how you mean i block his Jx combos? but this spot is definitly a good spot for an overbet for value or as a bluff.
- 14:49 T8o btn-bb, would it be too aggro to go for the turn + rvr barrel here. We only block 88 but we got TT+ in our range and more 7x as well so our range is probably way stronger. Or is it too optimistic to expect folds from 88,99,66,5x by the river ?
You say you expect him to peel again w Ah on turn ? then his range on rvr is pretty weak relative to our range ? But maybe we would be over bluffing if we take hands like this, ofc question is then will villain realize this, still its pretty tough for him to call down w 5x,Ah i would think.
- 36:03 ATo, what about cbeting here ? How do you few his range here ? I would think AK/KQ 3bets, and only KJ,KTs flat and then PPs, good broadways.
When we cbet i think we can barrel spades/J/Q/A, not sure about T. Or is it better to go for delayed cbet ?
ERA7ER 10 years, 7 months agoin the first hand I think he calls us with any 5x and any higher pair. Its also true that our range is definitly stronger here. I also like a 3barrel here, its always close to say whats best but its definitly a good spot for doing so i think.
In the other hand its definitly a good option as well to bet the flop. Maybe its even better because our hand is so weak and gets blown out of the pot sometimes when we check. On the other hand we have a very weak draw if we get called and we also can take our option to check it down completely if we want to. I would be more inclined to cbet it against the BB than the SB because in the SB his range is way more weighted towards Kx and the pairs, so it might be best to cbet it against the BB and check it against the SB.
1st hand: Why do u cbet 70% pot here? Ur valuerange on the BU is very small (just pockets and AT/AJ, AQ/AK u will most likely check back?) and his defendrange is also 35-50%. Don't u loose too much money here with this sizing?
2.10 AhTh // How do you feel about checking OTF? I see merits for both options. Cbetting allows you to take down the pot right away and is definately +EV considering only FE, and we also have plenty of turn cards we can barrel. In this case you decide not to barrel a wheel gutter which is I feel it's kind of a close decision. As for the flop decision, I'd often c/c in this spot, expecting villain to have a lowish stabbing frequency on this scenario, which is good to get to showdown cheaply. Could you mention what other factors you take into consideration with these kind of weak SDV hands as PFR OOP?
5.20 87s // I think river is a perfect spot to overbluff with our range (which should be really narrow). What I mean is that if we get to this river with KK, the best option might be shoving as well. How do you feel about this?
8.39 JJ // Once you check back OTT, your perceived range is SDV. It feels like we allow villain to play perfectly, valuebetting something like his stronger 8x+ and better and c/f with his missed draws, flop floats, and weak made hands. Is this a spot where we should be looking to make some exploitable folds? I think that since the decision OTT is close, we should be more inclined to bet to disguise our hand. Or do you think that the "solution" is to strenghten your range by checking back some strong made hands?
AhTh: I feel like most of the players are not randomly stabbing at those spots where you should be cbetting most of your air which I think is the case here. So I'd rather protect my equity and prepare some semibluffs/bluffs on later street than giving up initiative and get checked back a lot. If I decide to barrel the gutshot+OC on the turn I think we need to bluff the river for sure, dont think we have too much FE on the turn.
87s: Definitly not a good option to shove KK, since then he can have way way more boats in his range. I would not bluff this river very often as well, since he can have flushes straights boats which he might never fold. With KK I would decide whether to call or fold, just with my blockers I think shoving is the best option here.
JJ: thats true, but its also very airheavy. The 5 on the river is definitly not the best card, but I still have to call here since there are many gutshots he just has to bluff + some other random hands he might have. To strengthen our range I would also checkback some weak Ax which I would only bet one more street.
no im not a total nit actually :) J7o in the SB is not a very good hand to openraise, I think its player dependend and A8o in the CO is also I think very marginal and depends on what players are behind you. If you say the minute I can look it up and see why I folded.
would you consider raising/shoving AJ here? You have a blocker to the nuts and given earlier streets he is capped at KKK or AK whereas you are not. Not sure what kind of player this is and if he is capable of folding trips though
ERA7ER 10 years, 5 months agoits definitly an option, but I didnt want to do that against that type of player because Im not really sure if he is able to fold AK/KK/AA stuff like that.
Do you shove TT/77/44? Dont see a calling range that u beat.
Do you bet 44 on Flop or check back?
Don't u think vbetting AJ on river is a bit too thin? Can't see the c/c frqz in the vid but he is c/f only 47% which tells me that he is balanced there. Plus the fact that he is folding 57% to a 2nd barrel let me think he is very strong in this spot or doesn't have a callingrange on the River.
no i wouldnt shove those sets, im either having a straight or a bluff. So whether he should call depends on how often i bluff.
Sometimes i would bet 44 here on the flop, depending on your opponents tendencies.
I think its ok to valuebet the river, dont see many hands he has a beat. I expect him to bet them himself on the river. But i could be wrong there
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Your training videos are really good!
The 3 table zoom format with commentary/explanations afterwards is my favorite.
Love your style man! You come with plays that are very good and I did not think of. Thank you.
I am not quite experienced on online play but on Ad6x at 13:42. Does not his insta call on the turn rings the alarm bell for you ? I don't think that we should not bluff this specific hand on the river given that, but it does not enter in your consideration to decide the river play ?
41:30 77. When he continues on the A I think he is more likely to be bluffing than value betting, because the good A highs that he has he may check back the flop sometimes and his betting range on the flop should have a bunch of Kx type of hands that may check back turn, so I think he is more likely to be bluffing. In this situation, I rather call ott and x/r river, even tough we let him hit his outs or check back river after he misses. The $ result would be the same but he may try to make you fold a Kx OTR by betting large and you can exploit that by x/c turn and x/s river. What you think ?
about the 77 hand: yeah i see him very often bluffing here, but at the same time, i sometimes wanna raise a draw like JT and i also wanna sometimes be raising here for value, which would be 77 and 99, so i still like that raise, although your arguments are totally right. I think in this case its best to know your opponent, how wide he is gonna bluff on the river with either busted draws or maybe total air
22:50 on J86dds2s w/68 I would be prone to overbet the turn since you aren't blocking his Jx combos and you have plenty of draws in your range too.
I said you are not blocking :)
Nice vid :) but please stop saying 'like' all the time
Like your vids, keep them comming!
Some questions:

You say you expect him to peel again w Ah on turn ? then his range on rvr is pretty weak relative- 14:49 T8o btn-bb, would it be too aggro to go for the turn + rvr barrel
here. We only block 88 but we got TT+ in our range and more 7x as well
so our range is probably way stronger. Or is it too optimistic to expect
folds from 88,99,66,5x by the river ?
to our range ? But maybe we would be over bluffing if we take hands like
this, ofc question is then will villain realize this, still its pretty
tough for him to call down w 5x,Ah i would think.

- 36:03 ATo, what about cbeting here ?How do you few his range here ? I would think AK/KQ 3bets, and only KJ,KTs flat and then PPs, good broadways.
When we cbet i think we can barrel spades/J/Q/A, not sure about T.
Or is it better to go for delayed cbet ?
In the other hand its definitly a good option as well to bet the flop. Maybe its even better because our hand is so weak and gets blown out of the pot sometimes when we check. On the other hand we have a very weak draw if we get called and we also can take our option to check it down completely if we want to. I would be more inclined to cbet it against the BB than the SB because in the SB his range is way more weighted towards Kx and the pairs, so it might be best to cbet it against the BB and check it against the SB.
1st hand: Why do u cbet 70% pot here? Ur valuerange on the BU is very small (just pockets and AT/AJ, AQ/AK u will most likely check back?) and his defendrange is also 35-50%. Don't u loose too much money here with this sizing?
Great series so far! Have a couple of questions..
2.10 AhTh // How do you feel about checking OTF? I see merits for both options. Cbetting allows you to take down the pot right away and is definately +EV considering only FE, and we also have plenty of turn cards we can barrel. In this case you decide not to barrel a wheel gutter which is I feel it's kind of a close decision. As for the flop decision, I'd often c/c in this spot, expecting villain to have a lowish stabbing frequency on this scenario, which is good to get to showdown cheaply. Could you mention what other factors you take into consideration with these kind of weak SDV hands as PFR OOP?
5.20 87s // I think river is a perfect spot to overbluff with our range (which should be really narrow). What I mean is that if we get to this river with KK, the best option might be shoving as well. How do you feel about this?
8.39 JJ // Once you check back OTT, your perceived range is SDV. It feels like we allow villain to play perfectly, valuebetting something like his stronger 8x+ and better and c/f with his missed draws, flop floats, and weak made hands. Is this a spot where we should be looking to make some exploitable folds? I think that since the decision OTT is close, we should be more inclined to bet to disguise our hand. Or do you think that the "solution" is to strenghten your range by checking back some strong made hands?
AhTh: I feel like most of the players are not randomly stabbing at those spots where you should be cbetting most of your air which I think is the case here. So I'd rather protect my equity and prepare some semibluffs/bluffs on later street than giving up initiative and get checked back a lot. If I decide to barrel the gutshot+OC on the turn I think we need to bluff the river for sure, dont think we have too much FE on the turn.
87s: Definitly not a good option to shove KK, since then he can have way way more boats in his range. I would not bluff this river very often as well, since he can have flushes straights boats which he might never fold. With KK I would decide whether to call or fold, just with my blockers I think shoving is the best option here.
JJ: thats true, but its also very airheavy. The 5 on the river is definitly not the best card, but I still have to call here since there are many gutshots he just has to bluff + some other random hands he might have. To strengthen our range I would also checkback some weak Ax which I would only bet one more street.
lol u total nit? Snap fold A8o from CO and J7o from sb or have specific reads on players last to act ?
no im not a total nit actually :) J7o in the SB is not a very good hand to openraise, I think its player dependend and A8o in the CO is also I think very marginal and depends on what players are behind you. If you say the minute I can look it up and see why I folded.

would you consider raising/shoving AJ here? You have a blocker to the nuts and given earlier streets he is capped at KKK or AK whereas you are not. Not sure what kind of player this is and if he is capable of folding trips thoughDo you shove TT/77/44? Dont see a calling range that u beat.
Do you bet 44 on Flop or check back?
Don't u think vbetting AJ on river is a bit too thin? Can't see the c/c frqz in the vid but he is c/f only 47% which tells me that he is balanced there. Plus the fact that he is folding 57% to a 2nd barrel let me think he is very strong in this spot or doesn't have a callingrange on the River.
no i wouldnt shove those sets, im either having a straight or a bluff. So whether he should call depends on how often i bluff.
Sometimes i would bet 44 here on the flop, depending on your opponents tendencies.
I think its ok to valuebet the river, dont see many hands he has a beat. I expect him to bet them himself on the river. But i could be wrong there
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