Hi James, thank you for the video for us plebs essentials members.
#1 : 7:05, top right table.
--> You mentioned that you should have bluffed the river there. Don't you think check raising the river accomplishes the exact same thing as leading there? Meaning you'll get folds from the same hands. Especially in that case when he bets 1BB on the river.
#2 : 8:51, bottom left table.
--> When you bet the river assuming that villain missed and has only air in that spot, do you think it would be higher EV to bet less on the river. Like 20-30% pot instead of half of it? Which might induce a check raise of a crying call from a J or a weaker A that didn't bet turn.
#3 : 12:22, bottom right table.
--> You fold KJo but I think it's a mistake considering the stats of the players. Both the limper and the Big blind have short stacks so we can assume they are recreational players. And both the small blind and Cutoff are really tight players. So raising here would put you in position with the 2 players.
#4 : 20:34, Top left table.
--> Can you explain your reason for the bet size with 3 of a kind there? Mostly throughout the session you seemed to opt for bigger sizing on the flop, maybe 80% pot, now you seems to bet less when you actually hit a hand. Do you think it makes a difference regarding what range the villain will call you with on a paired board?
#5 : 34:37, Bottom left table.
--> I don't understand your reasoning behind betting pot on the turn there? Do you expect to get floated? Called by worst hand? I'm not sure.
Thank you
James Hudson10 years, 10 months ago#1 Check raising the river is viable as long as he has some thinnish value bets. Basically we need him to be betting some non Jx hands which seems reasonable given we've shown no aggression so far. I generally don't love check raising rivers when we've shown no strength as it doesn't seem particularly credible but when the board changes this much I think it's much better.
#2 This is a spot where I think it's important to bet small but I'm not really sure where the sweat spot is. You could definitely be right that smaller is better though.
#3 I folded because the limper only had 15bb and I don't think KJ does great in this spot but if he's limp folding a bunch then isoing seems fine.
#4 I'm betting smaller here due to the board texture and it being a tough one to hit hard. I think I should probably go bigger though given that we're in position (Can just bet two streets with certain hands in my range) and that villain's sb flatting range likely has a bunch of pocket pairs that are going to have a tough time calling down multiple streets but will definitely call 1-2 almost regardless of my sizing.
#5 Once villain checks back the flop I'm going to be using big sizings with a bunch of different hands to build bigger pots with my value hands that missed a bet on the flop. Since I'm doing that with my value hands I get to bluff a bunch with that sizing too.
21:30-AKs...was your plan to backraise since you had a read on a player on your left or did you decide not to 3b since EP RFI is 11%? I guess your just gonna have a flat range vs this tight an open?
James Hudson10 years, 10 months agoI decided to just flat the open because villain is opening so tight UTG but generally I'll be backraising if someone else gives action. For the most part I won't be doing a ton of 3 betting vs someone with this tight a range.
Not sure about the pot sized bet, care to elaborate on why you are potting here? I find it hard to believe that you would be potting with your non value range
James Hudson10 years, 10 months agoHey, the pot is small and I want to build as big a pot as possible with my value hands and put a lot of pressure on villain with my bluffs. I'll also 2x pot or 1.5x pot here sometimes. Also, on this kind of board texture it seems like villain will have some kind of showdown value a decent amount of the time as it's a pretty reasonable board to bet at a high frequency.
really nice Video!! I have a question : min 20:09 KTs. Whats your 3bettingrange vs. this type of Villain and why?? What are you going to do with TP Hands, and what are you going to do on 985, 664, J53 type of flops??
Greets and ty
James Hudson10 years, 10 months agoI think being OOP against this kind of villain (tightish button opening range, defends lots of 3 bets, doesn't fold to many flop cbets) that I should be more value heavy in most spots (postflop and preflop).
14:00 9Ts hand I agree that c/cing is more attractive with FDs than OESD but I still think the best line here is to c/c flop since we really don't want to be raised on this flop with OESD. I'd have a very low cbet % on this flop, maybe only gutshots and bdfd stuff like AdTd that I don't mind folding to a raise and add some TT-JJ combos if I even want to be balanced here. c/c all the good draws and like AA 77 and 55 to balance, (88 has to be a c/r or a cbet because it would be terrible to not give the opportunity to another set to go broke on this flop when we hold 88). c/r 99+ and go broke with it, c/r some AK AQ with contains a heart and obviously have a decent amount of c/f.
Actually the more I think about it the more I'm convinced checking your whole range is the best option on the flop against a tough opponent, I have to admit I'm being guilty of cbetting a non balanced weak range on that flop.
The problem with your line is that against a tough opponent you won't be able to showdown your top pair like ever, it's hard for me to imagine you will c/c river nearly enough for him not to have an auto profit barelling twice his whole range.
also would you c/c 88 on the turn after cbetting it ??? Sounds very bad to me.
James Hudson10 years, 10 months agoCan you explain to me why check calling 88 on the turn would be very bad when you think that check calling 910 on the turn is going to be bad because I'll never get to showdown on the river? Either we think villain won't bluff much and we get to showdown our weaker hands a lot or villain will bluff a decent amount and our slowplays gain value from their bluffs.
because i really would prefer to barell 88 for value here than c/c it, it's a 3bet pot if you hold 88 you're only beat by a few combos and have plenty of value to take on this turn imo. I understand the c/c 9T and 88 (among other stuff) on this turn and fold 9T and call 88 on the river, but I think it's really not optimal, it allows your opponent to play " perfectly " ip and accomplish his equity, nothing really good can happen to you on the river. Sometimes you will fold the best hand to a bet, sometimes he will hit top pair and check it behind, sometimes he will check behind a lower set on let's say a T river.
In my opinion if you decide to play your equity aggressively on this flop you have to continue on the turn, but yeah I find our range way easier to play there checking almost everything on the flop.
79s hand bet/calling turn is the wort option imo, I'd rather c/c and c/c some rivers which makes you put less money in that pot with your marginal hand oop, bet/3bet/fold turn is fine as well because vilain's not gonna slowplay ever that turn if he slowplayed a monster on the flop, shove any river that's not pairing the board, c/c the rivers that pairs the board unless maybe if it's a J.
James Hudson10 years, 10 months agoWhen villain checks back that flop I don't expect to get raised on the turn very much at all. If this happened regularly it would certainly change the way that I play this spot. I think 3 betting the turn has some merit but villain was an unknown recreational player and at the time I thought he was likely to be full of it or have top set rather than being able to show up with a thin value raise.
yeah obviously you're not gonna get raised very often here, but like the other spot I personnally prefer to play my equity totally agressively or totally passively on wet boards oop. This can seem result oriented but yeah your line allowed him to play his hand perfectly, pretty sure that if the river came something scary for the Jx he put you on he would have turned his hand into a bluff. And by the way I would still have taken the same lines than you in those 2 spots a few time ago but I realized I was bleeding too much money without showdown and I'm pretty sure those kind of spots where you have equity oop on wet boards you want to be very polarized, slowplaying so you can c/c 2 streets eyes closed or pushing your equity until vilain makes a raise that gives you an easy fold.
13:30 When you decide to fold that hand isn't it a good hand to call due to the fact that you have blockers. Im not sure wheather or not he's jamming overpairs TT-QQ, so in my opinion AA = 9T. Do you think your range is strong enough on the river, that you only have to call your sets or do you just fold knowing it's exploitable? I like your videos, thanks :)
James Hudson10 years, 10 months agoI think my range should be strong enough that I don't need to call with this hand but it's a weird spot and it's definitely possible to be unbalanced here. I think it's important that I check a decent amount of straights/sets/two pairs on the turn. With regards to AA=9T I think we need to be careful with these kind of statements for a couple of reasons. The first, is that we don't want our frequencies to get way out of control and call with all bluffcatchers that seem similar in value. The second, is that when a villain is betting thinner and less polarized than we think these calls become disastrous.
@ around 26:50 you 3bet your ATo from the BB vs a BTN open. I haven't finished watching the whole video yet so maybe you get to this later, but in general what percentage of the time would you estimate/ vs which type of villain would you just flat A2o-ATo in this spot rather than 3bet it? I've basically gotten into the habit of flatting A2o-ATo, A2s-A9s in this spot, 3betting every better Ax in order not to iso myself against better Ax hands. Also A2s-A5s flop equity well so they're good candidates for forming a flop c/r'ing range (and also it's sort of a waste if we 3bet our suited wheel hands and get 4bet). I guess the argument could be made that by 3betting A2-A6 or so (suited and unsuited) we can fold out villain's A3o-ATo, which is good for us. I guess the answer to which strategy is more optimal really depends on how wide villain is flatting IP. It's also tougher because I had problems with my HM2 and so I don't play with a HUD anymore, I never have stats to help me make reads.
James Hudson10 years, 10 months agoI usually won't 3 bet the A2o-A9o hands bb to button and A10o is sort of a fringe hand for me. The wider button opens the more likely I am to 3 bet it.
Hi James, good video. Just wondering how you get your HUD to work for zoom on PT4? I.e. is there any specific necessary steps to take to ensure that the HUD works correctly? Thankyou
James Hudson10 years, 10 months agoI think I had to run both PT4 and Pokerstars as administrators to get it to work. If that doesn't work I would just ask in their forums.
JQo VS CO open. You say you rather flat it then 3 bet it because it plays better. I don't get this. What type of hands do you choose for 3-betting? And why isn't JQo a good hand for it? From what I understand so far, we 3-bet the hands that are barely good enough for a call. I saw you call w/ QKo, so wouldn't that make JQo a 3-bet?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoTimestamp? I don't think it plays great as either a 3 bet or a flat vs a lot of people tbh. When we 3 bet it we're often dominated by villain's calling range against AJ, AQ, KQ type hands and a lot of people will be 4 betting a bunch in these spots rather than flatting too.
Next time I will make sure to put in a timestamp. I understand the idea of domination with QJ. But maybe I dont understand it well enough. Couldn't domination be an issue with any hand we 3b? Some say Axs is good, but there we get dominated by almost the same type of hands: AJ, AQ, ATs
Same goes for Kxs: QK, JK.
Good to know that 58s is a borderline hand to open. I prob need to reconstruct my opening range from the BTN a bit. What would be a reasonable open % from the BTN? Then I construct it myself with Pokerstove.
Super cool that you answer my questions man. Highly appreciated!
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoI think opening the button anywhere from 45%-60% is probably reasonable but you might be able to make a higher % work if villains are under-defending their blinds or playing really poorly post flop. As far as 3 betting and domination vs blockers etc it's going to depend how likely villain is to 4 bet vs call 3 bets oop.
Sorry to keep this going, I am not sure if approriate. if not, just tell me. My question is: Do we then just 3-bet for value versus unknown opponents at the lower stakes until we know more about their fold to 3b / 4 bet tendencies?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoTo a certain extent yes. You just need to figure out where the threshold for value should be. So against bad recreational players you can 3 bet most broadway hands for value because their ability to make big pairs vs wide ranges is worth quite a lot.
When villain checks back that flop I don't expect to get raised on the turn very much at all. If this happened regularly it would certainly change the way that I play this spot. I think 3 betting the turn has some merit but villain was an unknown recreational player and at the time I thought he was likely to be full of it or have top set rather than being able to show up with a thin value raise.
I dont get the hand with 79s vs unknow fish at minute 17,35.
i usually 3bet this kind of hand oop, but im guessing that calling isn't going to be -EV vs this kind of player.
But what i do not undestand is why u bet the turn? like for value from??
my thinking process vs this kind of guy is that they almost never bluff, and if they do u will get in few hand, becouse they play randomic.
but after 2 hand if i bet thet turn i istant fold, just becouse i do not have an idea of what my opponent is gonna do.
so i prefered to c/C turn e c/F any river, and see if in future he continues to be aggressive on two street.
James Hudson10 years, 7 months agoI bet the turn because I can protect my hand, I can stand a raise, and I can potentially extract value from some worse hands. I'm not sure that betting the turn is better than check calling but that was my thought process for why I led out.
what is gonna be our range to be call chek call, how it will changed if he makes 2/3- 3/4???
James Hudson10 years, 7 months agoIt's going to depend on villain's turn strategy. If villain does a lot of check raising turns or check calling then I'm probably more likely to check back some medium strength hands. If villain over folds turns in this spot I'm probably just going to be betting a lot on the turn for protection and won't have a very good range to defend against bets on the river. As far as calling the river, if villain can't value bet thinly I'd imagine that it's best to be calling with hands that block overpairs and big Jx hands like AK/AQ. If villain can value bet thinly and can find enough bluffs then hands like 1010-99 are probably best hoping to run into mid pairs that are value betting targeting my ace highs.
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Hi James, thank you for the video for us plebs essentials members.
#1 : 7:05, top right table.
--> You mentioned that you should have bluffed the river there. Don't you think check raising the river accomplishes the exact same thing as leading there? Meaning you'll get folds from the same hands. Especially in that case when he bets 1BB on the river.
#2 : 8:51, bottom left table.
--> When you bet the river assuming that villain missed and has only air in that spot, do you think it would be higher EV to bet less on the river. Like 20-30% pot instead of half of it? Which might induce a check raise of a crying call from a J or a weaker A that didn't bet turn.
#3 : 12:22, bottom right table.
--> You fold KJo but I think it's a mistake considering the stats of the players. Both the limper and the Big blind have short stacks so we can assume they are recreational players. And both the small blind and Cutoff are really tight players. So raising here would put you in position with the 2 players.
#4 : 20:34, Top left table.
--> Can you explain your reason for the bet size with 3 of a kind there? Mostly throughout the session you seemed to opt for bigger sizing on the flop, maybe 80% pot, now you seems to bet less when you actually hit a hand. Do you think it makes a difference regarding what range the villain will call you with on a paired board?
#5 : 34:37, Bottom left table.
--> I don't understand your reasoning behind betting pot on the turn there? Do you expect to get floated? Called by worst hand? I'm not sure.
Thank you
#2 This is a spot where I think it's important to bet small but I'm not really sure where the sweat spot is. You could definitely be right that smaller is better though.
#3 I folded because the limper only had 15bb and I don't think KJ does great in this spot but if he's limp folding a bunch then isoing seems fine.
#4 I'm betting smaller here due to the board texture and it being a tough one to hit hard. I think I should probably go bigger though given that we're in position (Can just bet two streets with certain hands in my range) and that villain's sb flatting range likely has a bunch of pocket pairs that are going to have a tough time calling down multiple streets but will definitely call 1-2 almost regardless of my sizing.
#5 Once villain checks back the flop I'm going to be using big sizings with a bunch of different hands to build bigger pots with my value hands that missed a bet on the flop. Since I'm doing that with my value hands I get to bluff a bunch with that sizing too.
21:30-AKs...was your plan to backraise since you had a read on a player on your left or did you decide not to 3b since EP RFI is 11%? I guess your just gonna have a flat range vs this tight an open?
#5 : 34:37, Bottom left table.
Not sure about the pot sized bet, care to elaborate on why you are potting here? I find it hard to believe that you would be potting with your non value range
Hi James,
really nice Video!! I have a question : min 20:09 KTs. Whats your 3bettingrange vs. this type of Villain and why?? What are you going to do with TP Hands, and what are you going to do on 985, 664, J53 type of flops??
Greets and ty
14:00 9Ts hand
I agree that c/cing is more attractive with FDs than OESD but I still think the best line here is to c/c flop since we really don't want to be raised on this flop with OESD. I'd have a very low cbet % on this flop, maybe only gutshots and bdfd stuff like AdTd that I don't mind folding to a raise and add some TT-JJ combos if I even want to be balanced here. c/c all the good draws and like AA 77 and 55 to balance, (88 has to be a c/r or a cbet because it would be terrible to not give the opportunity to another set to go broke on this flop when we hold 88). c/r 99+ and go broke with it, c/r some AK AQ with contains a heart and obviously have a decent amount of c/f.
Actually the more I think about it the more I'm convinced checking your whole range is the best option on the flop against a tough opponent, I have to admit I'm being guilty of cbetting a non balanced weak range on that flop.
The problem with your line is that against a tough opponent you won't be able to showdown your top pair like ever, it's hard for me to imagine you will c/c river nearly enough for him not to have an auto profit barelling twice his whole range.
also would you c/c 88 on the turn after cbetting it ??? Sounds very bad to me.
because i really would prefer to barell 88 for value here than c/c it, it's a 3bet pot if you hold 88 you're only beat by a few combos and have plenty of value to take on this turn imo. I understand the c/c 9T and 88 (among other stuff) on this turn and fold 9T and call 88 on the river, but I think it's really not optimal, it allows your opponent to play " perfectly " ip and accomplish his equity, nothing really good can happen to you on the river. Sometimes you will fold the best hand to a bet, sometimes he will hit top pair and check it behind, sometimes he will check behind a lower set on let's say a T river.
In my opinion if you decide to play your equity aggressively on this flop you have to continue on the turn, but yeah I find our range way easier to play there checking almost everything on the flop.
79s hand bet/calling turn is the wort option imo, I'd rather c/c and c/c some rivers which makes you put less money in that pot with your marginal hand oop, bet/3bet/fold turn is fine as well because vilain's not gonna slowplay ever that turn if he slowplayed a monster on the flop, shove any river that's not pairing the board, c/c the rivers that pairs the board unless maybe if it's a J.
yeah obviously you're not gonna get raised very often here, but like the other spot I personnally prefer to play my equity totally agressively or totally passively on wet boards oop. This can seem result oriented but yeah your line allowed him to play his hand perfectly, pretty sure that if the river came something scary for the Jx he put you on he would have turned his hand into a bluff.
And by the way I would still have taken the same lines than you in those 2 spots a few time ago but I realized I was bleeding too much money without showdown and I'm pretty sure those kind of spots where you have equity oop on wet boards you want to be very polarized, slowplaying so you can c/c 2 streets eyes closed or pushing your equity until vilain makes a raise that gives you an easy fold.
13:30 When you decide to fold that hand isn't it a good hand to call due to the fact that you have blockers. Im not sure wheather or not he's jamming overpairs TT-QQ, so in my opinion AA = 9T. Do you think your range is strong enough on the river, that you only have to call your sets or do you just fold knowing it's exploitable? I like your videos, thanks :)
@ around 26:50 you 3bet your ATo from the BB vs a BTN open. I haven't finished watching the whole video yet so maybe you get to this later, but in general what percentage of the time would you estimate/ vs which type of villain would you just flat A2o-ATo in this spot rather than 3bet it? I've basically gotten into the habit of flatting A2o-ATo, A2s-A9s in this spot, 3betting every better Ax in order not to iso myself against better Ax hands. Also A2s-A5s flop equity well so they're good candidates for forming a flop c/r'ing range (and also it's sort of a waste if we 3bet our suited wheel hands and get 4bet). I guess the argument could be made that by 3betting A2-A6 or so (suited and unsuited) we can fold out villain's A3o-ATo, which is good for us. I guess the answer to which strategy is more optimal really depends on how wide villain is flatting IP. It's also tougher because I had problems with my HM2 and so I don't play with a HUD anymore, I never have stats to help me make reads.
Hi James, good video. Just wondering how you get your HUD to work for zoom on PT4? I.e. is there any specific necessary steps to take to ensure that the HUD works correctly? Thankyou
JQo VS CO open. You say you rather flat it then 3 bet it because it plays better. I don't get this. What type of hands do you choose for 3-betting? And why isn't JQo a good hand for it? From what I understand so far, we 3-bet the hands that are barely good enough for a call. I saw you call w/ QKo, so wouldn't that make JQo a 3-bet?
You folded 58s on the BTN. What makes you decide not to steal with a hand like this? This makes me believe I might be a bit too loose from the BTN.
Next time I will make sure to put in a timestamp. I understand the idea of domination with QJ. But maybe I dont understand it well enough. Couldn't domination be an issue with any hand we 3b? Some say Axs is good, but there we get dominated by almost the same type of hands: AJ, AQ, ATs
Same goes for Kxs: QK, JK.
Good to know that 58s is a borderline hand to open. I prob need to reconstruct my opening range from the BTN a bit. What would be a reasonable open % from the BTN? Then I construct it myself with Pokerstove.
Super cool that you answer my questions man. Highly appreciated!
Sorry to keep this going, I am not sure if approriate. if not, just tell me. My question is: Do we then just 3-bet for value versus unknown opponents at the lower stakes until we know more about their fold to 3b / 4 bet tendencies?
Great video James !
Is this standard for your to open-fold 54s OTCO ?
I dont get the hand with 79s vs unknow fish at minute 17,35.
i usually 3bet this kind of hand oop, but im guessing that calling isn't going to be -EV vs this kind of player.
But what i do not undestand is why u bet the turn? like for value from??
my thinking process vs this kind of guy is that they almost never bluff, and if they do u will get in few hand, becouse they play randomic.
but after 2 hand if i bet thet turn i istant fold, just becouse i do not have an idea of what my opponent is gonna do.
so i prefered to c/C turn e c/F any river, and see if in future he continues to be aggressive on two street.
minutes 24 top right with AQ flatting 3bet.
what is gonna be our range to be call chek call, how it will changed if he makes 2/3- 3/4???
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