around the 30 min mark you 3bet T8s otb to $18 and CO 4bets to $35 and you just fold. This is a spot I usually never fold because lol pot odds. The combination of being 100bb deep, with a playable hand, and getting a great price leads me to believe that you should be defending here. Thoughts?
I think it's close given the price but my hand isn't great, it can never showdown unimproved, I'm dominated by his bluffs sometimes and his 4 bet range was fairly tight. I think it's potentially possible to make money calling there but I doubt it's much if you are and you're gonna be ridding the variance train while you find out.
I don't like too much the 3-bet in this hand. Vilain is only fold 52% vs 3-bet and like Felipe said, in these positions u get far more 4-bet than calls because he will be OOP so Blockers matter more than playability postflop.
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoI think it depends on the opponent as far as how often you're getting flatted vs 4 bet but in general you're probably right.
Hi, nice Video as always. I have a Question at 3:32 min mark. How would you play TT-QQ in that spot? Would you also check Flop and Turn, and then bet the river for Value? Do you bet Flop, check Turn, and bet River again?? Because, when you take you take another line with these hands, you dont have a valurange at the river. Or am i wrong??
You're not wrong. I generally mix up my lines with those hands depending on the villain I'm playing against. I'm almost always going to have some value range taking that line but sometimes it'll be narrower than others.
Not even close, currently there is 126 entries. looks like it is about 60 people total playing up to 4 tables each give or take. I have seen it over 250 entries but that's about it
18:19 76hh you jam river on a river card that changes nothing and you talk about him having AQ KQ type of hands.
1) You beat all his draws such as AK, AQ, KQ so jamming river makes no sense here unless you feel that villain will fold a hand better than yours such as KJ. Given how the board ran out, how often do you think the typical reg will fold better hands than yours on the river to your jam? How often do you think villain would jam all his missed flush draws and hands like KQ if you checked river and turned your hand into a bluff catcher?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoI'm not in love with this bluff either and you might be right that check calling river has some merit. I might be making the third part of this series on a couple of those types of spots in CREV to figure it out properly.
4 min in. Board is 545, you have pocket 77 and say u have the best hand most of the time. Sometimes the player has 88, 99+ will 3-bet. I always flat my pocket 99/1010 in the blinds instead of 3-betting it. Is that a mistake?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoNot 3 betting 1010 vs the button is almost surely a mistake. 99/88 might make better flats if the villains are opening the button really tight in your games.
19:35: Your original plan was to c/c flop and turn w/ TT on the Jd3s8h, I don't understand why the 3d is such a bad card to change the plan?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoIt just doesn't feel like a spot where villain is going to continue a bunch of bluffs given that he'll rarely pick up equity on that card. Also, villain doesn't seem to barreling a ton of turns.
25:01: Why did you decide to cbet 33 on J42 versus the 30/7?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoBecause it's a hand that's tough to bluffcatch with if I check back and I can potentially get some thin value on the flop from someone who's loose passive.
33:14: QKo 3b vs 99. Flop is Axx. Why should he fold the flop? And why is call pre flop bad?
You are prob. not 3-betting him that light since it's COvsMP. However, his hand is kind of too strongish to fold. Also, the Axx is the type of board you will probably c-bet on. Once you check back the turn, why should he bluff the river? He probably has shown down value w/ 99 now?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoHis pre flop call isn't bad. Off the top of my head it feels like he'll be overdefending that flop if he's calling with 99 no diamond. In order for that to make sense he's going to need me to be overbluffing that spot in general which makes sense as the way he saw the spot given that he didn't turn his hand into a bluff later. The reason that I said he should probably be turning that hand into a bluff is because it's likely the worst hand in his range, I close to never have a flush after checking back the turn, and because I can still have JJ-KK/ weak Ax type hands that beat him but hate to see a bet on the river.
40:35: A8 on Q64. Why is it close between betting and checking? I thought it was a clear check because you don't have any back doors. Just one overcard.
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoJust because villain likely has a wide range here and I'm not going to be able to call a turn lead all that often so I don't mind taking the pot down here even if it's always when I have the best hand.
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around the 30 min mark you 3bet T8s otb to $18 and CO 4bets to $35 and you just fold. This is a spot I usually never fold because lol pot odds. The combination of being 100bb deep, with a playable hand, and getting a great price leads me to believe that you should be defending here. Thoughts?
I think it's close given the price but my hand isn't great, it can never showdown unimproved, I'm dominated by his bluffs sometimes and his 4 bet range was fairly tight. I think it's potentially possible to make money calling there but I doubt it's much if you are and you're gonna be ridding the variance train while you find out.
I don't like too much the 3-bet in this hand. Vilain is only fold 52% vs 3-bet and like Felipe said, in these positions u get far more 4-bet than calls because he will be OOP so Blockers matter more than playability postflop.
Hi, nice Video as always. I have a Question at 3:32 min mark. How would you play TT-QQ in that spot? Would you also check Flop and Turn, and then bet the river for Value? Do you bet Flop, check Turn, and bet River again?? Because, when you take you take another line with these hands, you dont have a valurange at the river. Or am i wrong??
You're not wrong. I generally mix up my lines with those hands depending on the villain I'm playing against. I'm almost always going to have some value range taking that line but sometimes it'll be narrower than others.
James, what the number of people at 1/2 zoom player pool on average? I don't play on Stars, but I would imagine it reaches more than a thousand?
What's the percentage of decent regs out of all those?
Not even close, currently there is 126 entries. looks like it is about 60 people total playing up to 4 tables each give or take. I have seen it over 250 entries but that's about it
18:19 76hh you jam river on a river card that changes nothing and you talk about him having AQ KQ type of hands.
1) You beat all his draws such as AK, AQ, KQ so jamming river makes no sense here unless you feel that villain will fold a hand better than yours such as KJ. Given how the board ran out, how often do you think the typical reg will fold better hands than yours on the river to your jam? How often do you think villain would jam all his missed flush draws and hands like KQ if you checked river and turned your hand into a bluff catcher?
Great vid James! Always very informative, and concise! keep up the great work~!
4 min in. Board is 545, you have pocket 77 and say u have the best hand most of the time. Sometimes the player has 88, 99+ will 3-bet. I always flat my pocket 99/1010 in the blinds instead of 3-betting it. Is that a mistake?
19:35: Your original plan was to c/c flop and turn w/ TT on the Jd3s8h, I don't understand why the 3d is such a bad card to change the plan?
25:01: Why did you decide to cbet 33 on J42 versus the 30/7?
33:14: QKo 3b vs 99. Flop is Axx. Why should he fold the flop? And why is call pre flop bad?
You are prob. not 3-betting him that light since it's COvsMP. However, his hand is kind of too strongish to fold. Also, the Axx is the type of board you will probably c-bet on. Once you check back the turn, why should he bluff the river? He probably has shown down value w/ 99 now?
40:35: A8 on Q64. Why is it close between betting and checking? I thought it was a clear check because you don't have any back doors. Just one overcard.
Thanks for the great video and excellent answers in the comment section.
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