Interesting video, Nick. I have lots of questions about the first section (utg v tight btn 3b range) though I'm not sure which you will feel comfortable answering.
1) Why does having an A blocker not imply we should 4b ABBBd more often but instead 3b AMMMd? (Same for AKK and AQQ combos) This seems to imply raw equity (I'm using equity v pf 3b4i which seems likely to be a point of disconnection [perhaps you anticipate an even more polarized 3b range?]) isn't what we're looking for in a 4b range, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
2) @~7min you mention that we have poor visibility with KBBB and QBBB hands? Are you referring to flop visibility in a 4b pot?
I don't like 4 betting most KK and QQ combos and that includes the AKK and AQQ combos vs tight 3 betting ranges because I think the 4 bet sometimes removes combos that we want to keep in such as ABBB and other rundowns that we are doing okay against on the more dry and/or disconnected boards all while inviting the player to 5 bet and put us in a bad spot. I think more importantly though if we 4b most of our AKK and AQQ, then I think we really weaken our range when we do decide to flat the 3 bet. On textures such as T64s, J53, 933, 732 we are going to want to have some absolute hand strength in the form of overpairs that allow us to play tough and defend properly against the BTN's strategy. It's going to be really difficult to continue on a lot of these boards if we only have rundowns and weak pairs that often feel very vulnerable. With the AMMMds hands I like that we do block some AA combos and we gain balance and board coverage when we often are very AA heavy ourselves, so yes maybe AKKds has more raw equity than A876ds, but to me it's more about constructing our ranges in a balanced manner that doesn't allow our opponent to just take overly aggressive strategies post flop in 3 bet pots because of our unbalanced strat preflop.
Yes, I think from looking at some hands in this spot and from looking at some solver sims KBBB and QBBB don't seem to fare as well as when we have rundowns headed by JXXX, TXXX, 9XXX. Should we sometimes show up with some AKJTds or KQJTds hands? I think it's reasonable and makes sense as far as having some decent board coverage, but I think overall I prefer more often than not to be of course AA heavy and then have some of those JT87ds, 9876ds combos.
Just adding to the point above, but I think it's because they often have great visibility and cover a wide variety of board textures very often. It think a lot of times we see the BTN 3 betting AA, AKK, KKds, ABBBds and then some combos like T986ds, 8765ds. Depending on the site you play on and player pool overall these guys on the BTN may be more polar or less polar than what is being discussed and you will of course have to adjust accordingly, but I find that we are putting ourselves in more profitable spots by showing up with J987ds more often than say KQJTss in a 4 bet spot with this dynamic. If the BTN is a lot more loose and maybe isn't so polar, then I think it makes more sense to start considering more of the heavier rundowns in our range.
None of these concepts, conclusions, thoughts etc. are pure absolutes of course and based on just what I have observed from HH' and software/solver sims. These spots where we are considering 4 betting non AA are of course so dependent on the site, pool, and/or player and that's why we really need to pay attention to what is being SD and how wide or aggressive players are willing to 4 bet. If we have really loose fish that are 3 betting a lot no matter the dynamic, then our exploit is to often 4 bet in a wider, more aggressive manner ourselves (that's when I start throwing in some more KBBBds types of combos) and on the other hand if we have a good sample that indicates we are only being 3 bet by combos such as AA and KKds for example, then we can exploitably fold combos with poor visibility (AKT3ds), 4 bet AA in an unbalanced/exploitative manner and continue with combos that can flop quite smoothly in 3 bet pots (T876ds) where we are going to be able to apply a lot of pressure vs our very transparent opponent.
Hope that all helped and was clarified in the way you were looking for and if not just let me know and I will be happy to keep discussing!
Could be reasonable. I think it depends on how you think your population/opponent will react to both sizings. I typically have one sizing in this particular type of spot and it's larger due to prioritizing protection with such a low SPR, but I'm open to other sizings making sense.
I'm a fairly new omaha player, and have seen around 20 hours of training videos on the site so far. I'm still a little unsure of how opening ranges I should have, and I know that this varies a bit depending on what kind of game you play. I play in an 8 handed live pot limit omaha game with lots of straddles and loose players + standard casino rake. It would had helped me a lot if you had given me a clue of how the opening ranges should roughle look like from the 8 different positions :)
Sorry for the delay ZNAKE, but generally with games like that you will want to focus on combos that specifically play well in multiway pots. Nuttiness is key; big pairs that can overset opponents, nut suits that can lead dominating draws/flushes and higher ranking, connected cards that can also put yourself in a position to dominate when connecting postflop. Bluffing won't really be much of a thing in games like that, so you want to set yourself up to dominate when you do flop something.
Hey there, not sure if I will get a reply due to this video being so old but I've only just joined. Is it OK to 4bet KKJJ DS vs a player 3 betting from the button slightly wider than most? I have always tended to 4bet my super premium Kings like this reasoning that it protects my nuts and a hand like this is doing OK against dry aces and is hard to play OOP and wants to realise full equity. Just not sure if correct.
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Interesting video, Nick. I have lots of questions about the first section (utg v tight btn 3b range) though I'm not sure which you will feel comfortable answering.
1) Why does having an A blocker not imply we should 4b ABBBd more often but instead 3b AMMMd? (Same for AKK and AQQ combos) This seems to imply raw equity (I'm using equity v pf 3b4i which seems likely to be a point of disconnection [perhaps you anticipate an even more polarized 3b range?]) isn't what we're looking for in a 4b range, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
2) @~7min you mention that we have poor visibility with KBBB and QBBB hands? Are you referring to flop visibility in a 4b pot?
3) Why do Jhigh rundowns fair so well here?
I'll answer them the best I can!
I don't like 4 betting most KK and QQ combos and that includes the AKK and AQQ combos vs tight 3 betting ranges because I think the 4 bet sometimes removes combos that we want to keep in such as ABBB and other rundowns that we are doing okay against on the more dry and/or disconnected boards all while inviting the player to 5 bet and put us in a bad spot. I think more importantly though if we 4b most of our AKK and AQQ, then I think we really weaken our range when we do decide to flat the 3 bet. On textures such as T64s, J53, 933, 732 we are going to want to have some absolute hand strength in the form of overpairs that allow us to play tough and defend properly against the BTN's strategy. It's going to be really difficult to continue on a lot of these boards if we only have rundowns and weak pairs that often feel very vulnerable. With the AMMMds hands I like that we do block some AA combos and we gain balance and board coverage when we often are very AA heavy ourselves, so yes maybe AKKds has more raw equity than A876ds, but to me it's more about constructing our ranges in a balanced manner that doesn't allow our opponent to just take overly aggressive strategies post flop in 3 bet pots because of our unbalanced strat preflop.
Yes, I think from looking at some hands in this spot and from looking at some solver sims KBBB and QBBB don't seem to fare as well as when we have rundowns headed by JXXX, TXXX, 9XXX. Should we sometimes show up with some AKJTds or KQJTds hands? I think it's reasonable and makes sense as far as having some decent board coverage, but I think overall I prefer more often than not to be of course AA heavy and then have some of those JT87ds, 9876ds combos.
Just adding to the point above, but I think it's because they often have great visibility and cover a wide variety of board textures very often. It think a lot of times we see the BTN 3 betting AA, AKK, KKds, ABBBds and then some combos like T986ds, 8765ds. Depending on the site you play on and player pool overall these guys on the BTN may be more polar or less polar than what is being discussed and you will of course have to adjust accordingly, but I find that we are putting ourselves in more profitable spots by showing up with J987ds more often than say KQJTss in a 4 bet spot with this dynamic. If the BTN is a lot more loose and maybe isn't so polar, then I think it makes more sense to start considering more of the heavier rundowns in our range.
None of these concepts, conclusions, thoughts etc. are pure absolutes of course and based on just what I have observed from HH' and software/solver sims. These spots where we are considering 4 betting non AA are of course so dependent on the site, pool, and/or player and that's why we really need to pay attention to what is being SD and how wide or aggressive players are willing to 4 bet. If we have really loose fish that are 3 betting a lot no matter the dynamic, then our exploit is to often 4 bet in a wider, more aggressive manner ourselves (that's when I start throwing in some more KBBBds types of combos) and on the other hand if we have a good sample that indicates we are only being 3 bet by combos such as AA and KKds for example, then we can exploitably fold combos with poor visibility (AKT3ds), 4 bet AA in an unbalanced/exploitative manner and continue with combos that can flop quite smoothly in 3 bet pots (T876ds) where we are going to be able to apply a lot of pressure vs our very transparent opponent.
Hope that all helped and was clarified in the way you were looking for and if not just let me know and I will be happy to keep discussing!
How do you feel about a quarter pot bet sizing on the flop instead of a jam on any of these spots where we 4 bet someone OOP?
Could be reasonable. I think it depends on how you think your population/opponent will react to both sizings. I typically have one sizing in this particular type of spot and it's larger due to prioritizing protection with such a low SPR, but I'm open to other sizings making sense.
I'm a fairly new omaha player, and have seen around 20 hours of training videos on the site so far. I'm still a little unsure of how opening ranges I should have, and I know that this varies a bit depending on what kind of game you play. I play in an 8 handed live pot limit omaha game with lots of straddles and loose players + standard casino rake. It would had helped me a lot if you had given me a clue of how the opening ranges should roughle look like from the 8 different positions :)
Sorry for the delay ZNAKE, but generally with games like that you will want to focus on combos that specifically play well in multiway pots. Nuttiness is key; big pairs that can overset opponents, nut suits that can lead dominating draws/flushes and higher ranking, connected cards that can also put yourself in a position to dominate when connecting postflop. Bluffing won't really be much of a thing in games like that, so you want to set yourself up to dominate when you do flop something.
ok, thanks for the reply. Will try to implement it as best as possible.
Hey there, not sure if I will get a reply due to this video being so old but I've only just joined. Is it OK to 4bet KKJJ DS vs a player 3 betting from the button slightly wider than most? I have always tended to 4bet my super premium Kings like this reasoning that it protects my nuts and a hand like this is doing OK against dry aces and is hard to play OOP and wants to realise full equity. Just not sure if correct.
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