Hi J.D.
I'm omitting the math, because it requires a spreadsheet.
4-bet bluffing with too strong of a hand example: Our opponent folds to 4-betand 5-bets at a frequency that makes AJs 0 EV 4-bet. Calling a 3-bet with AJs is worth 2bbs. Therefore its better to call AJs than 4-bet it.
Now assume our opponent folds to 4-bet and 5-bets at a frequency that makes AJs +1.5bb EV 4-bet. Calling 3-bet with AJs is worth 2bbs. Therefore even though AJs is a profitable 4-bet, its better to call it.
Does that help? If it still unclear, I'll expand upon this. :)
20:00 KK‘s equity Realization when call the 4bet will be higher than 100% ,i think.
So u should consider the R instead of using the Equity imo.Why don't u use the solver to get the ev of calling the 4bet?
Thanks for watching the video :) . The real question is what should our R be? KK might realize more equity than its hot/cold equity here by flatting. Would 22 realize more also or would it realize less? And if we agreed that KK realizes more and 22 realizes less, could we agree on the degree of these changes? Nothing is clear cut here.
Practically, I would have find an distinct R for every hand (based on equity/position/number of nuts hands). Suffice it to say, I don't thinks its a good metric for a video lecture on preflop play.
Why don't I use a solver?
Solver is playing GTO strategy against GTO Strategy. Neither my opponent nor I are playing GTO. So does my opponent gain more equity from my suboptimal play or do I gain more equity from his suboptimal play? We can't answer that question from a GTO solver.
Hot/Cold Equity
Hot cold equity is obviously flawed (A3o vs T9s for example), but there is little argument that on a hand by hand basis that hot/cold equity has a very strong correlation with hand performance. AA, KK make the most money and have the highest hot/cold equity. Hand winnings in BBs rank tend to closely match their hot/cold equity rank. We can use more complicated metrics, but every metric improvement slows down the process, while only adding small amounts of value.
Interesting that we should almost always shove QQ+, I've always been thinking that I must sometimes just call KK/AA vs 4bets from regs in order to not cap my range to hard on some boards.
We'll always have capped ranges on some board textures, but we make up for that with the gobs (technical term) of money we make when our 5-bet is called.
Enjoyed this, and I love the intellectual honesty in this debate about the possible flaws in the assumptions. I generally play live, much deeper than this, and I suspect flatting KK as part of a mixed strategy becomes more attractive 400BB deep:)
Hi Tyler, great video... I was wondering why you use kxs as bluffs, but not axs... I think snowie uses axs a lot as bluff 4 bets in certain situations...not sure about 5 bet bluffs...but I always thought a5s was one of the best bluff raising hands...
Thanks Pokerhousewife! You're right. Against tight ranges A5s is a great 4-bet bluffing hand. It lowers the number of AAs by half and the number of AKs by a 1/4, while still having good equity when called (around 28% against a range of AKs, AA, KK) .
The reason I chose Kxs is that Axs is a + EV call in wider range situations and Kxs is only a 0 EV or -EV call. This means the threshold for a Axs +EV 4-bet is higher because it needs to be higher than Axs EV as a call (4-bet > Call > Fold). Whereas Kxs needs to be only >= 0 (4-bet > Fold).
Hi i made a pretty simple sim in CREV, with AA vs bluffing to often, EV of jam is 47, and if on postflop opponent cbet 100% with small sizing, we always raiseCB to AI and he respond with TP+, then EV of c4b is also 47. But this will protect our range a lot, and improve equity realization with weaker hands.
Really enjoy your work, but you need to continue this series into something more practical: like how we construct our c4b ranges for example SB vs BU, or BB vs SB. To not always have 88-TT, but to sometimes have QJs, 87s, AKo...
Thanks for the sim Julian! Appreciate you taking the time to make it and share it. I should note that if our equity realization improves, the value of slowplaying AA decreases as well. We'll a constant tension between a player who bluffs too much preflop and play tight postflop and a player who bluffs too much on every street.
And because of this tension, I prefer to call 4-bets here with AA, only when I know my opponent bluff too much on every street, because this makes EV 4-bet Call >> EV 5-bet
Thank you again for the sim and the ideas for future vids!
Hallo Tyler excelent vid! I got a few questions. If I understand it well the optimal 4B bluff freq on BTN is about 37% of our hole 4B range (in case we are 4b/calling TT+,AQs+). By this freq villain is unnable to profitably ship TT vs our 4B. But what about scenarios when he desides to just flat and we realize eq with our bluffs? I always thought that value:bluff 4B ratio is about 50:50 so thats why I am asking about this.
Calling 4-bets with TT, its certainly a better option against a polar 4-betting range that makes jamming TT roughly 0 EV. We should try to make hands below our value hand range indifferent to 5-betting. If we raise the frequency to high, then it becomes very profitable to shove things like 22 over a 4-bet.
Ok so If I´d like to construct CO 4B Range where my value is QQ+,AK then I want to make jamming villain with JJ cca 0EV right? So again I put JJ vs my valuerange in combonator and use it in the excel and the result is quite similar (38% bluffrange).
But isnt flatting 4B with suited BW´s and connectors more common than jamming low pps/Axs? What I am trying to say is dont we want to have more bluffs than 38% in these situacions? (again bluffs realize eq when get flatted so we probably can have more bluffs dont we?). And if this is wrong and anyone with fold vs 5B higher than 38% is exploitable should we just 3b/5b him with low pps/Axs all day long? (I am not counting his re-adjusting in that case) Thx
Yes it is currently more common to see people flat 4-bets with suited broadways/connectors. However, I don't see how that should justify us to have a higher 4-bet bluffing frequency, because every bluff would make 4-bet flatting ranges more valuable too. If its profitable to flat against 38% bluff, its much more profitable to flat against someone who is 4-bet bluffing 26% more (50% bluff).
Bluffing frequencies should always be based on a combination of folding frequency and equity realization. If our opponent folds to 4-bet too often, then we should 4-bet more than some number that makes our opponent indifferent to shoving some hand. Otherwise all bluffs are designed to make our value bets more profitable.
HI Tyler. I was playing the other day and made a very loose 5 bet shove. We are playing 125 BB deep and Button opens for a raise. I decide to 3 bet 10 8 suited from the small blind. The button makes it about 27 BB total. I go all in, and he snap calls with Ace King suited. I thought there was a good chance he was 4 bet bluffing at the time, and rather than call I decided to go all in. I'm wondering, how bad of a play do you think this is to do from time to time? If that's too off topic, I understand, but wanted to at least ask the question. I'm really not seeing any regulars make this type of play it seems they prefer to do it with a pocket pair instead.
Depends very heavily on BT fold to 5-bet %. He needs to fold over 50% of the time to make this profitable. However if only folds 40% then we lose -8 bbs, so its definitely a higher variance play.
Hi Tylor! Thannks for your video.
You say that you wanna jam all qq+,Aks+ and call everything between 38-50% Equity. These are all hands with at least 38% equity against an optimal bluff freq.:JJ-22, AQs-A5s, KJs+, KhTh, KsTs, KcTc, Ah4h, As4s, Ac4c, Ah3h, As3s, Ac3c, Ah2h, As2s, Ac2c, ATo+, KsQd, KsQh, KsQc, KcQd, KcQh Dont you think we will get exploited with this range if Villain simply chooses a 2 street gameplan postflop?
No, we can always use a combination of range vs range equity and 1 - a logic to make our oppositions bluffs breakeven. This will keep our ranges from being exploited. Sometimes this will mean calling down lighter than we might necessary like.
Hi, I use to think the optimal bluffing frequency for 4bet at 100BB was about 50%.
I read in poker book the formula to know how 5bet optimally is, if equity when called is 30%, taking all of your numbers,
30.5 being the pot, -32 being the EV of the 5bet when called, and x is how often opponent fold to 5bet.
Then x = 51.282 which is the frequency to opponent must fold so our 5bet bluff breakeven.
So for this reason i used to think my 4bet bluff should be around 50%, so I can stack off the other 50% and prevent my opponent from 5bet bluffing optimally.
Then for sure I understand the one who 4bet bluff more than 50% will be very vulnerable to a 5bet jam. I also understand vs the one who only bluff 37% jamming 99 is negative.
But I think vs the one who 4bet bluff only 37% we should actually never 5bet bluff. And I agree it's good to know and analyze, but is 4bet bluff 37% really optimal ?
I don't think anyone knows precisely what optimal is because it moves based on stack sizes and preflop sizings. However, I'm comfortable with my estimate, if I allowed any hand with more than 30% equity to 5-bet bluff me, my opponent would have profitable 5-bet bluffs with a wide range.
Love your insights and videos. I play in a deep stack game and so curious how the input of 200 and 250 BB’s affects the 3bet and 4bet ranges. Any thoughts? Thanks
Thanks Faisal, Nut hands become more important deeper, because we no longer can stack our overpairs 100% of the time. This means that we have to mix our ranges preflop, so we flop nut hands on more board textures. For example, rather than 3-betting 100% TT and 0% 99, we'll 3-bet 50% TT and 50% 99.
Hi Tyler great video's, at 18:59, while calculating the ev of calling 4bets with say, KK should we also consider how well this hand is gonna play out postflop, because we are very likely to get the money in good on a lot of boards, and also keep his bluffs in, unlike lower pairs where equity realization might be tougher.
Hi Shekhar, I completely agree. One small caveat is that the board will come Ace high about 18% of the time and on those boards KK will become a bluffcatcher.
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7:55 - 8:30
Can you elaborate a bit more on this or give a hand example? This idea isn't obvious to me.
Hi J.D.
I'm omitting the math, because it requires a spreadsheet.
4-bet bluffing with too strong of a hand example: Our opponent folds to 4-betand 5-bets at a frequency that makes AJs 0 EV 4-bet. Calling a 3-bet with AJs is worth 2bbs. Therefore its better to call AJs than 4-bet it.
Now assume our opponent folds to 4-bet and 5-bets at a frequency that makes AJs +1.5bb EV 4-bet. Calling 3-bet with AJs is worth 2bbs. Therefore even though AJs is a profitable 4-bet, its better to call it.
Does that help? If it still unclear, I'll expand upon this. :)
20:00 KK‘s equity Realization when call the 4bet will be higher than 100% ,i think.
So u should consider the R instead of using the Equity imo.Why don't u use the solver to get the ev of calling the 4bet?
Hi Benniao,
Thanks for watching the video :) . The real question is what should our R be? KK might realize more equity than its hot/cold equity here by flatting. Would 22 realize more also or would it realize less? And if we agreed that KK realizes more and 22 realizes less, could we agree on the degree of these changes? Nothing is clear cut here.
Practically, I would have find an distinct R for every hand (based on equity/position/number of nuts hands). Suffice it to say, I don't thinks its a good metric for a video lecture on preflop play.
Why don't I use a solver?
Solver is playing GTO strategy against GTO Strategy. Neither my opponent nor I are playing GTO. So does my opponent gain more equity from my suboptimal play or do I gain more equity from his suboptimal play? We can't answer that question from a GTO solver.
Hot/Cold Equity
Hot cold equity is obviously flawed (A3o vs T9s for example), but there is little argument that on a hand by hand basis that hot/cold equity has a very strong correlation with hand performance. AA, KK make the most money and have the highest hot/cold equity. Hand winnings in BBs rank tend to closely match their hot/cold equity rank. We can use more complicated metrics, but every metric improvement slows down the process, while only adding small amounts of value.
I get it. Thank u ,Tyler.
I love ur math/theory vids! :D
Started out kind of slow, but very nice vid!
Interesting that we should almost always shove QQ+, I've always been thinking that I must sometimes just call KK/AA vs 4bets from regs in order to not cap my range to hard on some boards.
We'll always have capped ranges on some board textures, but we make up for that with the gobs (technical term) of money we make when our 5-bet is called.
Enjoyed this, and I love the intellectual honesty in this debate about the possible flaws in the assumptions. I generally play live, much deeper than this, and I suspect flatting KK as part of a mixed strategy becomes more attractive 400BB deep:)
Thanks Jonathan! I'm stoked you enjoyed it :)
Hi Tyler, great video... I was wondering why you use kxs as bluffs, but not axs... I think snowie uses axs a lot as bluff 4 bets in certain situations...not sure about 5 bet bluffs...but I always thought a5s was one of the best bluff raising hands...
Thanks Pokerhousewife! You're right. Against tight ranges A5s is a great 4-bet bluffing hand. It lowers the number of AAs by half and the number of AKs by a 1/4, while still having good equity when called (around 28% against a range of AKs, AA, KK) .
The reason I chose Kxs is that Axs is a + EV call in wider range situations and Kxs is only a 0 EV or -EV call. This means the threshold for a Axs +EV 4-bet is higher because it needs to be higher than Axs EV as a call (4-bet > Call > Fold). Whereas Kxs needs to be only >= 0 (4-bet > Fold).
AAvs bluffing to often
Hi i made a pretty simple sim in CREV, with AA vs bluffing to often, EV of jam is 47, and if on postflop opponent cbet 100% with small sizing, we always raiseCB to AI and he respond with TP+, then EV of c4b is also 47. But this will protect our range a lot, and improve equity realization with weaker hands.
Really enjoy your work, but you need to continue this series into something more practical: like how we construct our c4b ranges for example SB vs BU, or BB vs SB. To not always have 88-TT, but to sometimes have QJs, 87s, AKo...
Thanks for the sim Julian! Appreciate you taking the time to make it and share it. I should note that if our equity realization improves, the value of slowplaying AA decreases as well. We'll a constant tension between a player who bluffs too much preflop and play tight postflop and a player who bluffs too much on every street.
And because of this tension, I prefer to call 4-bets here with AA, only when I know my opponent bluff too much on every street, because this makes EV 4-bet Call >> EV 5-bet
Thank you again for the sim and the ideas for future vids!
Hallo Tyler excelent vid! I got a few questions. If I understand it well the optimal 4B bluff freq on BTN is about 37% of our hole 4B range (in case we are 4b/calling TT+,AQs+). By this freq villain is unnable to profitably ship TT vs our 4B. But what about scenarios when he desides to just flat and we realize eq with our bluffs? I always thought that value:bluff 4B ratio is about 50:50 so thats why I am asking about this.
Calling 4-bets with TT, its certainly a better option against a polar 4-betting range that makes jamming TT roughly 0 EV. We should try to make hands below our value hand range indifferent to 5-betting. If we raise the frequency to high, then it becomes very profitable to shove things like 22 over a 4-bet.
Ok so If I´d like to construct CO 4B Range where my value is QQ+,AK then I want to make jamming villain with JJ cca 0EV right? So again I put JJ vs my valuerange in combonator and use it in the excel and the result is quite similar (38% bluffrange).
But isnt flatting 4B with suited BW´s and connectors more common than jamming low pps/Axs? What I am trying to say is dont we want to have more bluffs than 38% in these situacions? (again bluffs realize eq when get flatted so we probably can have more bluffs dont we?). And if this is wrong and anyone with fold vs 5B higher than 38% is exploitable should we just 3b/5b him with low pps/Axs all day long? (I am not counting his re-adjusting in that case) Thx
Yes it is currently more common to see people flat 4-bets with suited broadways/connectors. However, I don't see how that should justify us to have a higher 4-bet bluffing frequency, because every bluff would make 4-bet flatting ranges more valuable too. If its profitable to flat against 38% bluff, its much more profitable to flat against someone who is 4-bet bluffing 26% more (50% bluff).
Bluffing frequencies should always be based on a combination of folding frequency and equity realization. If our opponent folds to 4-bet too often, then we should 4-bet more than some number that makes our opponent indifferent to shoving some hand. Otherwise all bluffs are designed to make our value bets more profitable.
Oki I got it. Thx a lot!
HI Tyler. I was playing the other day and made a very loose 5 bet shove. We are playing 125 BB deep and Button opens for a raise. I decide to 3 bet 10 8 suited from the small blind. The button makes it about 27 BB total. I go all in, and he snap calls with Ace King suited. I thought there was a good chance he was 4 bet bluffing at the time, and rather than call I decided to go all in. I'm wondering, how bad of a play do you think this is to do from time to time? If that's too off topic, I understand, but wanted to at least ask the question. I'm really not seeing any regulars make this type of play it seems they prefer to do it with a pocket pair instead.
Depends very heavily on BT fold to 5-bet %. He needs to fold over 50% of the time to make this profitable. However if only folds 40% then we lose -8 bbs, so its definitely a higher variance play.
Hi Tylor! Thannks for your video.
You say that you wanna jam all qq+,Aks+ and call everything between 38-50% Equity. These are all hands with at least 38% equity against an optimal bluff freq.:JJ-22, AQs-A5s, KJs+, KhTh, KsTs, KcTc, Ah4h, As4s, Ac4c, Ah3h, As3s, Ac3c, Ah2h, As2s, Ac2c, ATo+, KsQd, KsQh, KsQc, KcQd, KcQh Dont you think we will get exploited with this range if Villain simply chooses a 2 street gameplan postflop?
No, we can always use a combination of range vs range equity and 1 - a logic to make our oppositions bluffs breakeven. This will keep our ranges from being exploited. Sometimes this will mean calling down lighter than we might necessary like.
Hi, I use to think the optimal bluffing frequency for 4bet at 100BB was about 50%.
I read in poker book the formula to know how 5bet optimally is, if equity when called is 30%, taking all of your numbers,
30.5 being the pot, -32 being the EV of the 5bet when called, and x is how often opponent fold to 5bet.
Then x = 51.282 which is the frequency to opponent must fold so our 5bet bluff breakeven.
So for this reason i used to think my 4bet bluff should be around 50%, so I can stack off the other 50% and prevent my opponent from 5bet bluffing optimally.
Then for sure I understand the one who 4bet bluff more than 50% will be very vulnerable to a 5bet jam. I also understand vs the one who only bluff 37% jamming 99 is negative.
But I think vs the one who 4bet bluff only 37% we should actually never 5bet bluff. And I agree it's good to know and analyze, but is 4bet bluff 37% really optimal ?
I don't think anyone knows precisely what optimal is because it moves based on stack sizes and preflop sizings. However, I'm comfortable with my estimate, if I allowed any hand with more than 30% equity to 5-bet bluff me, my opponent would have profitable 5-bet bluffs with a wide range.
Love your insights and videos. I play in a deep stack game and so curious how the input of 200 and 250 BB’s affects the 3bet and 4bet ranges. Any thoughts? Thanks
Thanks Faisal, Nut hands become more important deeper, because we no longer can stack our overpairs 100% of the time. This means that we have to mix our ranges preflop, so we flop nut hands on more board textures. For example, rather than 3-betting 100% TT and 0% 99, we'll 3-bet 50% TT and 50% 99.
Hi Tyler great video's, at 18:59, while calculating the ev of calling 4bets with say, KK should we also consider how well this hand is gonna play out postflop, because we are very likely to get the money in good on a lot of boards, and also keep his bluffs in, unlike lower pairs where equity realization might be tougher.
Hi Shekhar, I completely agree. One small caveat is that the board will come Ace high about 18% of the time and on those boards KK will become a bluffcatcher.
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