nice video run, 5:00 can we consider bet turn?, ur range have a lot A and he calls some K and T.
6:20 dont u think he hits all his range on the turn and can be an overcall turn? its a 3bet pot with cbetflop and turn, Thanks
@5 I think he is going to check is whole range on Turn (as most people checkback too Ax heavy on the flop and therefore most people check the A, as they expect it hits my rannge very good, which is true but I do also have other hand like TT,99, weakish Jx...). So If I look at my equity against his whole range, I just have 60-65%, if I now but thos obv c/f out and take a look at my equity against his calling range, then I just have 45% (expecting he calls all Kx, which might not be a good call) and he can still c/r me here and those hands he folds have 0 equity against my hand. Therefore I htink checking is the better play.
I played him before HU and he made some "free SD bets" and also seeing him 3betting hands like K4o, I think I cant fold here a pair on the Turn.
Very much a fixed limit beginner but it's part of the 8 game drawing hands like JTss go up in value since you can't be forced out of the hand by overbets and do high pairs go down a little since you can't force draws out of the hand?
highcard value goes up a bit, as you are way more often at the SD and off suited hands go up compared to NL. Like Q9o is an easy open on the CO...
Weak PP ar also not that great, because you often have just 60% Equity against the bluffingrange of villain on the flop, but you are dead against his value range and even if you hita set you dont win that much money as in NL.
Thanks for the video, great stuff. We Need more limit content . (Former limit pro here) :)
15:07- we c/c JTdd on 642hhc vs fish. Seems way too loose a peel, especially vs fish who prob monkey barrels turn (i dont have a read)
We will peel all our off suit q, k, ax and all our weak bd suited stuff So This would be almost the weakest hand in our range on this flop and is an easy fold IMO
15:25: Q2dd on J74hhc , same as last hand. We will have so many more hands with playability on the turn that we should prefer to peel . Unless we have some super good read that he has very wide open range and very low wtsd , even then I prefer something. There's almost no card we are happy to see except qx and nothing that gives us any draw
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nice video run, 5:00 can we consider bet turn?, ur range have a lot A and he calls some K and T.
6:20 dont u think he hits all his range on the turn and can be an overcall turn? its a 3bet pot with cbetflop and turn, Thanks
@5 I think he is going to check is whole range on Turn (as most people checkback too Ax heavy on the flop and therefore most people check the A, as they expect it hits my rannge very good, which is true but I do also have other hand like TT,99, weakish Jx...). So If I look at my equity against his whole range, I just have 60-65%, if I now but thos obv c/f out and take a look at my equity against his calling range, then I just have 45% (expecting he calls all Kx, which might not be a good call) and he can still c/r me here and those hands he folds have 0 equity against my hand. Therefore I htink checking is the better play.
I played him before HU and he made some "free SD bets" and also seeing him 3betting hands like K4o, I think I cant fold here a pair on the Turn.
Very much a fixed limit beginner but it's part of the 8 game drawing hands like JTss go up in value since you can't be forced out of the hand by overbets and do high pairs go down a little since you can't force draws out of the hand?
highcard value goes up a bit, as you are way more often at the SD and off suited hands go up compared to NL. Like Q9o is an easy open on the CO...
Weak PP ar also not that great, because you often have just 60% Equity against the bluffingrange of villain on the flop, but you are dead against his value range and even if you hita set you dont win that much money as in NL.
Thanks for the video, great stuff. We Need more limit content . (Former limit pro here) :)
15:07- we c/c JTdd on 642hhc vs fish. Seems way too loose a peel, especially vs fish who prob monkey barrels turn (i dont have a read)
We will peel all our off suit q, k, ax and all our weak bd suited stuff So This would be almost the weakest hand in our range on this flop and is an easy fold IMO
15:25: Q2dd on J74hhc , same as last hand. We will have so many more hands with playability on the turn that we should prefer to peel . Unless we have some super good read that he has very wide open range and very low wtsd , even then I prefer something. There's almost no card we are happy to see except qx and nothing that gives us any draw
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