1) So with a weaker player in the blinds, we can call the top of our folding range in normal line-ups? You ever flat a strong hand vs some weaker players?
2) 7:24 Quote "if Villain/CO cbets a lot (on K64r) I would XR a lot of flops, to check a lot of turns." What’s exactly the reasoning behind such a strategy, esp. Checking the turn a lot?
3) 18:00 we XR KQss on J97ssx 3way. Turn 8d: you say villain would call Tx straight on turn to raise rivers. Why wouldn’t he just wanna raise for value/protection on the turn with 2 fd’s ?
4) 21:0: we raise KK on T43r in 3B pot vs Morten. What makes you prefer to raise the flop right away vs flatting flop to raise turns (esp. given he seemed really spewy)? What about vs a standard reg, you raise hands here IP on this dry board and why?
1) Do you mean under a normal line up a reg line up? Either way I think yes we can, but I think our range has to be tighter than when there is a weak player in the BB. I think it is not an bad idea to play a 3bet or fold strategy, especially when you are not 100% sure how your ranges and gameplan change. Because most regs are playing that strategy and so you should not lose against those regs, you just can improve you winrate against regs by flatting, but when you do it wrong you might decrease your winrate. That is the reason why I still often go for "normal' plays in spots which don t appear too often.
I dont think flatting a really strong hand is that great, bc it is not like NL where we can improve our EV by flatting against people who squeeze a lot, because in FLH we always can call the squeeze. But I think hands which are close 3bets in a 3bet or fold strategy become often good hands to flat with.
Most player like to call the flop to raise the turn, if I never get 3bet by him, I can check raise looser for value and "protection", but when his range is uncapped on the Turn, some of those thin c/r are no longer value bets on the Turn.
3) I dont think it is a good strategy to delay always, but I see people overdoing it and always delay to the river.
Because he was a bit spewy, i was trying to induce a 3bet by him and than raise Turn again. Yes I would also raise the flop sometimes against many regs, because most people over cbet OOP, but play a good checking strategy on the Turn. So when I just call or fold on the flop, his 100% cbet strategy ight be a great strategy against mine. therefore I want to raise flop, so that his 100% strategy becomes a bad strategy.
I know this vid is very old but if you see this comment I'd appreciate an answer RLP :)
@30:00 you 3b KTo BUvCO and chessnok x/r 22s on 843ss, is this line standard ? If so why ?
And could you try to describe the strategy on this flop for CO ? Thanks !
x/r 22 here is absolutely not standard and imo not that good of a play. There might be 2 reasons why he did it:
He thinks I am over cbetting (which the playerpool is for sure doing) and so he tries to go with a wide x/r strategy.
He wanted to depolarize his x/r range, most players are too polarized when they x/r, which is bad for 2-3 reasons.
1) When you c/r just strong hands and draws, there is no real reason for villain to value raise thin on the turn, so you can't go very often for a bet/3bet strategy and so you miss value with you super nuts
2) When you have such a strong c/r you can add some weaker MH which want to fold out equity furthermore they don't really have to scared to get raised on the turn thinly, as your c/r is anyway assumed to be too polarized, which ends up in you adding more hands weaker mh, till you hit the point on which you have so many "weaker" c/r that you still have the full advantage from folding out equity and you get some "thinner" valueraises on the turn (so that your nuts can b/3bet).
3) When you c/r nuts and draws on some river you simply have to give up your draws. Which means you check them and so you x/f 100% of rivers. This is not a real big leak, but for sure not optimal. The question is now, how do we fix the x/f 100% river? We could check nuts, but it doesn't make much sense, as villains doesn't really have much reason to bet the river as he is never getting value. So when we have some weaker c/r mh on the flop, we can check them on the river and c/c them and now we can also add some nuts to c/r them, as we villain has no a reason to value bet against our "weaker" MH which we c/r flop and are now checking on the river.
Hope this makes somehow sense, I am not sure if I was able to explain what I mean^^
re his c/r with 22, I don't like it, as I don't think 22 are the hand which is fitting the idea of a thinner c/r, a hand like 45s would be a better c/r imo.
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I have a few questions:
1) So with a weaker player in the blinds, we can call the top of our folding range in normal line-ups? You ever flat a strong hand vs some weaker players?
2) 7:24 Quote "if Villain/CO cbets a lot (on K64r) I would XR a lot of flops, to check a lot of turns." What’s exactly the reasoning behind such a strategy, esp. Checking the turn a lot?
3) 18:00 we XR KQss on J97ssx 3way. Turn 8d: you say villain would call Tx straight on turn to raise rivers. Why wouldn’t he just wanna raise for value/protection on the turn with 2 fd’s ?
4) 21:0: we raise KK on T43r in 3B pot vs Morten. What makes you prefer to raise the flop right away vs flatting flop to raise turns (esp. given he seemed really spewy)? What about vs a standard reg, you raise hands here IP on this dry board and why?
thanks a lot for this video, really enjoyed it!
1) Do you mean under a normal line up a reg line up? Either way I think yes we can, but I think our range has to be tighter than when there is a weak player in the BB. I think it is not an bad idea to play a 3bet or fold strategy, especially when you are not 100% sure how your ranges and gameplan change. Because most regs are playing that strategy and so you should not lose against those regs, you just can improve you winrate against regs by flatting, but when you do it wrong you might decrease your winrate. That is the reason why I still often go for "normal' plays in spots which don t appear too often.
I dont think flatting a really strong hand is that great, bc it is not like NL where we can improve our EV by flatting against people who squeeze a lot, because in FLH we always can call the squeeze. But I think hands which are close 3bets in a 3bet or fold strategy become often good hands to flat with.
Most player like to call the flop to raise the turn, if I never get 3bet by him, I can check raise looser for value and "protection", but when his range is uncapped on the Turn, some of those thin c/r are no longer value bets on the Turn.
3) I dont think it is a good strategy to delay always, but I see people overdoing it and always delay to the river.
Because he was a bit spewy, i was trying to induce a 3bet by him and than raise Turn again. Yes I would also raise the flop sometimes against many regs, because most people over cbet OOP, but play a good checking strategy on the Turn. So when I just call or fold on the flop, his 100% cbet strategy ight be a great strategy against mine. therefore I want to raise flop, so that his 100% strategy becomes a bad strategy.
I know this vid is very old but if you see this comment I'd appreciate an answer RLP :)
@30:00 you 3b KTo BUvCO and chessnok x/r 22s on 843ss, is this line standard ? If so why ?
And could you try to describe the strategy on this flop for CO ? Thanks !
BTW really love your content, top notch !
Hey great that you like my videos :)
x/r 22 here is absolutely not standard and imo not that good of a play. There might be 2 reasons why he did it:
He thinks I am over cbetting (which the playerpool is for sure doing) and so he tries to go with a wide x/r strategy.
He wanted to depolarize his x/r range, most players are too polarized when they x/r, which is bad for 2-3 reasons.
1) When you c/r just strong hands and draws, there is no real reason for villain to value raise thin on the turn, so you can't go very often for a bet/3bet strategy and so you miss value with you super nuts
2) When you have such a strong c/r you can add some weaker MH which want to fold out equity furthermore they don't really have to scared to get raised on the turn thinly, as your c/r is anyway assumed to be too polarized, which ends up in you adding more hands weaker mh, till you hit the point on which you have so many "weaker" c/r that you still have the full advantage from folding out equity and you get some "thinner" valueraises on the turn (so that your nuts can b/3bet).
3) When you c/r nuts and draws on some river you simply have to give up your draws. Which means you check them and so you x/f 100% of rivers. This is not a real big leak, but for sure not optimal. The question is now, how do we fix the x/f 100% river? We could check nuts, but it doesn't make much sense, as villains doesn't really have much reason to bet the river as he is never getting value. So when we have some weaker c/r mh on the flop, we can check them on the river and c/c them and now we can also add some nuts to c/r them, as we villain has no a reason to value bet against our "weaker" MH which we c/r flop and are now checking on the river.
Hope this makes somehow sense, I am not sure if I was able to explain what I mean^^
re his c/r with 22, I don't like it, as I don't think 22 are the hand which is fitting the idea of a thinner c/r, a hand like 45s would be a better c/r imo.
Makes perfect sense, thanks !
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