Good video, just one thing: 21:00 table 3. 31/31/25 in 16 hands mean he has raised 5/16 and 25 3bet means he has 3bet once in 16 hands (last raise was probably a 4bet). 5/16 hands raised pre and 1/4 3bet is too small of a sample to consider a player active and 3bet Ass874 OOP IMO. Such minuscular samples should be treated depending more on population reads (micro zoom = tight).
Just thought some people might take such stats for granted and loose a decent amount just with player pool in zoom being so vast. Otherwise, keep it up.
DMSJ10 years, 8 months agoOh. And 11:04 on table no. 3 you fold AdQdTs7d MP. Did you miss that or is it a standart fold for you, especially playing looser and all as you mentioned? Yet we open K764ds
11:04 I definitely prefer the K764ds over the AQT7sss. It has better playability und better implied odds plus because people won´t put you on lowcards. The problem with the AQT7 is that its a very weak highcard hand(only marginally connected, triplesuited and AQ instead of AK) and you don´t have to take into your range that is already highcardheavy. That said I think it´s not a standard fold but depens on the players behind you.
31: Upper right table; what is you plan on these scenarios: If villian bet turn, and river comes an A or K of diamonds? or a lower diamond? or a T? and he pots river
@8.50 you say BB should raise with AT on the flop. To me raising most of the time seems really bad on this board, as a) he is going to have few bluffs/semi-bluffs to raise here especially in a 3 handed pot and b) it caps and defines his calling range. As played flatting got extra value from T9 (which should obv fold to rejam and flat 1st time), which would not happen if he had raised which is a side consideration.
@11:48 you say you don't like villains jam in a 3bet pot on 532, SPR 3 for dry sidepot. What should he be doing? He is absolute top of range with overpair + 2NFD vs your perceived range which is super unlikely to have connected on this board. Would you have led this pot if the short stack was all in pre? If no, why are you raising flop to 11 rather than calling, as it is a strategically equivalent spot to checking to the 3bettor.
8.50: I agree with your arguments for just calling, but I also think value / protection especially against a bet thats small are good aruments. So I´d suggest maybe call 1/3 of the time and raise 2/3´s?
11:50: TBH I don´t really know how much the AI player should tighten up both our ranges in that spot. Maybe I put too much weight on this and concluded that both our ranges should be tighter than it´s correct. It´s a tricky spot and I´m not sure how to construct my range here and if I should have a leadingrange at all. At the time I thought that villain would not cbet bare AAxx but now I think he should. If thats the case and he cbets all his AAxx then I probably should not have a leading range here.
Would be interested in more opinions on that hand.
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Good video, just one thing: 21:00 table 3. 31/31/25 in 16 hands mean he has raised 5/16 and 25 3bet means he has 3bet once in 16 hands (last raise was probably a 4bet). 5/16 hands raised pre and 1/4 3bet is too small of a sample to consider a player active and 3bet Ass874 OOP IMO. Such minuscular samples should be treated depending more on population reads (micro zoom = tight).
Just thought some people might take such stats for granted and loose a decent amount just with player pool in zoom being so vast. Otherwise, keep it up.
Good point, thx.
11:04 I definitely prefer the K764ds over the AQT7sss. It has better playability und better implied odds plus because people won´t put you on lowcards. The problem with the AQT7 is that its a very weak highcard hand(only marginally connected, triplesuited and AQ instead of AK) and you don´t have to take into your range that is already highcardheavy. That said I think it´s not a standard fold but depens on the players behind you.
31: Upper right table; what is you plan on these scenarios: If villian bet turn, and river comes an A or K of diamonds? or a lower diamond? or a T? and he pots river
Great vids, keep it up!
@8.50 you say BB should raise with AT on the flop. To me raising most of the time seems really bad on this board, as a) he is going to have few bluffs/semi-bluffs to raise here especially in a 3 handed pot and b) it caps and defines his calling range. As played flatting got extra value from T9 (which should obv fold to rejam and flat 1st time), which would not happen if he had raised which is a side consideration.
@11:48 you say you don't like villains jam in a 3bet pot on 532, SPR 3 for dry sidepot. What should he be doing? He is absolute top of range with overpair + 2NFD vs your perceived range which is super unlikely to have connected on this board. Would you have led this pot if the short stack was all in pre? If no, why are you raising flop to 11 rather than calling, as it is a strategically equivalent spot to checking to the 3bettor.
More questions later!
8.50: I agree with your arguments for just calling, but I also think value / protection especially against a bet thats small are good aruments. So I´d suggest maybe call 1/3 of the time and raise 2/3´s?
11:50: TBH I don´t really know how much the AI player should tighten up both our ranges in that spot. Maybe I put too much weight on this and concluded that both our ranges should be tighter than it´s correct. It´s a tricky spot and I´m not sure how to construct my range here and if I should have a leadingrange at all. At the time I thought that villain would not cbet bare AAxx but now I think he should. If thats the case and he cbets all his AAxx then I probably should not have a leading range here.
Would be interested in more opinions on that hand.
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