Check out in the video 19:58 when Phil is in BB and sq w AQJTss vs check_lol. The mouse moves so weirdly, so I thought maybe he is using a HUD, but just not streaming it.Seems like he is clicking on his stat and searching something in the popup.
@ 4.10, could you comment on YoussefAhmed's decision to flat the 3x BTN open with 8654ss in the SB? PPT has this as a 54th percentile hand. Idk how wide SB is supposed to call vs BTN, but this seems very loose.
I can't speak for Phil, but IMO it's a hand that people overvalue a lot. Range composition isn't necessarily all PPT hand rankings, but there are better hands to choose if you want to hit middling boards.
Another interesting spot, but towards the tighter side, is when Phil talks about folding A876:Axx from the CO at 18:17. There must be some unspoken assumptions behind that decision though.
@ 49.00, what do you think about the merits of betting ~half pot on the turn with the AQJJ? Keeps our range uncapped, gives us option to bluff some rivers when villain x/c, and should rarely face a turn x/r. Whereas when we x back, if you don't have many slowplays like you said, our hand looks like what it is and we have a difficult decision on a lot of rivers when villain bets.
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Hi Phil! Did you use a HUD during this session/video?
Phil talks in part 1 about why he's not using a HUD.
Check out in the video 19:58 when Phil is in BB and sq w AQJTss vs check_lol. The mouse moves so weirdly, so I thought maybe he is using a HUD, but just not streaming it.Seems like he is clicking on his stat and searching something in the popup.
@ 4.10, could you comment on YoussefAhmed's decision to flat the 3x BTN open with 8654ss in the SB? PPT has this as a 54th percentile hand. Idk how wide SB is supposed to call vs BTN, but this seems very loose.
I can't speak for Phil, but IMO it's a hand that people overvalue a lot. Range composition isn't necessarily all PPT hand rankings, but there are better hands to choose if you want to hit middling boards.
Another interesting spot, but towards the tighter side, is when Phil talks about folding A876:Axx from the CO at 18:17. There must be some unspoken assumptions behind that decision though.
@ 49.00, what do you think about the merits of betting ~half pot on the turn with the AQJJ? Keeps our range uncapped, gives us option to bluff some rivers when villain x/c, and should rarely face a turn x/r. Whereas when we x back, if you don't have many slowplays like you said, our hand looks like what it is and we have a difficult decision on a lot of rivers when villain bets.
18.17 seems like super standart open from CO with A876 suited ace? Why do you think this hand is bad to open?
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