I consider the two hands close in value, with KQT9 edging out AJT9 in this situation by a little bit. I think both should probably be folded UTG in a tough game.
I do go crazy with nut blockers when opening in EP because my range can support it (likely over-support it).
Just a thought since you seemed unsure but the KQQ2 hand at 52 mins. I think you actually want a T w/ your QQ and not as many Kx since the guy deep w/ you is really going to be bluffing KK and value betting KT and not really bluffing TT very much. I suppose it helps your total equity vs the shorty but w/e that can't really have much of an effect.
I'm also curious about what you said right after. I tend to struggle with the double pairs as well (that aren't the obvious 3bs like AAyy and KKJJds etc). I don't have any solutions yet though unfortunately, only problems.
Thanks man! I don't have the solutions yet either. I'll let you know when I think I do!
I 3-bet most double pairs OOP and very few IP (since being 4-bet is really bad for us at 100bb). I tend to 3-bet my weaker double pairs against tougher opponents (who will put a fair amount of money in on 843 flops) but 3-betting some weaker hands against only my tougher opponents doesn't sound like a great strategy when you put it that way :)
It's important to remember how a set in PLO is much different than a set in NLH. When a lot of money goes in on a Q87hh flop and we have 7755, it's not the (semi) dream scenario that that would be in NL. Because of that, we have to be careful putting in too much money preflop with hands that hope to occasionally flop these very good but not 90%+ eq hands.
The KQhT9 on 3hAhQdKh2h @ 5:00. You don't bluff this river, instead you wanted to checkraise because you figured to have some showdownvalue with the KQ.
The chance that your opponent would bet into two players on the flop and that he has a one pair AXXX on this runout is very low. Your hand is essentially air here. The effectiveness of the Qh blockers for checkraising after the Kh falls is low because he is most likely to bet all his QXhh combos on the turn. When you have no relevant blockers, you should prefer to checkraise with your AK/AQ combos rather than KQ.
You also promised to go crazy with your nutblockers from EP. You didn't pot the turn and you didn't pot the river!
In 9865ds vs AAK7 hand, don't you think that his c/shove on the turn is very bad? Shouldn't he either pot it or c/fold? Pretty sure he gets it in much worse on average with c/r rather than pot, and I don't think that you are ever b/folding this turn with the stacks as they are.
A more general question about zoom, i'm quite new to omaha so im wondering if the 0,25/0,50, 0,5/1, 1/2 stakes are beatable because of the high rake? Do i need to be a very good 2,5/5 player or higher stakes to make a profit?
rake is a huge obstacle, but it can be overcome with good play and good winrates are possible at all the stakes you mentioned. hard to say if you need to be "good" or not to beat 2/5 since it's subjective. i'd imagine zoom on stars is probably tougher than comparable stakes on regular tables (or on other sites)
Great video phil. As a experienced NL player learning PLO, (and being intermediete at PLO atm grinding 25PLO) Would you say watching ur videos at 1/2+ would make me more harm than good? should I maybe try to stick to the essential videos at lower stakes PLO or will this AND other videos be better?
Good video Phil. At 13:33 top left: if the river was a spade instead of 2h, would you value bet all non-pairing spades on the river (Qs/7s in particular and 10s/6s if you had a 9hi/10hi flush without those cards)?
At 16:20 top left: you say that you rarely c-bet on 337 in position. What if it's button vs sb or button vs bb where you have a lot less big pairs and a decent number of 3s in your range? If you don't c-bet 337 from the button why is that?
At 37:50 top left: you talk about probing turns small when flushes hit. How small would that be? Do you think a similar approach is good in heads up plo?
29:24 KsTc7c6s bottom left. At a SPR of almost 6, against a 70% PSB OTF, a good portion of your continuing range are draws (that aren't good enough to gii against AA+ and some that are but you decided to call) and AK+ (with something to go with it) hands.
The Kc turn doesn't seem to be a particularly excellent one to your range (even tough your range is KT much more often than his). That should incentivize you to call quite frequently given how unimportant protection is (you lose the pot at 8~12% frequency OTR for different assumptions) and card removal effects.
Are you calling instead of raising, hands as KT[A, Q]x and raising small KT[9-][9-] ? Against such a unfrequently river betting frequency from IP on this board (assuming a 12-15% 3bet range) do you consider leading small (instead of raising turn) [9-] rivers ? What hand classes are you taking this line as a bluff ?
Great video so far Phill,i have learned some stuff.
@min 30:30 ,you say danfiu get it in is std. i thought his eq wasnt enough because he basically has a draw for his AA set and 86 gutshot.
do you think the 2 players (you and btn) have enough draws and a little bit of 2 pair hands?
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Nitty fold with the top 12% hand AJT9 @ 0:55. (Your KQT9 from 3:49 has a lower suit and is only top 13% actually.)
Does this mean that you go crazy every time you have a nutflush blocker since your actual bluffing range from EP is too small to be balanced?
I consider the two hands close in value, with KQT9 edging out AJT9 in this situation by a little bit. I think both should probably be folded UTG in a tough game.
I do go crazy with nut blockers when opening in EP because my range can support it (likely over-support it).
Just a thought since you seemed unsure but the KQQ2 hand at 52 mins. I think you actually want a T w/ your QQ and not as many Kx since the guy deep w/ you is really going to be bluffing KK and value betting KT and not really bluffing TT very much. I suppose it helps your total equity vs the shorty but w/e that can't really have much of an effect.
I'm also curious about what you said right after. I tend to struggle with the double pairs as well (that aren't the obvious 3bs like AAyy and KKJJds etc). I don't have any solutions yet though unfortunately, only problems.
Good video though, looking forward to more.
Thanks man! I don't have the solutions yet either. I'll let you know when I think I do!
I 3-bet most double pairs OOP and very few IP (since being 4-bet is really bad for us at 100bb). I tend to 3-bet my weaker double pairs against tougher opponents (who will put a fair amount of money in on 843 flops) but 3-betting some weaker hands against only my tougher opponents doesn't sound like a great strategy when you put it that way :)
It's important to remember how a set in PLO is much different than a set in NLH. When a lot of money goes in on a Q87hh flop and we have 7755, it's not the (semi) dream scenario that that would be in NL. Because of that, we have to be careful putting in too much money preflop with hands that hope to occasionally flop these very good but not 90%+ eq hands.
The KQhT9 on 3hAhQdKh2h @ 5:00. You don't bluff this river, instead you wanted to checkraise because you figured to have some showdownvalue with the KQ.
The chance that your opponent would bet into two players on the flop and that he has a one pair AXXX on this runout is very low. Your hand is essentially air here. The effectiveness of the Qh blockers for checkraising after the Kh falls is low because he is most likely to bet all his QXhh combos on the turn. When you have no relevant blockers, you should prefer to checkraise with your AK/AQ combos rather than KQ.
You also promised to go crazy with your nutblockers from EP. You didn't pot the turn and you didn't pot the river!
In 9865ds vs AAK7 hand, don't you think that his c/shove on the turn is very bad? Shouldn't he either pot it or c/fold? Pretty sure he gets it in much worse on average with c/r rather than pot, and I don't think that you are ever b/folding this turn with the stacks as they are.
A more general question about zoom, i'm quite new to omaha so im wondering if the 0,25/0,50, 0,5/1, 1/2 stakes are beatable because of the high rake? Do i need to be a very good 2,5/5 player or higher stakes to make a profit?
rake is a huge obstacle, but it can be overcome with good play and good winrates are possible at all the stakes you mentioned. hard to say if you need to be "good" or not to beat 2/5 since it's subjective. i'd imagine zoom on stars is probably tougher than comparable stakes on regular tables (or on other sites)
Great video phil. As a experienced NL player learning PLO, (and being intermediete at PLO atm grinding 25PLO) Would you say watching ur videos at 1/2+ would make me more harm than good? should I maybe try to stick to the essential videos at lower stakes PLO or will this AND other videos be better?
Good video Phil. At 13:33 top left: if the river was a spade instead of 2h, would you value bet all non-pairing spades on the river (Qs/7s in particular and 10s/6s if you had a 9hi/10hi flush without those cards)?
At 16:20 top left: you say that you rarely c-bet on 337 in position. What if it's button vs sb or button vs bb where you have a lot less big pairs and a decent number of 3s in your range? If you don't c-bet 337 from the button why is that?
At 37:50 top left: you talk about probing turns small when flushes hit. How small would that be? Do you think a similar approach is good in heads up plo?
Thank you
29:24 KsTc7c6s bottom left. At a SPR of almost 6, against a 70% PSB OTF, a good portion of your continuing range are draws (that aren't good enough to gii against AA+ and some that are but you decided to call) and AK+ (with something to go with it) hands.
The Kc turn doesn't seem to be a particularly excellent one to your range (even tough your range is KT much more often than his). That should incentivize you to call quite frequently given how unimportant protection is (you lose the pot at 8~12% frequency OTR for different assumptions) and card removal effects.
Are you calling instead of raising, hands as KT[A, Q]x and raising small KT[9-][9-] ? Against such a unfrequently river betting frequency from IP on this board (assuming a 12-15% 3bet range) do you consider leading small (instead of raising turn) [9-] rivers ? What hand classes are you taking this line as a bluff ?
Thank you.
Doesn't check raising on this turn here with combo draws as well as nutted boats make one more hard to play against?
Great video so far Phill,i have learned some stuff.
@min 30:30 ,you say danfiu get it in is std. i thought his eq wasnt enough because he basically has a draw for his AA set and 86 gutshot.
do you think the 2 players (you and btn) have enough draws and a little bit of 2 pair hands?
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