on 10:00 you 3b AKs EP-MP cause you expect many 4bets, i guess the plan is then to just call the 4bet IP or do you want to 5bet it ?
ERA7ER 10 years, 5 months agoI think I will just jam because people are not randomly cbetting in this spot because they know you could be trapping. Flatting is definitly a good option it though leaves space for mistakes postflop while when I jam I cant do anything wrong. Always very close I think.
I think you're a bitt result oriented in the spot where you check back QK after 3 betting the UTG raiser. You're not always going to get check-raised? You have AA, AJ and sometimes you might check back a hand like AK for balance purposes, so I don't quite agree with that hand.
no sure im not always going to get checkraised but when i checkback here i'm most likely capped since i would only have AA here sometimes, as i dont play 88 like that, and even a hand like A8 and AK as you mentioned would not be in good shape against his valuerange so those are basically only bluffcatchers as well. I could also bet the flop which would be definitly ok too.
It also matters if I want to bluff the river if I brick against this opponent which I think I didnt want to so then I think checking back again is a little bit better.
KQo at 23min: you say you don't like bluffing the river. What hands would you be bluffing here? You have some pretty good blockers and I don't agree that there are that many flushes in his range with Ac, Qc,Tc on the board and you holding the Kc. Also don't you think he will be betting a backdoor flush draw a reasonable amount on the flop when you check?
ERA7ER 10 years, 4 months agoI mean from blocker perspective our hand is definitly the best one to bluff. The only problem I wasnt really sure about his range where he continues on the turn and if he would even fold anything on this river. Because if his turn calling range is only really strong hands or backdoordraws I would never bluff this river. And he most likely doesnt put me on a backdoorflush as well, so if he thought he was ahead on the turn he will probably still think he is ahead on the river.
Just didnt feel like a great spot to bluff for me, but I could be wrong there.
i also think this due to Kc and board being all high clubs. i would x/c turn and then x/r river if he were to bet due to our good blockers. if i understand correctly you just think that his range is too strong for us to ever bluff in this way? really interesting hand imo would like further indepth thoughts from you :P
I watched all of your videos made here and would like to give you a big thumbs up! Great format for having enough to talk about but easy to follow (the hand replayer tiled with the 3 tables is way better than having 4 and moving the replayer left and right). Also great content!
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Great video! Whered you get your HUD popups etc? Selfmade`?
Amazing work!! Is there any chance that you would share them? I guess not :) ?
on 10:00 you 3b AKs EP-MP cause you expect many 4bets, i guess the plan is then to just call the 4bet IP or do you want to 5bet it ?
Great video, like always!
I think you're a bitt result oriented in the spot where you check back QK after 3 betting the UTG raiser. You're not always going to get check-raised? You have AA, AJ and sometimes you might check back a hand like AK for balance purposes, so I don't quite agree with that hand.
at what minute? I cant find it
29:51 you 3 bet the UTG raiser with QK and check flop
no sure im not always going to get checkraised but when i checkback here i'm most likely capped since i would only have AA here sometimes, as i dont play 88 like that, and even a hand like A8 and AK as you mentioned would not be in good shape against his valuerange so those are basically only bluffcatchers as well. I could also bet the flop which would be definitly ok too.
It also matters if I want to bluff the river if I brick against this opponent which I think I didnt want to so then I think checking back again is a little bit better.
Nice video as usual.
KQo at 23min: you say you don't like bluffing the river. What hands would you be bluffing here? You have some pretty good blockers and I don't agree that there are that many flushes in his range with Ac, Qc,Tc on the board and you holding the Kc. Also don't you think he will be betting a backdoor flush draw a reasonable amount on the flop when you check?
And he most likely doesnt put me on a backdoorflush as well, so if he thought he was ahead on the turn he will probably still think he is ahead on the river.
Just didnt feel like a great spot to bluff for me, but I could be wrong there.
i also think this due to Kc and board being all high clubs. i would x/c turn and then x/r river if he were to bet due to our good blockers. if i understand correctly you just think that his range is too strong for us to ever bluff in this way? really interesting hand imo would like further indepth thoughts from you :P
I watched all of your videos made here and would like to give you a big thumbs up! Great format for having enough to talk about but easy to follow (the hand replayer tiled with the 3 tables is way better than having 4 and moving the replayer left and right). Also great content!
You sound exactly like Patrik Antonius, btw!
+1 to this. Great videos!
@ HMJ: yes you are absolutly right, XC the turn and XR the river would have been the best play or just fold the river.
@mhilathak: thank you :)
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