26:08 he may not play QQ this way ? Given that he is kinda passive and may try to gii in a safe flop.
27:28 doesn't the 9 river improves a good portion of his range that we beat ? If I am not wrong he seems to be recreational and he bet then x/c 98 for example on this board, since the draw got lot worse when the 7 pair. I am fine that is a thin value bet, but we can get called by some 96s/98/88 sometimes.
You probably set a new cold 4bet record on Rio videos.
ERA7ER 10 years, 6 months agoJJ is definitly not a standard 3bet against a HJ openraise. If I have a player who is really loose I would 3bet.
I dont think he plays QQ this way but even if he would never call us with QQ on the river. But he could definitly flat QQ against a 4bet.
I dont think he has 89 and 69 very often. Even weaker players dont tend to play hands like that very often. Furthermore it would make total sense for him to play 99-AA like this and also he could also just check/call on the turn with boats. So I think betting the river is too thin. I would only bet if I think he would be a huge station.
4:17: I flattet because he was really folding much against 3bets and also there were aggressive players in the blinds. But JJ can definitly be a profitable 3bet here as well.
26:08: Yes probably not QQ. That makes it even more like a checkback. I just dont expect him to call often enough with worse, and i valuetown myself too much by betting.
27:28: Not a huge part of it. Basically only 99 and random hands like 69 or some random draws that he played really weird. I just think betting here is a little too thin against his overall range like JJ+, and boats or trips which he might play like that.
u where on the botton against cut off OR, fully in position :)
ERA7ER 10 years, 5 months agosorry, I didnt see the respond. So to come to the hand: Against 4bet happy players I dont like to 3bet KJ or KQ when im in position. Also this is definitly a hand where I dont have to 3bet, my standard would be to flat, only if I want to 3bet I can do that
why are you opening hands as weak as 54o OTB, even with fold-happy and weaktight blinds, opening a hand thats in the bottom 20% seems like too much, or do you have any evidence or reason to think otherwise ?
ERA7ER 10 years, 5 months agoI try to fold them most of the time. Just sometimes I am a little bit too motivated I guess :D
yes thats true, the only reason i decided to check is because we have some SD value against AQ, but i think its not enough and since we block the bdnfd we should bet turn and obv this river as well.
i mean if he has the info that im just 4bet bluffing way too often then i think u can peel the flop once. maybe because he is 3betting himself very wide he expects me to have a huge 4bet range and therefore way too many bluffs. if thats true then i think the flop peel is somewhat ok. definitly not great since he will still get barreled by a lot of hands of his hand.
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04:17 not 3betting JJ vs HJ ?
26:08 he may not play QQ this way ? Given that he is kinda passive and may try to gii in a safe flop.
27:28 doesn't the 9 river improves a good portion of his range that we beat ? If I am not wrong he seems to be recreational and he bet then x/c 98 for example on this board, since the draw got lot worse when the 7 pair. I am fine that is a thin value bet, but we can get called by some 96s/98/88 sometimes.
You probably set a new cold 4bet record on Rio videos.
I dont think he plays QQ this way but even if he would never call us with QQ on the river. But he could definitly flat QQ against a 4bet.
I dont think he has 89 and 69 very often. Even weaker players dont tend to play hands like that very often. Furthermore it would make total sense for him to play 99-AA like this and also he could also just check/call on the turn with boats. So I think betting the river is too thin. I would only bet if I think he would be a huge station.
I'm trying what I can :D
4:17: I flattet because he was really folding much against 3bets and also there were aggressive players in the blinds. But JJ can definitly be a profitable 3bet here as well.
26:08: Yes probably not QQ. That makes it even more like a checkback. I just dont expect him to call often enough with worse, and i valuetown myself too much by betting.
27:28: Not a huge part of it. Basically only 99 and random hands like 69 or some random draws that he played really weird. I just think betting here is a little too thin against his overall range like JJ+, and boats or trips which he might play like that.
U called KJo and KQo from OTB against a CO raise...can u explain why u did it instead of 3betting?
u where on the botton against cut off OR, fully in position :)
why are you opening hands as weak as 54o OTB, even with fold-happy and weaktight blinds, opening a hand thats in the bottom 20% seems like too much, or do you have any evidence or reason to think otherwise ?
5:20 AK in 3 bet pot, im pretty sure game theory calls for a triple barrell off here.. you block AJ AA and KK and he often 4 bets QQ preflop.
yes thats true, the only reason i decided to check is because we have some SD value against AQ, but i think its not enough and since we block the bdnfd we should bet turn and obv this river as well.
31:45 - what did you make of gottamas play here ?
i mean if he has the info that im just 4bet bluffing way too often then i think u can peel the flop once. maybe because he is 3betting himself very wide he expects me to have a huge 4bet range and therefore way too many bluffs. if thats true then i think the flop peel is somewhat ok. definitly not great since he will still get barreled by a lot of hands of his hand.
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