$2.5/$5 6-Max Zoom NLHE Live Session

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$2.5/$5 6-Max Zoom NLHE Live Session

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Zeljko Krizan

Elite Pro

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$2.5/$5 6-Max Zoom NLHE Live Session

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Zeljko Krizan

POSTED May 15, 2016

Making his Run It Once debut, Zeljko 'Zeljko1992' Krizan breaks down a session of $500 Zoom NLHE.


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uros19 8 years, 9 months ago

14:32 what is your plan on blank turn if you get called after CR the flop? Also at 35 min you don't want to CR value combos since you don't have bluff combos as you mentioned in video, but i am curious how do you play your flush draws and hands like JT on the turn?

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 9 months ago

Hi uros19, with A6 my plan was to bet on blank turn, so if he called, pot would be about 250$, so my bet would very likely be 200$. Id prefer to go allin on the flop, but either way with 3 more outs backing me up (gutshot) I would just keep firing.
Regarding K7, I do not mind check-calling the turn with Kx flush draws and some Ax flush draws. Keep in mind I would probably x-r the flop with AJclubs or ATclubs and some other combos as well. JT hands I would fold on the turn, cant really stick around with them when im OOP, and JT of clubs is not in my range because I would raise the flop with it.

Hope this helps, let me know if there are any more questions I can answer for you :)

Kaizen 8 years, 9 months ago

hi zeljko thanks for your vid and welcome to rio !! :)
@7'40 table 3, i also like to have an overbet shoving range in vilain shoes on the river but i guess we also want to have a second bet siz here which would let us value thin some good top pairs. I was wondering river which bluffs does we prefer to shove with ? And if it was good to do it with QJ without spade for time to time. We have some SDV with this hand and it's probably a disaster to bet QJ for a standard bet siz here, it doesn't accomplish anything, but i'm wondering if it's good to shove this hand as a bluff as we are blocking his DP combos, AJ
@10'30 : don't we prefer to barrel KK, AQ.. his pairs have a lot of equity against our hand (a gutshot), he can also has a fd, i prefer to check back weaker hands which don't have three street of value on a blank river to trap with thanks for the vid and the answer btw ! i'm eagerly waiting the next part ! ;)

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 9 months ago

Hi Kaizen, thank you very much :)
@7'40 table 3, im glad your brought this hand up, I thought about it for some time even when I was done playing my session. I felt like he knew my range will be weak and was taking advantage of it. But either way, A6 would be a really bad call :D. You are right, doing anything other than shoving the river with QJ accomplishes nothing and its a bad move so if your going to bet, make sure its allin. However, I see myself giving up on the river with QJ and going to showdown. Even though I block some of his calling range with it, it just seems a little too much and not that necessary. In the end, it all depends on how you construct your entire range with such a line, so you will have 6 QJo combos (without spade) and if you want to take out 1 or 2 combos to shove with I think you can make it work.
Good bluffing hands on the river would be, well looking at the hand right now the first combo that came to my mind is 5-4s, or even 5-3s. It would be better if they werent spades of course, but you should be flexible here, so sometimes its okay to shove spades as well. J7ss can also work, and even 76. My reasoning is that Q on the river has just turned most of my turn bluffs into nuts, so KJ and J9. Hands like KQ QJ and so on game me sd value, so im only stuck with 9-7 and whatever I said above. What sucks is that those hands do not block my opponents calling range, but I have to work with them. I guess this also brings us back to QJo that you mentioned, so in case you do not 2pot the turn with 54 or 67 or 97, then QJo is okay to shove on the river.

@10'30: This is a spot where you can mix it up, so with KK or AQ I do not check 100% of the time. If your bet sizing is going to be 60-75% on the turn then yes, you can bet always, but in this case, i prefer to bet the turn no less than 80%, so sometimes I can afford to check back those hands.

I hope what I said made sense, if something needs clarification just let me know! Thanks for your support :)

Kaizen 8 years, 9 months ago

Hi ok thanks for your detailed answer, the first spot is definitely interesting. I also see myself checking back QJ river without spade not thinking about bluff shove this hand as it's a good blocking hand against his DP. It's sure that we have to be careful about our bluffing frequency and be sure that we are not shoving all of our missed draw river and balance well the two siz that we have. For the second hand, i agree with you that if we size up and bet big we have to mix it up with those hands and check back sometimes but i feel like it"s a big downside of betting big and i probably bet 80ish % of the pot to not have to check those hands but i'm ok with this strategy. Sorry for my approximative english and ty for your answer it was very interesting

Rubiniho 8 years, 9 months ago

11min AA can you be more detailed why cbet w/ club and w/o not

31min 9Tcc dont you think its too loose to sqz hand that MP maybe not even opens especially a nit 20/15 which this MP was. What would be your whole sqz range here? why chose this sizing and would another sizing suit better? Whats your plan postflop if called?

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 9 months ago

Hi Rubiniho,
11min AA: I think its okay to bet with a club since we have a nut flush draw, so if I hit a club on the turn or river id prefer to be in a position to bet. AA without a club is a much weaker hand which is why I would just check to slow it down. Obviously I wouldn't check fold (unless the opponent makes a ridiculously large bet size) its still a good hand so I prefer to just check-call it.

31min T9cc: my HUD shows that MP player has 20/15 stats which is nitty like you said, but I only have 62 hands and that sample is not big enough to make a conclusion about his style of play yet. Sometimes when I begin a session, HUD says after first 100 hands that I play 18 10, and other times it shows me as a 36 28 player but that is not how I play. Overall it is a little too loose and I do not do it always, so with T9, i would squeeze maybe once out of every 3 or 4 times i get it. My whole squeezing range is premium hands+AQs AJs ATs, i think low suited aces can work as well, A5-2s, KQs, QJs. Pairs I think i go as low as 9s. And sometimes I throw in 7-6s or 6-5s, when I feel optimistic :)

This is my standard squeeze sizing, if I get called the pot size on the flop is really good for me regardless of what I have.

As far as my plan goes, there are many factors, it depends which player calls me, is it both or just one, whats on the flop. I think its likely for me to take an aggressive approach on the flop, and then reevaluate turn and river.
Hope this clears everything up!

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 8 months ago

Sorry for not clarifying earlier Rubinho, what I mean is that when I get called, by one or both players preflop, the pot size on the flop will be okay for me to either bluff or value, it wont be too big or too small, so im not too commited. I can make a nice plan depending on what I want to do.

Fishfeast 8 years, 9 months ago

Good first video. Bottom left table at 28:10, once the weaker player check min raises turn and checks the river, surely that makes full houses very unlikely? And therefore he will be left with a lot of KJ and worse KX- where you queen kicker plays? Given all this, surely we can get some more money on the river?

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 9 months ago

Thanks Fishfeast!
Yeah this all went through my head as I was playing, the min raise followed by a x on the river, it didn't make sense and I assumed its unlikely he was better, but at the same time I just didn't see worse hands he should call with here. Also, I was surprised that he raised the turn with KJ. So other than those 4 combos, I dont think he would ever raise the turn with for example K9 or K8. Hes only left to raise with some fd+gutshot bluff combos, and in the end that is what I assumed he had, which made me think my value bet is pointless.
Also, I realized right away if the river card was not a 9, so if it was an 8 for example, then I would make a value bet with KQ for sure. I just didn't like the 9, because at that point I have K9 combos to add to my value range.
Overall, I did not have many past experiences with this player and I had very limited information about him, but knowing what I know now, then yes, this is a good exploit spot because his range is face up so KQ can be a value bet.

GuestSWE 8 years, 9 months ago

Good first video with clear explanations

@ 39:49 table 1 with JTo. Why not bet river? Q shouldn't hit his range better than yours imo and you're likely not going to get bluffraised. Seems to me that you're more likely to gain an extra bet by valuebetting thin than relying on him to bluff/bluffconvert river vs a check. but I might be overoptimistic here :)


Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for watching GuestSWE!
@39:49: yes, you can bet JT for value on the river and a raise here should not be your concern. My initial thought process was that I would bet AT KT QT, and JT I just decided to put in my x-c range. Also T9 and T8 I'd cbet the flop, so JT is my weakest Tx hand I would have in this situation. So that is why I checked the river, but I think a half pot bet would work fine as well.

Insilicio 8 years, 9 months ago

Are T9 and T8 bets because they have the gutshot and therefore have more equity vs his callingrange or because they need more protection vs overcards?

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 8 months ago

Sorry for the late reply Insilico!
They are a bet because I have more equity, and If i get raised on the flop, I'm more comfortable calling T8 and T9 because they can improve better than JT can.

mason barrell 8 years, 9 months ago

Great video, love this format.
At 16:58, in the T6s hand, what would be your minimum value hand in this spot? Thanks!

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 9 months ago

Hi mason barrell, thanks :)
Well, Id bet 75 for sure, and it somewhat depends on my playing history vs a certain player, so if I believe my opponent will likely overcall the river and thinks I bluff too much, then I would bet even some Ax combos.

fightingcoward 8 years, 9 months ago

i enjoy these live videos. thanks for posting. a couple of questions.
2:58 3rd table you say you cbet A7o 3bp for a bluff on Q76r. is this not an over bluff?
how do you structure your cbetting range here
5:45 k7 hearts you say you think he'll float the flop with lots of garbage, don't you beat said garbage with your K7 high often enough to x/c turn?
10:32 why do do you pick this size on table 2? don't you want to bet your range larger on a board like this.
11:50 you say without the ace of clubs it's more of a check... can you please elaborate?
35.20 3rd table you say you don't think he'll have enough bluff combos on the river 67, 710, j10 = 48 combos and we need to be right 26%. do you think his sizing is too value weighted so we can exploititively fold here?

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 9 months ago

Hi fighthingcoward, im happy to answer you questions.
2:58 flop play is optional here, I think cbetting is okay, maybe its an over bluff vs a good reg but I think I can get away with it. My goal was to win the hand right away on the flop by betting once and if i got called I would rethink my plan on the turn. Just looking at the flop, I would probably bet most of my range, so premium hands (AA KK AK QQ), two pair(76), AK combos for bluff, some draw combos (45) i have occasionaly and 65. I would check KQ, AQ, probably A4/5 combos.

5:45 K7: sure, i beat some of his bluff combos with Kx but at the same time its extremely difficult for me to make a second call with that same hand on the river. If he has garbage, then I prefer to win the hand right away by making him fold, rather than going to the river and seeing him make a top pair with for example Q8s. I would have 5x to bluff catch with x-c.

10:32 sure, you can bet bigger, I have 2 bet sizes on this flop, 65% and 50%. I just happened to select 50% this time.

11:50 With a club we have a nut flush draw, so if I hit a club on the turn or river id prefer to be in a position to bet. AA without a club is a much weaker hand which is why I would just check to slow it down. Obviously I wouldn't check fold (unless the opponent makes a ridiculously large bet size) its still a good hand so I prefer to just check-call it.

35:20 I think that generally opponents will not bluff enough in this situation, at least that is my experience. I remember countless times where I would see players give up the river with 67. On the river im stuck with Ax hands and mid pairs, so my entire range consists of bluff catchers..the opponents know that and tend to give up very often. Obviously I wouldn't fold everything here, but I'm very cautious.

holabcn 8 years, 9 months ago

11.50 Dont we want to protect our hand against small pairs with a club or get value from Kqo type of hands that gonna XB a lot? Isn't a good strategy to bet all your range with a small sizing here?

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 8 months ago

Yes, you can bet AA(without the club) as well, but you can also get value from KQ type hands on the turn when he xs back. I wouldn't suggest betting your entire range range on this flop, especially when you miss completely. It also doesnt makes sense to always bet every AA and KK and then just x-f every time you have hands like A4(hearts). But, if your strategy makes you prefer to bet for protection then yes, I think you can cbet any KK or AA but not all the time, so have a mixed strategy.

erict87 8 years, 9 months ago

Great video Zeljko! What is the best way you've found to get a grasp on the ranges in each position in the year you worked on it? Do you have any tips for improving this area of our play? Thanks and looking forward to your next video!

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 8 months ago

Hi Erict87! Sorry i didnt get a chance to respond earlier, ive been quite busy.
I mainly use two programs to study my hands with, the first one is PokerSnowie and the second one is PioSolver, however Ive only used the second one for about 10 months.

So the way I did it, I pretty much play, and then analyze my every move postflop with PokerSnowie. I would look at its range first, then I would try to understand why it prefers to, for example, bet certain boards 90% and others 30%. What boards he wants to check-raise the most and so on. Its a very good program to use as a road map. Very often, i would just create my own range for certain boards.
In the beginning, it was a slow process but, as you analyse more hands you start to see a pattern and you start to develop the ability to think quicker. Then, after getting a good background knowledge, I would adapt my range depending on the players i play against. What I mean is that PokerSnowie will not teach you how to exploit opponents, but it will give you a great backbone, and then you can by yourself change your range to take advantage of you opponents weaknesses. So in some cases you can overbluff if they will fold too much or you shouldn't have a bluffing range if they call too much. This is where your experience comes into play, and you should spend some time analysing your opponents as well.
Also, PioSolver is quite good here too, it cannot always be accurate because you never know the exact hands your opponent will have but it can teach you how to play the same hand against a weak opponent and against a tight opponent.
Honestly, any way you put it, it all comes down to spending your time away from tables and studying your hands.
Really hope this helps!

poker pro 8 years, 9 months ago

Hello Zeljko! Great video with great explanations as many has said already.

@2:00 with KJo on table one we call a very small cbet on J56dd and check on the turn Td. I would tend to either raise the flop or bet the turn with this hand (when I don´t have a diamond) I feel like we offer him to much realization by just calling flop and checking turn. I think we should depolarize our raising range on the flop versus such a small bet to punish his betsize & most likely high freqency cbet strategy. If we don´t raise the flop I would want to bet the turn to not let him suck out with hands that was not putting any more money into the pot.

How do you think about this situation ?


Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 8 months ago

Hi hypage, thank you, and sorry for not responding earlier, ive had a really busy month!

KJo: Yes, raising the flop definitely crossed my mind when I was playing this hand, it makes sense and you can do it when its blind vs blind, so i suggest 50% of the time call 50% raise, I just randomly selected to call this time. Regarding turn, I think its okay to just check back, there arent many rivers that i wont call. Besides I can induce a bluff very often, since I only called a small flop bet and then checked back the turn, so my hand looks weak and he may attempt a bluff to make me fold 6x or 5x. At least that is how I imagined the hand to be played out. But it doesnt always work out the way I want it to and I cant always avoid a worst case scenario , so a 4th diamond did suck for me on the river. I think it also depends on the field of players you play against, so a "call flop & bet turn" strategy can work as well.

Like.a.G6 8 years, 9 months ago

Nice video!
19:00 KQo top right: You say our opponent wont triple barrel AA or AK. Should he bet bet check or bet check bet? Im asking, because if he's checking AK or AA on the turn, then the A river is a card he should lead shove on? I assume you are not gonna bet the ace a lot? Will you even valuebet KJ? So a leadshove with AK, AA or something that blocks Q or T, so possibly his KT turned into bluff? As long as the leadshove is under like 1,5 pots it should be ok even though you have QT combos. Especially since I guess you only have QTs. And your only set is probably 99?

Zeljko Krizan 8 years, 8 months ago

Thank you! Sorry about the late reply, Ive been quite busy for the past month.
KQo: i think he can go either way, it all depends on his own strategy and understanding of the game, but both ways are fine. I do not think he should ever lead the river with AK, because I will only call with stronger hands (4 straight combos, set of 9s and Js) I'm folding all two pair combos, including KJ. Although when i think about it, i may have A9 sometimes, but i probably wont bet the turn often with that hand. Same goes with AA, because I will shove Js and 9s on the river anyway.
When you some that all up, i think i have the river pretty well defended against all of his possible bluffs so, I personally do not prefer to have a donking range here unless I am somehow trying to exploit my opponent.

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